Uchiha Sora had no reason to refuse the Fourth Kazekage’s proposal.

After the Fourth Kazekage’s cronies left, Sora Uchiha immediately deployed.

First, some additional ninjas were sent to defend the border with the Earth Kingdom.

Because there is no direct border between the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Grass, there are three ways for their ninjas to attack the Kingdom of Grass.

The first is to attack through the junction of the Country of Fire and the Country of Grass. This requires communication with the Country of Fire and asking the Leaf Village to cooperate.

There was a conflict between Konoha and Kumogakure a few years ago, and it was absolutely impossible for them to agree to it.

The second is to pass through the neutral Iron Country, enter the border of the original Taki Country, and then attack all the way to Kusanagi Village. This route also requires the consent of the Iron Country warriors.

Obviously the neutral warriors would not agree to the request of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The third method is to attack through the borders of the Country of Earth, the Country of Grass and the Country of Original Taki, which requires the consent of the Country of Earth.

The Kingdom of Earth had just been defeated by Sora Uchiha not long ago, and they would definitely be happy to see the Kingdom of Thunder and Sora Uchiha go to war.

Therefore, it is almost certain that the Kingdom of Thunder will attack from the border between the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Earth.

It was the right thing for Sora Uchiha to send ninjas to defend the border of Earth Country.

However, Uchiha Sora did not wait for Kumogakure’s attack.

Because just when Kumogakure’s ninjas entered the Land of Earth.

Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki who was missing before, has returned to Kumogakure Village!

This made the Fourth Raikage, who was originally filled with anger and was about to vent his anger on the Grass Ninja Village, suddenly bewildered.

After the Fourth Raikage asked about the reason, he learned that after Kirabi was attacked that day, he used his own ability to escape.

After playing wildly outside for a while, he finally rushed back to the village when he learned that the Hidden Cloud Village was going to launch a war against the Grass Ninja Village.

Kirabi’s appearance made Raikage so angry that he beat him up on the spot.

Raikage was really in a dilemma due to this unforeseen incident.

That day, Yunyin Village started a high-level secret meeting.

The meeting decided to continue the attack on Kusanagi Village.

But another secret mission awaits.

The next night, Yunyin Village sent a large number of ninjas into the Kingdom of Earth, came to the border of the Kingdom of Grass, and launched an attack towards the border of the Kingdom of Grass.

Sora Uchiha immediately received the news and sent troops to fight.

Ninjas from both sides fought fiercely on the border.

The Uchiha clan once again invited the battle to fight against the enemy.

With the support of the powerful combat power of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sora was able to resist the enemy forces in Kumoyin Village without the need for Uchiha to take action.

Uchiha Sora just sent the dirt elites to join the battle, and the battle situation reached a stalemate.

In the leader’s house, Sora Uchiha continued to receive intelligence feedback from the battlefield, and couldn’t help but feel strange.

It seems that this time Kumogakure did not show the fighting power that a great ninja village should have.

It wasn’t until three days later that a piece of news came out, shocking the ninja world.

The Earth Country ninjas suddenly launched an attack from behind on the Kumogakure ninjas who entered the border from the Thunder Country!

“What is going on?” In the Sand Hidden Village of the Country of Wind.

The Fourth Kazekage was analyzing all the information and was shocked when he saw the fight between the Iwagakure ninja and the Kumogakure ninja.

The Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder have a common enemy, Sora Uchiha, and this time the Kingdom of Thunder is also participating in the war through the border of the Kingdom of Earth.

Even if the two parties do not form an alliance, they should at least not be hostile.

Uchiha Sora was also very surprised when he got the news.

I thought that the Kingdom of Thunder a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] nd the Kingdom of Earth would join forces to attack, but unexpectedly they started fighting dog-eat-dog.

It wasn’t until pharmacist Nonoyu sent a piece of information that he suddenly realized it.

It turned out that Yunyin Village had taken advantage of this opportunity to enter the Kingdom of Earth. It had long harbored evil intentions and openly attacked its own border of the Kingdom of Grass. In fact, it was secretly accumulating strength to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the severely damaged Earth. The country launches a war!

Unexpectedly, Onoki of the Earth Kingdom was not a vegetarian. He saw through the conspiracy of the Kingdom of Thunder, and Onoki immediately took the lead in launching an attack on the Kumogakure ninjas on the border.

The Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder have a long history of grudges.

In the past, the third generation of Raikage died at the hands of tens of thousands of Iwagakure ninjas, and there was a sea area between the Land of Earth and the Land of Thunder, and there had long been disputes over ownership issues.

The Kingdom of Thunder realizes that it is powerful and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to completely cripple the Kingdom of Earth in order to obtain maximum benefits.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Sora feels that the offensive of the Kumogakure ninjas is not strong.

Because the elite forces of Yunyin Village are all preparing to attack the Kingdom of Earth.

This reversal made many forces in the ninja world dumbfounded.

After Uchiha Sora got the news, he immediately ordered to shrink the front line and let Kumogakure and Iwagakure fight while he watched from the sidelines.

Not long after, the Fourth Kazekage, with the idea of beating the drowned dog, secretly sneaked into the Land of Earth with an elite unit and directly attacked the Iwagakure Village.

Iwagakure Village suffered heavy losses.

In the end, Onoki had to sue for peace from the Kingdom of Wind and lost a lot of wealth and resources to the Kingdom of Wind.

The Fourth Kazekage then stopped attacking.

This approach of the Fourth Kazekage has to be said to be very insidious.

The Earth Country, which had been severely beaten by Sora Uchiha, was taken advantage of and beaten until it lost its temper.

After the Kingdom of Wind obtained a large amount of resources and wealth, it actually sent troops into the Kingdom of Fire.

Konoha Village’s vitality was severely damaged and it had not yet recovered. It thought that this time it could sit on the sidelines and watch the fight between tigers and tigers, but it didn’t expect that it had already been targeted.

After Sunagakure Village’s actions were known to Konoha Village, Konoha sent ninjas to fight with them, and they paid a heavy price to block Sunagakure Village’s attack.

At this point, fierce battles have taken place in the four major ninja villages in the ninja world.

Thunder and earth are at war, wind and earth are at war, wind and fire are at war.

Only the Kingdom of Water, which is far away overseas, still maintains a wait-and-see attitude.

Amidst the melee between many parties, the Fourth Ninja War gradually began.

Uchiha Sora’s focus was not on the battles between the major ninja villages. He was always paying attention to the movements of the Akatsuki organization and Uchiha Obito.

No matter how fierce the fight in the ninja world is, Uchiha Sora will not take it seriously, as long as Uchiha Obito doesn’t succeed again.

Thinking that this war would definitely be an opportunity for Uchiha Obito to fish in troubled waters, Uchiha Sora decided to take the lead in taking action.

Especially those Jinchuuriki, they still have to find opportunities to get in touch with them.

As for the jinchūriki he had not come into contact with so far, apart from the missing three-tailed four-tails, there were only one-tailed, seven-tailed, eight-tailed and nine-tailed ones.

The eight-tailed Kirabi is very powerful and there is no need to contact them for the time being, so the target is the one-tailed seven-tailed one and the nine-tailed one.

According to what Shibuki said, the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki went to Konoha to take refuge, and now Konoha Village has two jinchuriki in its hands.

It seems like I’ll go to Konoha first this time!

After thinking about it, Uchiha Sora made a decision.

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