Uchiha Sora and the Fourth Raikage are having intense negotiations.

Under Sora Uchiha’s insistence, the Fourth Raikage had to agree to his original conditions.

That is to say, he used the method of thunder escape to forge the body and the secret technique of thunder escape armor in exchange for Yumu Ren.

The two sides are preparing to reach an agreement and shake hands to make peace.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumble.

The earth shook, and suddenly a light reaching into the sky lit up in the distance。

“What! ? That is the direction of Yunlei Gorge! “The place where the Raikage saw the huge light shining out of the window for the first time was the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki. It was also the place where his younger brother Kirabi lived and trained! The Raikage’s expression suddenly changed. At the same time


Yun A ninja from the Hidden Village Intelligence Department came to report:

“Lord Raikage! Oh no! We sensed that an enemy broke into Yunlei Gorge and attacked Sir Kirabi!”

“Damn it! “The Fourth Raikage was instantly furious. He no longer cared about the negotiation with Uchiha Namaki. He jumped up, broke the window and rushed out. The

surrounding Kumogakure ninjas hurriedly chased after him.

This sudden scene … Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but frown.。

“Chief, it seems that Yunyin Village has encountered some trouble. Should we go and take a look? “The subordinate next to Uchiha Sora said.

Uchiha Sora shook his head: “This is Cloud Hidden Village, let’s just stay here and don’t meddle in other people’s business. And the people in Yunyin Village may not let us go there. ”

However, even though he said this, he still had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this critical moment of the negotiation, something happened at Yunlei Gorge, which is likely to affect this negotiation.

No. Do you know if it was a conspiracy to raise suspicions in Kumogakure, or was there really another accident?

Sora Uchiha sat quietly in the conference room, waiting for news from the Raikage.

Time passed bit by bit.

It was probably less than two days. hour.

The Fourth Raikage re-entered the conference hall.

At this time, he was full of evil energy. As soon as he entered the conference room, his eyes were fixed on Uchiha Sora, and he roared: “You Uchiha Sora! I didn’t expect that this negotiation was fake, and attacking my brother Kirabi was your real purpose! ”

A large number of Kumoyin Village elites came in with the Raikage.

These people surrounded Uchiha Sora in the conference room, and they all looked at Uchiha Sora eagerly.。

“The Fourth Raikage! Are you slandering the leader? ! “Uchiha Yuu, who was next to Uchiha Sora, hurriedly stood up and shouted.

Uchiha Sora waved his hand to signal him to be quiet, and then said calmly: “The Fourth Raikage, it seems that something terrible happened over there at Yunlei Gorge. , tell me, why do you say it was me who wanted to attack your brother?”

“snort! Sora Uchiha! Don’t be pretentious here! The Fourth Raikage waved his hand and said angrily: “I have evidence!” ”

Then, several ninjas brought in three corpses and threw them in front of Uchiha Sora. All

three of them were wearing forehead protectors from the Sora Ninja Village. They were all ninjas from the Sora Ninja Village!

Uchiha Sora saw that These three people frowned.

Because he discovered that these three people were indeed ninjas in his village. As the leader, he had indeed seen the faces of these three people.

It seemed that someone was framing the fault!

Uchiha Sora He immediately thought of the key point, but he did not show the slightest panic, but said calmly: “Fourth Raikage, based on these corpses, are you going to make a conclusion? If that’s the case, then I don’t need to explain any

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] thing.。”

“snort! These people were discovered in Yunlei Gorge. When I rushed there, these people were besieging my brother! Also besieging were two people from the Akatsuki organization! Isn’t this what you hired the Akatsuki organization to do against our Jinchuuriki of Kumogakure? The Fourth Raikage shouted: “I saw all this with my own eyes. Even if you want to explain, it’s already too late!” My brother was captured by those two people from the Akatsuki organization, and I will make you pay the price! ”

After listening to Raikage’s words, Uchiha Sora almost guessed what happened.

It seems that the Akatsuki organization attacked Kirabi, and then deliberately controlled several ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village to participate in the siege, thus making this incident Put the blame on himself.

In the eyes of the Fourth Raikage, he is the mastermind behind this matter.

This move of the Akatsuki organization is just right to sow discord. It seems that this should be Uchiha Obito and Kuro Absolute himself. He fought back.

The Raikage could no longer control his anger at this time. As soon as he finished speaking in a rage, he rushed towards Uchiha Sora.

His body was shining with a powerful thunder chakra coat, and he was as fast as The lightning was almost difficult to react.

In just a blink of an eye, it rushed in front of Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora raised his hand and took out a flying thunder god kunai, released his palm, and let it fall freely.

At the same time, his The figure disappeared instantly.

The Fourth Raikage’s fist punched the air.

The next second, Uchiha Sora appeared again, and at this time, the figure of the Fourth Raikage had crossed Uchiha Sora’s The position, the back was just exposed in front of Uchiha Sora.

The fourth generation Raikage’s pupils suddenly shrank.。

“The art of flying thunder god! ”

This scene is so similar. In the brief battle with the Fourth Hokage, he had experienced the speed of the Flying Thunder God. At

this time, Uchiha Sora’s performance was almost the same as that of the Fourth Hokage!

This guy’s His speed was no weaker than that of the Fourth Hokage!

The Fourth Raikage secretly shuddered in his heart, and hurriedly returned to his normal position with his eyes fixed on Uchiha Sora.

The ninjas surrounding him saw this. At this scene, everyone looked shocked。

“Uchiha Sora’s speed is actually faster than the Fourth Raikage-sama! It’s incredible!”

“Yes, it’s not surprising that he’s fast. What’s strange is that he doesn’t seem to have used the Sharingan yet! The speed of nerve reaction can actually keep up with Raikage-sama’s movements! It’s incredible! ”

In the eyes of everyone, Uchiha Sora’s strength is indeed very strong, but it is only powerful with the blessing of Sharingan. Under normal circumstances, Uchiha Sora’s abilities should be far inferior to Raikage-sama. But

Uchiha Sora’s performance greatly refreshed their knowledge.

The Fourth Raikage snorted coldly: “Uchiha Sora, you really have the arrogance, but you have gone too far this time! How dare you hire people from the Akatsuki organization to attack my brother? I will definitely get this debt back from your Kusakunin Village! Declare war! From today on, Kumogakure Village will regard Kusanagi Village as its enemy. Let’s see you on the battlefield! ”

Thunder Shadow’s words caused the expression of the guard beside Uchiha Sora to change.

Uchiha Sora just responded lightly: “Is this a declaration of war? Fourth Raikage, I advise you to investigate the matter clearly before saying this!”

“snort! I will naturally investigate the matter! But until I find my brother, you, including everyone in the Kumo Ninja Village, will be our enemies! “The Fourth Raikage said angrily.

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