For Kusakunin Village to develop, fresh blood is very important.

Due to its original size, if the village now wants to grow and develop, it can only expand by accepting other ninjas.

After this short war, Uchiha Sora was quite surprised by the increasing number of task orders and the rising emotions of the ninjas in Kusanagi Village.

The development of Cao Ninja Village seems to have entered a stage of rapid development.

The original territory of the Country of Grass was only a small piece of territory between the big powers.

Now, the Country of Grass has directly annexed the Country of Taki, and its territory has more than doubled in size.

As the leader, Uchiha Sora has more and more things to deal with.

However, he has always liked to delegate power and act as a hands-off boss.

After throwing all the documents to the secretary Ye Cang, he focused on his own cultivation.

Because the Sharingan needs to be closed for three years, there will be many fewer methods that can be used next.

So Uchiha Sora decided to study more ninjutsu.

For example, adding other attribute changes to the Rasengan.

For example, further changes are applied to Raiqie.

There is also further understanding of the immortal mode.

Of course, besides practicing, we must not forget to train Uchiha Izumi and Shiro.。


On this day, Yukito, who had been staying in the Grass Ninja Village for more than half a month, finally found an Uchiha target.

The target is very young, a little girl about ten years old.

But her talent is very good. Under her unintentional follow-up observation, she discovered that this little girl has not yet become a ninja, but has already opened the double magatama sharingan.

If a child with this talent can be brought back to Cloud Hidden Village, she will definitely be able to study some of the secrets of the Sharingan.

No matter how bad it is, you can still get a pair of Sharingan of good quality.

Yumu Ren used his transformation technique to disguise himself as a passerby and followed the little girl to a flat training ground.

On the training ground, there was another young Uchiha man waiting there.。

“Brother Yu~ I’m here, hurry up and train with me! “The little girl quickly ran towards the young man and shouted.

The young man was Uchiha Yu, and the little girl was his sister, Uchiha Hanama Mai.。

“You guy, I have a rare day off today, why can’t you let me take a break? “Uchiha Yuu petted her head and said.。

“no! no! I want to practice, I want to become stronger! In the future, I will go to the battlefield with my brother to kill the enemy! Uchiha Hanama said coquettishly to her brother.

Uchiha Yu shook his head and said helplessly: “You are still young. My brother is here to deal with the war, so don’t worry about it. I won’t let you face those dangers.”。”

“My idol Uchiha Sora-senpai, he is only three years older than me, but he is already so powerful, and I am still so weak。。。”

“Isn’t your idol always your big brother? When did you become our leader? “Uchiha Yu said speechlessly。

“Tsk, are you better than Sora-senpai? Uchiha Hanama Mai rolled her eyes at her brother and said, “Now Sora-senpai is the idol of all of us!” Just step aside!”

“All right! You really don’t know how to take care of my brother’s self-esteem at all! Come on, it seems it’s time for you to see the strength of your brother and me! ”

The brother and sister soon started a round of battle. As the pillar of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Yuu casually dealt with his sister’s attack. The two of them went back and forth, and the battle was


Suddenly, Uchiha, who was dealing with his sister’s attack , Yu felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a claw shadow flash past.

The next second, Uchiha Yu was severely injured, and his body flew out directl

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] y and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, he performed a transformation Yukito, who transformed into an ordinary blond woman with body skills, appeared on the scene. On the five fingers of her hands were a pair of sharp cat claws.

Blood was dripping from the cat claws.

Uchiha Yu slowly got up from the ground, and on his chest , a deep claw mark appeared, and blood flowed.。

“Who are you? ? “He shouted with a look of shock.

He only used a little energy when training with his sister, but the woman in front of him was able to hurt himself with a sneak attack, which shows that the other party is not simple. Yukito struck with a

blow After injuring Uchiha Yu, he did not continue to attack. Instead, he turned around and stared at Uchiha Hanama, who was already dumbfounded. He raised his hand to grab it. I saw that just now he was still shouting about getting stronger and becoming stronger

. The little girl who went to the battlefield was actually standing on the spot at this moment, trembling and looking at Yumu Ren in front of her.

In front of the murderous aura released by Yumu Ren, the little girl who had never experienced war was already frightened.。

“Don’t touch my sister! “Uchiha Yu roared, dragging his seriously injured body and rushed forward.。

“snort! Don’t overestimate your capabilities! “Yukito opened his mouth and spat out a blue fire rat jade at Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu’s expression changed and he hurriedly dodged.

But the next moment, the blue fire rat jade suddenly separated into several blue lines. The colored fireball tracking bullets all rushed towards Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu instantly opened the three magatama sharingan eyes and moved left and right to dodge.

However, his body was injured, and his body flexibility was greatly affected.

After dodging several times , , finally there was no way to avoid it.

Seeing the frightened expression on his sister’s face, he felt very anxious.

At this time, the technique of the Flying Thunder God Kunai in Uchiha Yunin’s tool bag suddenly gave off a faint light.

At the same time, Uchiha Sora in the leader’s mansion slightly moved his brows.

The next second, Uchiha Sora’s figure appeared in the training ground and stopped in front of Uchiha Yu.。

“leader! ! ! “Uchiha Yu was overjoyed.

As soon as Uchiha Sora appeared, he raised his hand and slapped one of the oncoming blue fireballs. The

small fireball was killed by Uchiha Sora on the spot. The palm of his hand slapped away and dissipated in the air.

Then Uchiha Sora pulled Uchiha Yuu to dodge a few times to avoid other blue fireballs, and stood in front of Yukito looking at her with a serious face.。

“It’s you! Sora Uchiha! “Youmu Ren’s face changed, and he exclaimed。

“Yukito from Cloud Hidden Village? Did you use transformation? It’s a pity that I have already heard about your skills, and you can’t hide your identity from me! Uchiha Sora glanced at Yukito’s cat claws and said coldly: “I didn’t expect you would hide in our village and try to attack my people?” How audacious! ”

At this time, he has orange-red fairy eyeshadow on the eyelids of his eyes.

Because he was practicing the fairy mode in the leader’s mansion before.

It was the powerful perception of the fairy mode that allowed him to clearly capture the abnormality here. , directly located at the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God Kunai on Uchiha Yuu, and teleported over.

As for Uchiha Sora in sage mode, his chakra is extremely powerful, and he just slapped Yukito’s small blue fireball away with one palm. It turned out that it was just a slight redness on the palm, and there was no actual burn.。

“Chief, you showed up just in time! Seeing Uchiha Sora appear, Uchiha Yu couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Her target should be my sister, please don’t let her hurt my sister!” “

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