Time passes unconsciously while feeling the natural energy.

Uchiha Sora almost delegated power to his subordinates to deal with matters in the Grass Ninja Village.

Because of his previous performance in the war, more and more people from the ninja world joined the Grass Ninja Village.

The power of the Grass Ninja Village is also developing faster and faster, and there is a faint trend of becoming the sixth largest Ninja Village in the Ninja World.。

“Chief, there is a message from the Kingdom of Thunder, requesting negotiations with you! “On this day, Sora Uchiha was comprehending the energy of nature under the big tree in Takigakure Village. A subordinate came to report.

Sora Uchiha opened his eyes, removed the immortal facial makeup on his face, and a light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that the fourth generation Raikage is not too impulsive. With his character, he can still bear not to start a war, which can be considered very rational.

But if Kirabi is the one who is captured, I am afraid he will not be so rational. Right?

Three days later, the negotiations officially began in the Cloud Hidden Village of the Land of Thunder.

Uchiha Sora brought some of his subordinates to attend the negotiations.

This was his second time coming to the Cloud Hidden Village.

The last time he came here, he was just here Those who watched the Chuunin Exam did not expect that this time the relationship between the two parties would change from harmonious to tense.

However, Uchiha Sora always had a calm smile on his face and calmly faced the serious-looking Fourth Raikage. The

two sides were in They met in the conference room.

When the Fourth Raikage saw him, he couldn’t help but said angrily: “Uchiha Sora! Please release Yukito for me! ”

I saw that his aura was surging, and powerful chakra burst out of his body, with overwhelming power!

Uchiha Sora raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and said calmly: “What? Fourth Raikage, are you trying to bully me? ”

The guards following Uchiha Sora were Uchiha Yu and Uchiha An. Seeing this, they quickly took a step forward to protect him. Uchiha Sora waved his hand, signaling the guards to step back and step forward

. Looking directly into the eyes of the Fourth Raikage, he said slowly: “Fourth Raikage, you must know that it was the Yuki from your village who took the lead in attacking my people, and I caught him. Do you want me to let him go?” Don’t you want to pay the price for passing her?”

“snort! Isn’t it up to you to decide whether Yuki will take action against the Uchiha clan? You want to achieve your goal by slandering her, but I will never admit it! “The Fourth Raikage said。

“oh? Call me slanderous? It seems that you, the Fourth Raikage, are not sincere in negotiating. Uchiha Sora narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a cold voice.

Seeing this scene, the people in Kumogakure Village hurriedly persuaded the Fourth Raikage to calm down. The

Fourth Raikage took the opportunity to take a breath, sat down in the conference room, and said : “Uchiha Sora, we don’t need to have useless arguments anymore, let’s sit down and talk about the conditions. Uchiha

Sora smiled faintly, sat down, and said: “You should be very clear about my conditions. Hand over your secret method of thunder escape body forging, and I will release Yukito.”。”


Just when Sora Uchiha was negotiating with the Fourth Raikage, they were in the back of Kumogakure Village.

In a canyon called Yunlei Gorge.

A series of raps echoed in the valley。

“Xiaoba, Xiaoba, I’m so bored~”

“Stupid big brother, won’t let you leave~”

“Xiaoba, Xiaoba, I’m so bored~”

“Why don’t you think about it and sneak awa

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On a mountain road, a dark-skinned man wearing sunglasses was singing and dancing.

It was Rabbi Qi, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Suddenly, two figures fell from the sky and landed on Qi. In front of the rabbi,

I saw these two people wearing black red cloud robes. One had a stern face and orange hair. The

other wore a swirl-shaped mask.

It was Payne, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, and the masked man Obito.

Kira Bi was stunned when he saw the two people who suddenly appeared.

Then, a strange accent sounded from Kirabi’s mouth: “Yo yo~ Two mysterious friends, what are you doing?~”

“Eight-tailed Kirabi, we need the power of the tailed beast within you. “Tiandao Payne was unmoved by Kirabi’s strange tone and rap, and said coldly.

Kirabi was suddenly alert: “You want Xiaoba’s power? You have to ask me, Uncle Kirabi, if I agree~”

After saying that, Kirabi raised his sword and attacked Payne.

Payne dodged repeatedly.

The fast sword in Kirabi’s hand struck Payne like raindrops.。

“Pain, the strength of the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki cannot be underestimated, you have to be careful. “The masked man reminded from the side.。

“Shinra Tianzheng! “After hearing this, Payne immediately raised his hand and waved, and a powerful repulsive force burst out from his body!

Kirabi, who was caught off guard, was hit hard and his body was instantly ejected by the powerful repulsive force.


Kirabi was hit hard. He fell to the ground, with a look of shock on his face.。

“Than, look carefully at that guy’s eyes! “At this time, the eight tails in Kirabi reminded him。

“Those eyes? Is there anything special? “Qilabi, who has lived in Yunlei Gorge all year round, does not know Payne’s reincarnation eye.。

“That’s the samsara eye! They are the eyes of the legendary Immortal of Six Paths! “Yaowei said solemnly. When he mentioned the Six Paths Sage, his tone was a little strange.。

“The eyes of the Immortal of Six Paths? Xiaoba, it seems we have to go all out! “Khilabi jumped up from where he was.

He rested his limbs on the ground, and eight red chakra tails emerged from behind him. The

powerful chakra aura instantly swept around, forming a violent wind and scattering.


After borrowing the power of the eight tails , , Kirabi’s speed became surprisingly fast. With a flash of his figure, he appeared in front of Payne. He raised his hand and struck at Payne’s neck. Thunder Plow Hot Knife!


speed and power, almost instantly making Payne’s head move.

But Payne’s reaction was not slow at all. He paused on the spot without any movement, and the pupil power in Samsara’s eyes flashed.

A powerful repulsive force struck him as The center spread to the surroundings again!


Shinra Tenzheng!

Kirabi’s attack was only a few centimeters away from Payne’s neck, but his body was forcibly bounced away again by this repulsive force!

He came as fast as he could Soon, he was bounced away even faster!

Kirabi’s body was like a cannonball, drawing a long trajectory in mid-air and slamming into a hill. The

hill couldn’t bear it. This huge rebound force suddenly shattered!

With just one blow, Kirabi suffered great damage!

He was almost knocked unconscious!

“Bi! Cheer up! “The Eight-Tails in his body hurriedly awakened his consciousness.

Kirabi shook his groggy head, and blood dripped from his forehead to the ground.。

“Xiaoba, thank you! “Khilabi stood up from the ruins again, his injuries quickly recovered under the power of the tailed beast.

The next moment, an even greater force surged out of Kirabi’s body.

His body instantly transformed into a huge octopus. Beast!

The eight-tailed ox-demon appears!

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