In the blink of an eye, the giant Fuma Shuriken split into dozens or hundreds of clones in mid-air, and smashed towards the Earth Country ninja troops.。

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!”

“Earth Escape·Earth City Wall! ”

A series of defensive ninjutsus rose from the Earth Kingdom troops, blocking the attacks of many giant shurikens.

But at this time, Uchiha Sora had already taken advantage of the situation and rushed into the crowd, with dazzling lightning flashing on the long sword in his hand. .Swordsmanship

·Thunder Slash!

Swordsmanship·Thunder Slash!

A series of thunder attribute slashes erupted in Uchiha’s empty hands, quickly harvesting the lives of the Iwagakure ninja.

The speed, strength and reaction of the main body are naturally not comparable to the clones, Uchiha Namikura opened his Sharingan, and the three magatama rotated in his scarlet pupils, gaining insight into the movements of all enemies around him.

Every time he slashed, he would take away at least one life.

The average Iwagakure ninja was completely useless in front of him. The enemy of Ichigo!

Although the Iwagakure ninjas are numerous in number, they cannot hurt Sora Uchiha at all!

Looking at this scene, Huangtu couldn’t help but think of the last time he led a thousand-man army to raid the Kusakunin Village.

He gritted his teeth , encouraged everyone: “Uchiha Sora’s chakra is running low! Don’t give up, everyone! Victory is at hand! ”

The timid Iwagakure ninjas who were originally killed were shocked after hearing this, and they suddenly felt strong confidence. The

attacks of the Iwagakure ninjas became more fierce, and they became even more fearless of death.

Kunai, Shurikens, detonating charms and other ninja tools were thrown at Uchiha Sora, but they were all dodged.

All kinds of earth escape ninjutsu, mixed with other ninjutsu from other departments, were put into battle in turn, but none of them could touch Uchiha. Sora’s clothes.

But everyone gritted their teeth and continued to launch firepower at Sora Uchiha, trying to consume him to death. A

battle between one person and many people broke out on this battlefield.

At this time, the battlefield At the edge, a figure quietly appeared on the top of a big tree.

Yumu Ren, with a cold and arrogant face and a graceful figure, stared at the figure on the battlefield. A series of

brilliant lights burst out in her eyes, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she said to herself: ” This Sora Uchiha is really an interesting person! Am I right? Traveling again?”

“Yukito, you have to be careful, that human is very dangerous! “The Erwei Mata Brigade in her body warned.

Hearing his partner’s warning, Yukito couldn’t help but whisper: “For a guy who can fight alone against Iwagakure’s five thousand troops, of course I know the danger. This feat is almost impossible. It’s comparable to the Third Raikage-sama back then!”

“The Third Raikage? Among you humans, some monsters are really scarier than us tailed beasts! “You Brigade sighed.

Just as Yumu arrived at the edge of the battlefield to watch the battle and sighed, on the other side of the battlefield, an elite team from the Kingdom of Wind had also arrived. The leader was Ma Ji from

Sunagakure Village. The Jonin of Sand Hidden Village is also one of the strongest.

There are two other powerful Jonin in the team .。

“Captain Maji, don’t you think that man is the hero of our village, the ninja Ye Cang? “The three of them were paying attention to the battle situation. When one of their companions saw the figure of Ye Cang, he couldn’t help but said.。

“Burning Release Ninja, Ye Cang! Ma Ji’s eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth and said, “It’s indeed her!” This guy Sora Uchih

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] a is blatantly playing tricks on our village’s heroic kunoichi! It’s really hateful!”

“Yes, that is the hero of our village! “The companion was also very angry and said: “But this mission is also an opportunity for us! When Sora Uchiha is defeated, it will be time for us to ask the Uchiha clan to pay off his debts!”


On the battlefield, the battle between Uchiha Sora and Iwagakure ninjas continued.


After punching away an Iwagakure ninja, Sora Uchiha put away the curled sword and stood there, looking tired. He had consumed a lot of energy and had very little chakra left.。

“Haha, he is tired! The opportunity has come! Everyone, come on! “The surrounding Iwagakure ninjas were overjoyed when they saw Uchiha Sora weakened.

Everyone became jealous. Whoever can kill Uchiha Sora will definitely receive a huge reward after returning to the village! And he will also become the leader of the whole village. Hero!

“Come on!” Kill Sora Uchiha! ”

The Iwagakure ninjas let out loud shouts.

But at this moment, Uchiha Sora made a seal with one hand, and the diamond-shaped mark on his forehead suddenly glowed. The

Yin Seal: Release!

Strange lines. It spread to his face, adding an eerie feeling to his already handsome face.

In an instant, a large amount of chakra poured into his body.

Sora Uchiha’s chakra was immediately filled up!

“Ninja Technique: Creation Regeneration! ”

He used medical ninjutsu again to completely remove all fatigue.

At this moment, his condition returned to its peak!

Uchiha Sora’s body burst out with powerful momentum again!

Feeling the changes in Uchiha Sora’s body, the offensive of the Iwagakure ninjas Can’t help but relax。

“what’s the situation? Why do I feel like he has regained his energy?”

“What are those marks on his face? That seems to be some kind of amazing secret technique!”

“Damn it, he doesn’t have any trump cards, does he? ”

Some Iwagakure ninjas began to feel uneasy.

Huang Tu shouted: “Don’t worry too much, this guy may be bluffing! ”

After saying that, he took the lead and rushed out, using the earth escape ninjutsu, turning his arm into a huge rock fist, and smashed it towards Uchiha Sora. The attack of loess was so powerful that it sank

! With an indomitable momentum!

At this time, Uchiha Sora looked at the coming attack, but just smiled slightly and closed his eyes slightly. The next

second, his eyes suddenly opened.

In the scarlet pupils, three Magatama Sharingan eyes It turned into a kaleidoscope shape of a six-pointed star array.

A pale golden energy surged out from the body!

Just when Loess’s huge rock fist was about to hit his eyes, an equally huge golden palm suddenly grasped the rock fist.

In an instant Suddenly, Loess’s powerful rock fist stopped in front of Uchiha Sora。

“This is? ! “A cold sweat broke out on Huang Tu’s forehead, his eyes widened, and he looked at the golden palm holding him in front of him.

Through this golden palm, Huang Tu saw a half-length warrior whose whole body was made of golden energy standing in front of him, holding Uchiha in front of him. Sora was wrapped in it.

With a slight flick of the golden palm, the loess was thrown away directly, and fell to the ground with a bang. The

surrounding Iwagakure ninjas were stunned by this scene. Feeling the

radiance from Uchiha Sora at this moment The powerful aura made their hearts tremble, and they actually felt like their legs were weak.。

“What kind of ninjutsu is this? What kind of power is this? ! “Everyone looked up at Susanoo, murmuring constantly.

Uchiha Sora looked at the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas, but slowly shook his head: “This power is not enough! ”

After saying that, the power in his eyes surged wildly again.。。。

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