On the battlefield west of the Country of Grass.

The troops of the Kingdom of Earth are fighting fiercely with these seven elite ninjas of the dirty land.

The seven dirt elites were all elite jounin during their lifetimes, and they were even elite jounin with great reputations.

In terms of strength, all of them should be similar to Sarutobi Asuma.

Although their strength is no longer the same after death, they can exert greater combat power because of their immortality.

Overall, his strength is still not inferior to that of an elite Jonin.

Even among the five great ninja villages, there are only a handful of people whose strength has reached the level of elite jounin.

Therefore, even though the total number of Earth Kingdom troops was five thousand, they were still held back by the cooperation of the seven dirty earth elites.

However, the troops of the Kingdom of Earth were not that easy to deal with. After discovering the immortality attribute of the Reincarnation of the Earth, they immediately thought of using seals to deal with them.

With the blessing of the sealing technique, the dirt elites finally couldn’t resist and were sealed one after another.

When only Ye Cang, an elite from the dirty land, was left on the battlefield.

Cheers came from the Earth Kingdom troops.

Loess and the five-tailed jinchuriki looked at each other and laughed.。

“It seems that the current situation in the Country of Grass is really not optimistic. Facing our large army, they only sent these dead people to resist! How ridiculous! ” Huang Tuchang said happily.

Han said coldly: “They are just a small ninja village, how much combat power can they bring out?”

“Yes, but I heard that there is still the Uchiha clan in the Grass Ninja Village. It’s a pity that they should not be on this battlefield. Huang Tu shook his head and said regretfully: “Otherwise, I can get a few pairs of Sharingan and go back to study them.”。”

“A quick victory, leave the last filthy character left to me! “At this time, Han glanced at Ye Cang and said, then ducked and rushed towards her.

Ye Cang was on guard.

Suddenly, her body shook slightly and she was forcibly deprived of consciousness.

The next moment, far away in Cao Ninja Village , Uchiha Sora, who had just finished talking to Jiraiya, replaced Ye Cang’s consciousness.

Just when Han just rushed to Ye Cang, he saw Ye Cang suddenly forming a seal on the ground and patting it lightly!

“Psychic Spirit Technique! ”

Bang! Bang!

Two streaks of white smoke rose up and stood in front of Han.

Han’s forward attack slowed down, and he hurriedly stopped and looked intently.

The white smoke dissipated, and he saw two coffins standing upright in front of him.。

“This is? ! “Han was slightly startled, and Huang Tu and other large troops in the rear could not help but be stunned.。

“careful! It’s the reincarnation of filthy soil! “Loess yelled.

The two coffin boards creaked, revealing the two bodies inside.

One of them, wearing a Takigakure rebel ninja forehead protector, tall, is Kakuzu!

The other one, half of the body is white The old man with only one eye exposed by the bandage is Danzo!

Both of them are relatively famous figures in the ninja world.

Needless to say, Kakuzu has been active in the underground bounty house all year round, and later joined the Akatsuki organization. He took on missions everywhere to make money, and Onoki of the Earth Country had hired him several times.

Even before starting the war with Kusakunin Village this time, he hired Kakuzu to go to Takigakure Village and force Takigakure Village to start a war. Danzo, on the other hand

, He is the leader of Konoha’s root organization. Most ninjas may not know him, but strong men like Huang Tu and Han must know his

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] existence. As soon as the two appeared, they immediately surprised the Earth

Kingdom and others.

Huang Tu was shocked Said: “Kakuzu is actually dead! Did something big happen in Takigakure Village? ”

Because less than a day after the war started, Uchiha Sora entered Takigakure Village with thunderous force and killed Kakuzu, so the situation over there has not yet been reported. So that now I suddenly see Kakuzu being filthy

. After reincarnation, Huang Tu and others were a little confused.。

“Also, Danzo of Konoha Village was actually killed by Sora Uchiha! ”

Everyone was shocked.

At this time, Ye Cang, who was occupied by Uchiha Sora’s consciousness, slowly said: “Let these two people play with you first! ”

Kakuzu and Danzo in the coffin woke up and walked out of the coffin together, appearing in front of everyone.

Since Kakuzu had exchanged a few words with Sora Uchiha when he was just resurrected, now that he knew he was summoned, he had already accepted it. After realizing this reality, Danzo didn’t say much.

After Danzo regained consciousness, he seemed much less calm.

He looked at his filthy body and shouted angrily: “Damn Uchiha Sora! How dare you play with my soul!”

“Sora Uchiha! Come out here, old man! Danzo shouted, obviously he was extremely unhappy.

However, he looked around and found that he was on a battlefield. There was no Sora Uchiha around him, only two filthy people, Kakuzu and Ye Cang. At this time,

Ye Kurama said: “Duanzo, after you are killed by me, you should be mentally prepared to be reincarnated by my filthy soil! Danzo

looked at Ye Cang with a trace of confusion on his face, but he quickly figured out that it was Uchiha Sora who was talking to him through Ye Cang’s body. He said angrily: ”

Uchiha Sora!” Come out here! Don’t hide your head and show your tail!

Ye Cang smiled lightly and said, “Noisy! ” It seems like you can’t obey my instructions honestly! ”

After saying that, Ye Cang regained her own consciousness.

Sora Uchiha, who was far away in the Grass Ninja Village, directly replaced Danzo’s furious consciousness and made him completely quiet.

Kakuzu glanced at the leader and said lightly : “What a pitiful old guy. As a high-ranking official in Konoha, he is controlled at will by the ninjas in his own village. ”

However, after Kakuzu finished speaking, he released the four masked monsters on his body and launched powerful ninjutsu attacks towards the Earth Kingdom ninjas.

Ye Cang also followed closely and attacked the Earth Kingdom people.

He was wiped out of consciousness. , Danzo, now controlled by Uchiha Sora, silently untied the bandages on his body, revealing Shisui’s right eye. Of course,

there is also his arm covered with Sharingan eyes.

Uchiha Sora What is resurrected is the state Danzo was in before his death, which means that his Eye of Shisui and the Sharingan on one arm will appear again with the reincarnation of the earth!

Danzo in this state is very powerful!

Moreover, now It is Uchiha Sora who controls him, which is equivalent to a king player controlling a diamond account.

Sharingan skills and Danzo’s skills are also easy to control. As

soon as he comes on the stage, he directly launches a powerful wind escape ninjutsu attack.

Borrow With the impact of the Wind Release Ninjutsu,

he rushed directly towards Han. At the same time, his right eye suddenly transformed into the shape of a four-cornered windmill!

Mangekyo Sharingan!

“Go to hell! “I saw a sudden burst of powerful steam from Han’s body, pushing his body to accelerate suddenly, and rushed in front of Danzo. Punch him! Danzo,


by Uchiha Sora, had no time to dodge, and the Mangekyou Sharingan was not ready yet. Before he could use it, he was punched in the head!

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