Yukito looked at Uchiha Sora in front of him, a look of panic flashed across his face.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, Uchiha Sora is now so famous that even the power of the Jinchuuriki will be eclipsed in front of him.

Yukito planned to quietly take away an Uchiha clansman and return to the village, but he didn’t expect that he was caught in front of Uchiha Sora as soon as he took action.

Now she is in a dilemma and has become very passive.

But Uchiha Sora didn’t give her a chance to continue thinking, and directly raised his hand and shot a kunai at her.

Yumu Ren quickly dodged to avoid it.

The kunai fell right next to Uchiha Hanama Mai.


The Flying Thunder God flashed, and Sora Uchiha appeared next to Mai Hanama.

Upon seeing this, Yukito opened his mouth and sprayed a huge fireball towards Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora formed a seal with one hand and slapped it on the ground。

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall! ”

A thick earth wall rose up from the ground, blocking the fireball.


The fireball hit the earth wall, making a violent explosion.

However, this earth wall was released in the immortal mode, and the wooden man’s fireball simply The defense of the earthen wall could not be broken.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yukito turned around and fled towards the outside of the Kusanagi Village.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sora just smiled slightly, dodged and chased after him.

Seeing Uchiha Sora chasing the enemy away , Uchiha Yuu said to his sister: “Since the leader has taken action, there should be nothing wrong with us here. Let’s go home. ”

He knew that with the leader’s strength, he would certainly not be able to help even if he chased after him.。


Yukito was running away frantically outside the Kusanagi Village. She was very fast, and few people in the entire ninja world could catch up with her.

However, Sora Uchiha is faster!

He turned on the immortal mode, and his powerful perception could easily cover the entire Kingdom of Grass.

In the Kingdom of Grass, he has already left many time and space coordinates.

It is almost impossible for Yumu people to escape from the country of grass.

She had just escaped less than ten kilometers outside the Grass Ninja Village when she was shocked to find Sora Uchiha waiting for her not far ahead.。

“Uchiha Sora, you are really fast! “Yukiha stopped and looked at Uchiha Sora coldly.

She knew that she could no longer escape Uchiha Sora’s pursuit.

With her eyes fixed on Uchiha Sora, Yukito was like a frightened cat. With his long hair standing up, a stream of blue cat-demon pattern chakra surged out of his body. He

directly borrowed the chakra of the two-tailed Mataru.


After borrowing the two-tailed chakra, Yukito became extremely fast. , I saw her figure flashing, appearing in front of Uchiha Sora as if teleporting, raising her hands, waving the sharp cat claws with her fingers, and grabbing Uchiha Sora fiercely. Uchiha Sora took a step back, and

gently Avoiding this blow, he held the long sword at his waist with his right hand and swung it violently, slashing at Yumu Ren with his backhand sword.

Yumu Ren raised his claws, and the sharp cat claws blocked the sharp sword.


Long ! The sword and the cat’s claws rubbed violently, bursting out bursts of sparks.

Sora Uchiha pushed hard with his long sword, and while forcing the wooden man back, he formed a seal with his other hand.。

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique! ”

He opened his mouth and spurted out a water dragon that was stronger than an ordinary water dragon, and hit

Yumu Ren hard. Yumu Ren was caught off guard and was hit hard by the water dragon. His body flew out directly, breaking many trees along the way.

She just thought He struggled to get up, only to

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] see Sora Uchiha forming another seal with one hand.。

“Thunder Escape·Earth Walk! ”

A powerful electric current was instantly transmitted to Yumuren along the water flow under his feet.

Yumuren’s body was instantly electrocuted, and his body convulsed painfully under the powerful current.

After the current passed, Yumuren fell to the ground.

She Although he is a ninja from Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder, he has fire attributes and is not very resistant to thunder. What’s more, Uchiha Sora’s ninjutsu is activated under Senjutsu Chakra, which is an ordinary C-level ninjutsu. Both of them can exert an A-level effect.

Yukito was naturally unable to bear it.

However, Uchiha Sora did not approach her, but looked at her quietly without any movement.

At this time, Yukito felt that The blue cat demon chakra continued to surge.

Suddenly, the powerful chakra power rose into the sky.


The next second, I saw a huge cat-shaped tail with blue chakra arrogance surging all over its body. The beast appeared in front of Uchiha Sora。

“Has the power of Erwei finally come out? “Uchiha Sora raised his head and looked at the small mountain-shaped Futaba Mata. He looked indifferent in the sage mode. The

huge Futai Mata looked at Uchiha Sora condescendingly.


The Futai opened his mouth and spat out A red flame ball hit Uchiha Sora。

“Water Escape: Great Waterfall Technique! “Uchiha Sora opened his mouth and spewed out a huge stream of water, turning into a waterfall-like torrent, and rushed towards the fireball emitted by the two tails. The

huge senjutsu chakra, and the waterfall technique used were extremely large. The

torrent formed by the waterfall quickly The fireball that overwhelmed Erwei was like a flood. Erwei’s flame ball was extinguished by water before it could explode.

The water was like a surging river, directly covering Erwei’s body and forming a wave nearby. A large lake.

The second tail jumped out of the water in a hurry, with blue chakra surging all over its body.

It is a fire attribute tailed beast, its ability is to use fire, and its most afraid of water.

Uchiha Sora’s water escape The power was so powerful that even Erwei was frightened.

He stood on the water, looked at Erwei quietly, and said calmly: “Whatever tricks you have, use them all. ”

Provoked by Uchiha Sora, the second tail opened its mouth to condense a dark tailed beast jade and sprayed it towards Uchiha Sora. The power of the tailed beast jade cannot be underestimated.


in front of Uchiha Sora, the tailed beast But Jade was not a threat at all.

He opened his hands, and the space in front of him suddenly sank, like a big net, trapping the Tailed Beast Jade. It was the

Flying Thunder God guiding thunder!

The Tailed Beast Jade was blocked by the net of space, and slowly Caught in a gap in time and space.

On an uninhabited island in the original mainland, a flying thunder god kunai was inserted here.

Suddenly, a dark tailed beast jade appeared above the kunai, and then hit the island hard Go up.


The animals and plants on the island suffered. The tailed beast jade exploded like a nuclear bomb, bursting out with violent light.

The light rose into the sky and enveloped the entire island

. The huge vibration directly caused the surrounding The sea surface set off huge waves.

The huge waves spread to all directions, and it took a long time to fall into calm.

On Uchiha Sora’s side, after he removed the Tailed Beast Jade, an energy ball quickly condensed and formed in his hand. , turned into a white spiral shuriken in the blink of an eye!

“Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken! ”

With a low shout, Sora Uchiha directly raised his hand and threw the Wind Release Spiral Shuriken in the direction of the second tail.。。。

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