As the powerful eye power of the kaleidoscope surged out, Uchiha Sora’s half Susanoo’s figure grew taller again, and in the blink of an eye, the half-samurai’s legs grew.

The entire body has grown to twenty meters tall, and is as huge as a tailed beast.

This is Susanoo’s fifth form!

Second only to the perfect body!

Its formation brought an even greater sense of oppression to everyone present.

Many people were so frightened that their lips trembled and their throats lost their voice.

He almost turned around and ran away.

Uchiha Sora had already reached Susanoo’s head and was looking down at the entire battlefield around him.

Seeing the reactions of the Iwagakure ninjas, they couldn’t help but shake their heads in disappointment.

Once Susanoo is opened, ordinary ninjas cannot even break through his defense.

I saw the golden warrior stretching his long arms, and a golden sword condensed in his hand.

He waved lightly towards the surrounding Iwagakure ninjas.

The sword energy is everywhere!

The earth shook!

Strong winds roared in the air, and sand and rocks flew on the ground!

Suddenly, all the Iwagakure ninjas surrounding Uchiha Sora were chopped into pieces by the powerful sword energy.

One sword!

So scary!

The other Iwagakure ninjas almost collapsed watching this scene.

too strong!

It’s really too strong!

The two Kusanagi sentry ninjas who were watching the battle from a distance couldn’t help but dance with excitement when they saw this scene.。

“The leader is so powerful! So domineering! I love him so much!”

“The leader is mighty! The leader is mighty! ”

The two hugged each other and cried with joy.

On the other side, the Kumogakure villagers, including Bokuto and Sunagakure Maki, were all shocked by the power of Uchiha Sora’s Susanoo.。

“This guy is indeed a monster! “Yukito, who has always been arrogant, couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Ma Ji and others even broke out in cold sweat behind their backs. If this kind of monster knew that the purpose of their trip was the Uchiha clan, I’m afraid they would be killed four times in a row. Mr. Dai Fengying can’t protect himself! He might even bring big trouble to the village!

And on the battlefield, after the smoke and dust cleared, everyone looked at the corpses on the ground, and their emotions were breaking down a little bit.。

“We, what kind of monster are we fighting?”

“Why, why should we fight this monster? What did the Third Tsuchikage-sama think? Why let everyone die!”

“Yes, so many people have died, is there any point in this battle?”

“I won’t fight! I want to go home! ”

Many people actually felt war-weary in their hearts, and even dropped their weapons and turned around and ran away.

For a moment, the momentum of the Iwagakure army plummeted!

Huang Tu, who got up, looked at this scene, clenched his fists tightly, and fingernails They all fell into the flesh.

He suddenly shouted at everyone: “Everyone! Do you want the sacrifices of your former companions to be in vain? In the face of a powerful enemy, will you give up our “Will of Stone” so easily? ”

Everyone who had collapsed was suddenly shocked.

The will of stone!

Yes! This is the will passed down from generation to generation in Yanyin Village! It is the root of Yanyin Village’s standing!

Everyone was inspired again, their bodies trembling with fear. He also stopped trembling, and his strength surged up again.。

“Let’s activate ninjutsu with me! “Loess shouted。

“yes! “The crowd shouted loudly。

“Earth Escape·Earth Stone Dragon! ”

I saw everyone launching the Earth Release Ninjutsu together.

A large amount of chakra lifted the ground under their feet, forming huge mud and stone earth dragons! Dozens or

hundreds of earth dragons rushed towards Uchi with a momentum like a mountain roar and a tsunami. Namikura’s Golden Susanoo。

“Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet Tec

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“Earth Escape·Falling Rock! ”

All kinds of Earth Release Ninjutsu came into battle, and they all tilted towards Uchiha Sora.

In an instant, Uchiha Sora’s Susanoo was overwhelmed by numerous Earth Release Ninjutsu!

Huangtu looked at this scene, with both hands He slapped the ground and shouted: “If it’s not enough, add my mountain and earth skills! ”


Powerful chakra poured into the earth crazily from the loess.

Only two semicircular mountains were seen, rising from the ground on both sides of Uchiha Kong, and rushing toward him.

For a moment, the earth shook, Dust was flying, and gravel was scattered in all directions.

Uchiha Sora’s golden Susanoo was completely covered by two mountains.

This scene made the three men of the dirt and the five-tailed jinchūriki who were fighting fiercely on the battlefield couldn’t help but stop fighting. , all looked over.

Yumu Ren and others who were watching the battle from far away on the edge of the battlefield couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.。

“As expected, the power of ordinary ninjas gathered together cannot be underestimated. The crowd tactics of Iwagakure Village are really terrifying! “Sunagakure Jounin Ma Ji secretly said.

Due to geographical conditions and resource limitations, Sand Hidden Village in the Country of Wind can only take the elite route.

The number of ninjas cannot be compared with Iwagakure Village.

At this time, I saw the Iwagakure ninjas After seeing the power of the human sea tactic, Ma Ji and others were also deeply moved.。

“Did you make it? “On the battlefield, the dust settled, and an Iwagakure ninja spoke expectantly.

Almost half of the chakra was used up, and he couldn’t help but look intently.

He was facing such intensive ninjutsu attacks, and coupled with the strength he had accumulated, Uchiha Sora must be uncomfortable with the Mountain and Earth Technique, right?

Can he still block it like last time?

Yellow Earth is looking forward to it, looking forward to seeing Uchiha Sora fall in the ruins.

But the next second, Yellow Earth seems Sensing something, the expression on his face suddenly changed.。

“Be careful everyone! ”

He exclaimed in surprise.

The ground shook slightly.

A flash of light suddenly flashed through the gap between the two huge semicircular mountains.

This was sword light!


The next second, I saw a circular sword light suddenly shooting out from the mountain soil!

The two huge mountains were instantly divided into upper and lower halves by the sword light!

The sword energy swept out and swept across the entire land. The battlefield stretched for nearly a kilometer!

The powerful sword energy instantly shattered the bones of the Iwagakure ninjas and turned them into dust.

The ninjas further away were not immune, and were all blown away by the continuous sword energy. He screamed in horror in mid-air.

Even the loess was blown away by the sword energy. Fortunately, he hurriedly used the earth escape hardening technique to completely harden his body, thus avoiding the fate of being killed by the sword energy. The sword

energy The aftermath spread to one kilometer away, and the strong wind caused those watching the battle to lift their arms in front of themselves.。

“What a powerful blow! This power is comparable to that of a tailed beast! No, maybe even beyond the tailed beast! ” Yukito said in shock.

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, the golden warrior slowly stepped out and appeared in front of everyone.

Only the head of the golden warrior was visible. Uchiha Sora crossed his arms with his hands on his chest, and in his eyes, kaleidoscopes Under the pattern, there is a horizontal shadow passing through, and there is orange-red sage eye shadow on the eyelids!

At the same time, the sage eye shadow is also reflected on Susanoo’s face.

It is Senjutsu Susanoo!

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