“Hurry up and seal it!” Han shouted.

Everyone in the Earth Kingdom couldn’t help but be very happy when they saw Han being so fierce.

The sealing ninja hurriedly used the sealing technique to wrap Danzo’s body with his head smashed.

However, just when the sealing technique was about to take effect, Danzo’s body suddenly disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, Danzo appeared near the sealed ninja intact.

It’s none other than Izanagi!

“Wind Release: Vacuum Wave!”

A wind blade like a sickle and weasel swept past the sealed ninja.

The sealed ninja from the Kingdom of Earth was cut in half by the wind blade on the spot!

Blood was poured out and everyone was shocked。

“How is this going? It’s obviously going to be sealed soon? ! ”

Everyone was puzzled.

Danzo, controlled by Sora Uchiha, continued to rush towards Han.

In the Mangekyou Sharingan eyes, the otherworld god’s eye technique was ready to go!

Danzo, who was reincarnated in the dirty soil, could use the otherworldly god once!

Unfortunately, dirty soil After all, the reincarnated Danzo did not have the strength he had in life. In terms of speed and strength, there was a big gap between him and the Five-Tailed Jinchuuriki Han. He was defeated before he had time to release his pupil technique. Fortunately, Izanagi is

here Only by using forbidden techniques did he avoid being sealed.。

“Chinese! Danger! Don’t come near him again! “At this time, Loess reminded him.

Han didn’t dare to be reckless anymore and hurriedly retreated.

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but secretly thought it was a pity.

The activation of other gods has a distance limit, and it can only be activated successfully at close range.

He originally They wanted to use other gods to directly instigate Han, but they didn’t expect that Han’s physical skills were too fast and didn’t work the first time.

But the second time, they actually got them on guard. Now if they want to use pupil skills on them, I’m afraid they won’t be able to do it. So easy.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sora had no choice but to control Danzo to continue to release powerful wind escape ninjutsu, and start a head-on ninjutsu contest with the Earth Kingdom troops. Unfortunately, the Earth Kingdom troops had

absolute Due to the numerical advantage, Danzo, controlled by Sora Uchiha, did not have any advantage at all in terms of ninjutsu.

Fortunately, the four masked monsters in Kakuzu had strong firepower.

Under various compound ninjutsu, the battlefield fell into a stalemate. Kakuzu, who was reincarnated in the dirt, has

unlimited chakra energy, and can use his ninjutsu at will. His

mask monster does not require seals to release ninjutsu, it is simply four mobile turrets.

There is also Ye Cang’s burning Escape the secret technique and you will die if you encounter it.

For a time, although the Earth Kingdom troops were numerous, they were unable to defeat the three of them.

Under the personal control of Sora Uchiha, Danzo was always paying attention to the movements of the sealed ninjas. Once If danger approaches, they will immediately interfere.

Both Loess and Han are afraid of the Sharingan on Danzo’s body, but they dare not approach.

Moreover, Han must always be on guard against the sudden appearance of Sora Uchiha through the Mark of the Flying Thunder God on Loess. There is a sudden attack, so you must always pay attention to the situation of Loess.

Because only Han who is good at physical skills can possibly guard against Uchiha Sora’s Flying Thunder God.。

“Damn it! This Danzo has so many Sharingan eyes! Especially that right eye, that shape, it should be the Mangekyō Sharingan! Don’t get close to it easily before you understand its capabilities! “Looking at the Sharingan on Danzo’s arm, Huangtu couldn’t help but said.

Han cursed: “No wonder this old guy Danzo was killed by Sora Uchiha, he really deserves to die! ”

Although they are enemies, after seeing the Sharingan in that arm, it is almost impossible to guess the dark history of Konoha V

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] illage. Fortunately, Danzo has been deprived of consciousness by Uchiha Sora, otherwise he

would If you hear that you are still scolded after death, you will really vomit three liters of blood.

At this time, Uchiha Sora, who was in the Grass Ninja Village, remotely controlled Danzo to continuously perform various ninjutsu, and there was actually something in his mind Outgoing system sounds。

“Ding dong ~ Through your continuous control of the reincarnation of the dirty earth, the flaws of the art of reincarnation of the dirty earth will be automatically improved! The art of reincarnation in dirty soil evolves toward perfection. ”

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but be overjoyed.

He didn’t expect that the Earth Reincarnation would become even more perfect in his own hands!

This means that when he performs the Earth Reincarnation in the future, he should be able to make the deceased’s strength closer to that of his life!

This is simply an unexpected gain. Ah!

On the battlefield, the battle continued and gradually entered a fever pitch.

Kakuzu almost single-handedly used ninjutsu to contain the attack of the Earth Kingdom army.

But although he had fierce firepower, he was still no match for the Earth Kingdom troops. The huge numerical advantage was gradually suppressed.

Ye Cang was no exception.

Only Danzo, who was controlled by Uchiha Kong, could still use Izanagi to deal with him.

But defeat was only a matter of time.

After all, the three of them were After being reincarnated in the dirt, he was unable to exert all his strength before birth.

What’s more, although Kakuzu could not resist Uchiha Sora’s orders, he would not fight with all his strength, and naturally he could not exert all his combat experience. Seeing the three of them

being Completely suppressed, he would soon end up being sealed.

Uchiha, who was far away in the Grass Ninja Village, made a seal.

The next second, three coffins appeared behind the three of them, and they were swept away at lightning speed. Put it in.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The lid of the coffin turned into white smoke and disappeared.

Knowing that he was outmatched, Uchiha Sora decided to take them back first.

On the battlefield, Huangtu and others looked at Danzo who suddenly disappeared. The three of them couldn’t help but be stunned.

The Earth Country Ninja Troops, who had lost their target, hurriedly looked at the captain Huang Tu.

Huang Tu analyzed: “It should be Uchiha Sora behind the scenes. Let’s go directly to the Grass Ninja Village! He can’t run away! Unless he gives up the Grass Ninja Village! This time, let me see how he resists us? !”

“Bros! Invasion of the Grass Ninja Village! Kill Sora Uchiha! Avenge your dead comrades! ”

The ninjas of the Earth Kingdom couldn’t help but get excited and shouted in unison.。

“Invasion of the Grass Ninja Village! Kill Sora Uchiha!”

“Invasion of the Grass Ninja Village! Kill Sora Uchiha! ”

Amidst the bursts of shouts, the troops of the Kingdom of Earth moved quickly towards the Kusakunin Village with an indomitable momentum. The territory of the

Country of Grass is not large, and the distance from the border to the Kusakunin Village is only a few hundred kilometers.

Ninjas are very fast, and a hundred kilometers does not take much time for them.

At this time, Uchiha Sora was sitting cross-legged in the leader’s house of Kusanagi Village, adjusting his condition. The

diamond-shaped mark on his forehead was constantly There was chakra flowing out, making up for the consumption in the previous battle with Jiraiya.

After letting the three reincarnated men retreat, Uchiha Sora already knew that he had to appear in person.

Facing a large army of 5,000 people, he had to Adjust your state to the peak.

Fortunately, you have learned the Yin Seal before, and the amount of chakra sealed in it is very large. Even after a big battle with Jiraiya, only part of it was actually consumed, and the remaining chakra was The amount of carats is enough for him to squander!

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