On the battlefield, despair is spreading.

All the Iwagakure ninjas felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Uchiha Sora held a long sword and walked slowly towards Huang Tu and others.

Just when he was about to quickly deal with these Iwagakure remnants, a short figure suddenly flew from the distant sky.

A powerful chakra aura, from far to near。

“Dust Escape·Original Realm Peeling Technique! “The old voice sounded.

Above Uchiha Sora, a white light suddenly fell from the sky, and it was in front of Uchiha Sora in the blink of an eye!

“What? ! It’s the Sandaime Tsuchikage-sama! “The survivors of Iwagakure suddenly burst into cheers.

Huang Tu also looked at the figure in the sky with excitement: “It’s Dad! ”

The power of Chen Dun is an existence that transcends the limits of blood inheritance. Any object in front of Chen Dun will be reduced to the most primitive atoms. No body can resist the attack

of Chen Dun.

Sora Uchiha’s body Nature is no exception。

“Onoki! “At this time, Uchiha Sora, who was under the original realm peeling technique, saw the power of the kaleidoscope flowing in his eyes.。

“The Divine Realm of Heaven · Duan Kong! ”

An invisible space barrier blocked Uchiha Sora.

The next second, the dust escape light pillar falling from the sky fell on the space barrier, like the tide being blocked by tempered glass, unable to move forward at all! The light pillar

gradually Dissipated, Onoki, flying high in the sky, looked solemnly at Uchiha Sora below.。

“This kid actually blocked my Dust Escape! Is it his kaleidoscope ability? It is indeed a bit tricky! “Onoki murmured.

Sora Uchiha looked up at Onoki flying in the sky and said calmly: “I didn’t expect that the Sandaime Tsuchikage would also come here. What’s wrong? Do you also want to warm up next time? Ohnoki

crossed his arms and looked at Sora Uchiha condescendingly, and said: “Junior Uchiha, I admit that I made a miscalculation this time. If I hadn’t had a premonition and came here specially, I’m afraid I would have suffered a painful loss this time.” Son, Iwagakure Village is about to lose its jinchūriki! Even so, the loss you brought to our Iwagakure Village has been engraved in my heart!

Uchiha Sora smiled lightly: “Oh? ” So you want to personally avenge your dead subordinates? Be careful that your old bones are here too! ”

Ohnoki heard the words, but just snorted coldly, and flew straight towards the five-tailed jinchuriki in the pit.

As he flew, he said: “Uchiha Sora, I won’t let you use your words. This war is indeed our defeat. Got it! Armistice! ”

Uchiha Sora smiled faintly and did not answer. He just watched quietly as Onoki flew into the deep hole, picked up Han and flew up into the sky.

Then, Onoki ordered to Huangtu and others below: “You all should withdraw. Leave the rest to me! ”

When everyone in Iwagakure heard this, many people breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly retreated towards the rear.

Several elite ninjas appeared beside Huang Tu as bodyguards and escorted him away personally.

Uchiha Sora looked at this scene and did not say anything. Taking action, Onoki wanted to cease the war, which was indeed what he wanted, because he did not have much chakra at this time, and the remaining chakra in the Yin seal was no longer enough to fully fill the chakra. The most important thing is that at this moment, he I feel that my eyesight has begun to become blurry.

Recently, the power of the kaleidoscope has been used repeatedly, making these eyes begin to enter darkness.

Calculating carefully, Uchiha Sora has experienced several battles today.

Takigakure The battle between the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] village and Kakuzu, the battle between the village and Jiraiya, and now the battle with the Earth Kingdom army. The

average ninja will be exhausted after these three battles. .

Although Uchiha Sora also had a rest period in the middle, this time was not enough for him to fully recover.

Fortunately, the chakra in the Yin seal was replenished, so he was able to persevere.

But now his eyes seem to be a little out of control. Load, if there is another fierce battle with Onoki, the outcome may really be unpredictable.

In addition to the Flying Thunder God’s dodge, Onoki’s dust escape can only be defended frontally with the kaleidoscope’s space barrier.

And if Onoki ignores If everything flew to the Grass Ninja Village and made a big fuss, it would cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, the moment Ohnoki appeared, Uchiha Sora knew that this war was over.

Ohnoki knew that he was not sure Kill Uchiha Sora who possesses the Flying Thunder God.

At the same time, he is also worried about whether Uchiha Sora has other hidden abilities.

If the two sides fight to the death, it will only benefit the other ninja villages.

The two looked at each other from a distance.

Ohnoki Said: “Uchiha Sora, Iwagakure Village will bear in mind the loss and humiliation you have brought to Iwagakure Village! You will definitely pay the price in the future! Uchiha

Sora said tit for tat: “You should still care about whether you can survive to that day!””

“snort! “Ohnogi snorted coldly, and led everyone to evacuate quickly.

Watching Ohnoki leave, Uchiha Sora secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After looking around the devastated battlefield, he first put away Danzo and Kakuzu, and then let Guituye Kurama cleaned up the battlefield, and he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and returned directly to the leader’s mansion.

As soon as he returned to the leader’s mansion, Uchiha Sora hurriedly closed his Sharingan.

But he found that his vision was still a little blurry, so It’s like he is three hundred degrees short-sighted.

For a strong man like him, even if his vision is blurred, his combat effectiveness will not be affected much, but this feeling of myopia is still very uncomfortable.。

“Ordinary kaleidoscopes are indeed a trap! “Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but sigh.。

“Ding dong~” At this moment, a system prompt suddenly came out in his mind:

“Feeling the host’s lost emotions, your Sharingan expressed that it didn’t want to go blind, so it decided to practice in seclusion and strive to break through the eternal way! The retreat period is three years! No interruptions during this period! ”

The system prompt made Uchiha Sora slightly startled.

The Sharingan needs to be practiced in seclusion? In order to break through eternity?

Does it mean that after three years of seclusion, can you break through to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?

Yes! Very 6!

Uchiha I don’t know whether I am happy or worried.

What I am happy about is that after three years of seclusion, my Mangekyō Sharingan should have a high chance of breaking through to the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

By then, my pupil power will be further improved, and I won’t have to worry about blindness.

Worry Unfortunately, in the next three years, he may no longer be able to use the Sharingan. He cannot even open the Three Magatama Sharingan. Otherwise, it will interrupt the Sharingan’s retreat and delay its progress. If he cannot use the Sharingan, he will not be able to use it

. In the case of the Rinnegan, Uchiha Sora loses a powerful defensive method, and Susanoo cannot use it, which will also have some impact on combat power.

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