Just when the Kingdom of Rain was preparing to withdraw its troops.

Support from the Kirigakure Village in the Water Country finally arrived at the Kusakunin Village.

The leader was Mei Terumi, followed by Ao, and another tall, fat ninja carrying a huge weapon behind his back. He was none other than the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The arrival of the three people actually surprised Sora Uchiha.

After all, being able to come to support him at such a time shows that Kirigakure Village supports him.

The Grass Ninja Village is not without allies in this ninja world.

In contrast, Kumogakure Village of the Kingdom of Thunder, which had recently invited Kusakunin Village to participate in the Chunin Examination, showed no movement.

However, Terumi Mei and the others did not expect that after they arrived, the war here was basically over. Iwagakure Village was completely defeated, and Kusanagi Village seemed to not need help.。

“Sora, I didn’t expect you to be so fast. Before I came, it was already over on your side. What a speed in combat! I heard that this time you defeated the forces of Iwagakure Village and their Jinchuuriki by yourself. It seems that you have become stronger again! It’s unnecessary for us. “In the leader’s house, Uchiha Sora entertained the three of Terumi Mei in the living room. Terumi Mei toasted Uchiha Sora and smiled. Faced with Terumi Mei’s praise, Uchiha Sora

just smiled faintly, raised his wine glass and drank the wine in the glass and said: “I’m honored that you can come to support me. Although I don’t need your help this time, I will keep this friendship in my heart. Hearing this

, Terumi Mei stared at Uchiha Sora with her beautiful eyes, and couldn’t help but cover her mouth and chuckled: “In that case, you don’t mind if we stay here for a few more days, right?””

“That’s certainly no problem. Uchiha Sora nodded and said, “I believe it won’t be long before you can participate in our celebration meeting.”。”

“Then we will wait and see. Terumi Mei smiled.

The three of them settled down temporarily in Kusakunin Village.

In the next few days, on the southern front, the Amegakure Village ninjas retreated steadily.

Three days later, Yakushi Nonou reported battlefield intelligence to Sora Uchiha. :

“Chief, the ninjas from the Country of Rain are gradually withdrawing from the border of the Country of Grass. We have initially won a complete victory in this war. Do we want to pursue them?”

“What were the casualties in this battle? Uchiha Sora, who was in the leader’s mansion, looked at the pharmacist Nonou in front of him and asked.

The pharmacist Nonou said: “There were more than a hundred casualties and 300 enemies were wiped out.” ”

Judging from the casualties, the situation is very favorable to Kusanagi Village.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan members on the front line are in a very high fighting mood, especially hoping to take this opportunity to counterattack into the country of rain.

But Uchiha Sora pondered for a while, But he shook his head and said: “Give me the order, and after defeating the Amegakure ninjas, tell them to return to the village immediately. ”

Nonoyu nodded and left.

The Country of Rain is the base camp of the Akatsuki organization. Letting the Uchiha clan counterattack into the Country of Rain is actually no different from dying. After all, the Hidden Rain

Village has already been built into a village by Konan and Nagato. This impregnable place is no different from a dragon’s pond or a tiger’s den.

Of course Uchiha Sora will not let the Uchiha tribe take risks again.

After the order was issued, Uchiha Yuu who was on the front line was very puzzled.

But due to Uchiha Sora’s order , he could only order the tribesmen to go back.

In the next few days,

Uchiha Sora has been dealing with some post-war issues. He ordered people to count the total number of casualties in the battle, and then arranged memorials.

According to statistics In this battle, the total number of dead ninjas in Kusanagi Village was more than 300.

Some of these deaths were killed on the Takigakure Village front at the beginning. Othe

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rs were on the

southern battlefield, fighting secretly with the Ame Hidden Village ninjas. Sacrificed during the war. Judging

from the data, the casualties in the Kusunin Village during this war were not large.

However, there were not many ninjas in the Kusunin Village. Including the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, the total number was less than 2,000. The losses After three hundred people, the number of ninjas in the village was at most 1,500, which was still dwarfed by the Great Ninja Village. Fortunately,

this time, as the most important Earth Kingdom, all the combat power was defeated by Uchiha with one person.

And Uchiha The strength shown by Namikuni in the head-on battle with the Earth Kingdom army

became a topic that was talked about from top to bottom in the Grass Ninja Village, whether it was civilians or ninjas.

That war, after the two watching the battle at the time Word of mouth among the grass ninjas has almost deified Uchiha Sora’s strength.

One man killed five thousand enemy troops and beat the tailed beast to the ground.

This brilliant record made Uchiha Sora become a god in one battle

! In addition to the title of the White God of Death, Uchiha Sora also has the title of ‘Golden God of War’! The golden God of War

naturally refers to the image of Uchiha Sora when he opened Susanoo. After paying homage to the

victim, it is the grass The celebration meeting of Ninja Village.

The celebration meeting lasted for three days. Terumi Mei and the other two were naturally happy to participate as guests.

At the celebration meeting, everyone in the Uchiha clan was very drunk.

Because they performed extremely well in this war. The fighting ability of the Sharingan has made the power of the Sharingan shine, and it has gained the respect of other ninjas and better integrated into the village. Of course, what makes the

Uchiha clan the happiest is that the Uchiha clan finally came out A strong man who can lead them to strength and glory.

The tribesmen are full of confidence in the future of the family.

The Kusanagi Village is decorated with lights and the atmosphere is joyful.

After the celebration, Terumi Mei and the others returned to the Kingdom of Water.

And Uchiha Sora began the post-war arrangements.

He also sent people to retrieve the previously sealed elites of the dirty land from the battlefield one by one, lifted the seal, and allowed them to see the light of day again. Then, Onoki of the Land of

Earth An invitation to war was handed over, stating his intention to launch a war against them.

After receiving Uchiha Sora’s invitation to war, Onoki immediately held a meeting for discussion. As a result, he could only ask for peace talks with Uchiha Sora. .

Ohnoki’s reply to the request for peace talks was naturally expected by Uchiha Sora.

This is also the purpose of Uchiha Sora’s invitation to fight.

As long as Ohnoki has some sense, he will not continue to fight with him. Peace talks are the only way out.

The location of the peace talks was in the neutral Iron Kingdom.

Uchiha Sora asked Ohnoki to make various war compensations. After some bargaining between the two parties, Uchiha Sora finally received a lot of benefits.

This includes a large amount of money, as well as the ownership of part of the territory on the border between the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Earth.

After the peace talks between the two parties, Onoki returned to the village and was so angry that he became seriously ill for three days and almost returned to the Pure Land.

The fact that the Earth Country requested peace talks from the Grass Country was spread by people who were interested in it, causing an uproar in the ninja world.

This is the first time that a big country has bowed its head to a small country and begged for peace.

Because of this, Uchiha Sora’s reputation has almost reached its peak in the ninja world.

All of a sudden, all kinds of people came to the Grass Ninja Village. Some asked to see Sora Uchiha, some wanted to join the Grass Ninja Village, and many more were task orders from rich people.

In people’s eyes, Kusanagi Village has become a very popular existence.

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