The Sharingan has to be closed for three years, so Uchiha Sora naturally doesn’t dare to use it anymore.

He had no choice but to make a decision that he would never use the power of the Sharingan again in the next three years.

However, although there is some impact on combat power, it is not as serious as imagined.

Because Uchiha Sora is an all-round ninja, he is outstanding in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Medical treatment, etc.

Even without the Sharingan, his basic abilities are getting stronger and his strength is growing.

What’s more, he also has Immortal Mode and Yin Seal. With the blessing of Immortal Mode, his combat power is still top-notch, and the Yin Seal can provide him with strong battery life.

Of course, there are also creation and regeneration, the art of hundreds of heroes, etc.

In fact, this time Uchiha Sora only showed the power of Sharingan plus senjutsu, but did not show the power of Baihao.

He has many trump cards, even if he doesn’t use Sharingan, he is still the top powerhouse in this ninja world.

Moreover, Uchiha Sora’s deeds of repelling the five thousand ninja troops of the Land of Earth this time will definitely make all the forces in the ninja world re-evaluate him.

He almost wiped out an army of five thousand ninjas by himself, and even defeated the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki.

This achievement makes people’s blood boil just thinking about it.

Before provoking him, all forces in the ninja world must weigh their own weight and whether they have the power to compete head-on with five thousand ninjas and a tailed beast.

That night, Onoki took the remaining defeated generals to evacuate the Kingdom of Grass and returned to the Kingdom of Earth.

The losses were so huge this time, but nothing was gained from the war. As the third generation of Tsuchikage, Onoki must give an explanation to the families of the fallen ninjas, and to the Daimyos of the Earth Country who supported him.

Moreover, Ohnoki now has to guard against other forces in the surrounding Onin Village that are ready to take action.

Previously, the ninjas in Iwagakure Village were numerous and extremely powerful, and other surrounding countries had to be on guard against their attacks.

But now, Yanyin Village, which suffered heavy losses, must start to guard against others attacking itself.

Sand Hidden Village of the Wind Country, Kumo Hidden Village of the Thunder Country, and Konoha Village of the Fire Country. These three major forces all have grudges against Iwagakure Village.

In the conference room of Sunagakure Village, the Fourth Kazekage started a meeting overnight.

Maki brought back important information about Uchiha Sora single-handedly defeating five thousand ninja troops and defeating the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki on the frontal battlefield. All the elders in the conference room were dumbfounded.。

“It’s unbelievable. We originally thought that Kusakunin Village would not escape the disaster this time, but we didn’t expect that Uchiha Sora had the powerful power to turn the tide! Simply terrible! “An elder said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, everyone did not agree to attack the Grass Ninja Village, otherwise they would have suffered heavy losses this time. The

fourth Kazekage Rasa also frowned and said: “Uchiha Sora is stronger than we imagined. To be strong, the most important thing is that he is still less than thirteen years old, and there is still huge room for growth in the future! ”

Everyone was silent.

Yes, the real terrifying thing about Uchiha Sora is his potential in the future. I am afraid that in a few years, there will be another Uchiha Madara! “List Uchiha Sora as the highest level of dangerous

person, and the future ninja of the village If you encounter him while performing a mission, you can abandon the mission without being punished. “The Fourth Fengying

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Everyone’s body was shocked.。


Early the next morning.

Uchiha Sora, who had taken a short break, was sitting in the living room of the leader’s mansion, with a map of the ninja world in front of him.

He put crosses on the west, north, and east sides of the Kingdom of Grass territory, except for the area bordering the Kingdom of Rain in the south.

This means that the only crisis on the border of the Land of Grass is the pressure from the ninjas of the Land of Rain from the south.

Because the northern border front with Takino Country ended with the complete victory of Kusanagi Country, the

Kusanagi ninjas brought back many captives and trophies from Takigakure Village overnight.

Even the son of the leader of Takigakure Village became a prisoner, and the entire Takigakure Village existed in name only.

Therefore, most of the ninjas sent to the north were able to go to the south to support them.

The ninjas in the Land of Rain to the south are not weak. Although the Uchiha clan went there to ask for a fight, after all, it is a place with the support of the Akatsuki organization and should not be underestimated.

Sora Uchiha will now focus his energy on the south.

However, according to intelligence coming from the front line, the fighting on the southern battlefield was not very intense.

Mainly based on various small encounters, the Kingdom of Rain did not launch large-scale battles, but constantly sent ninja teams to carry out various raid missions. Although there were no big scenes or big movements, the secret confrontations were the most deadly. .

Both the Rain Ninja and the Grass Ninja suffered casualties, and the two sides seemed to be in a stalemate.

The joining of the Uchiha clan gradually tilted the balance of this secret war towards the Country of Grass.

After Uchiha Kong sent extra forces to support him, the forces of the Country of Rain were obviously at a disadvantage.。

“Uchiha, have you counted the number of casualties among your clan members? “In a tent near the border, Uchiha Yu, as the temporary commander, asked Uchiha Ji in front of him. Uchiha Ji said: ”

This time the whole clan is dispatched, our advantage is obvious. Although the opponent is not weak, he is not weak. Our side is stronger, so our casualties are not many. The number counted so far is 38.。”

“38 people? “Uchiha Yu nodded and said: “Although there are not many casualties, these people are the heroes of our Uchiha clan. We must take them back to the village and bury them alive. ”

Uchiha Ji was a little confused when he heard this: “Only 13 of these dead bodies have been found so far, and the whereabouts of the remaining 25 are unknown.。”

“oh? Whereabouts unknown? how so? Could it be that our side did not clean up the battlefield in time? “Uchiha Yu frowned.。

“No, we cleaned up the battlefield in a timely manner, but the disappearance of the bodies of the 25 people is indeed a bit strange. I suspect that someone did it deliberately.。”

“snort! There have always been people who covet the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan. In the past, when we were still in Konoha, we didn’t need to worry about these things. Now that we don’t have the conditions like Konoha Village, our clan must take precautions in this regard! “Uchiha Youdao: “Try your best to track down the whereabouts of these corpses of the same race! Once you find any clues, report them to me!”

“good! “Uchiha Ji nodded and was about to leave.

Uchiha Yu stopped him: “By the way, this time our Uchiha clan finally has a chance to show our strength. When we encounter enemies with evil intentions, we must kill them all! Those Amegakure ninjas who dare to invade our border will be eliminated even if they are chased to the Kingdom of Rain!”

“This time, we have to show off our momentum! Let everyone see the glory of our Uchiha clan! “

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