Konoha Village.

Uchiha Sora walked on the bustling and lively street.

Returning to Konoha again made him feel a little emotional.

All the way to the gate of the ninja school, he stopped and suddenly remembered the time he had spent in the ninja school.

The targets of his visit this time, the Seven-Tailed Jinchuurifu and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Naruto, are both studying in ninja schools.

With a flash of figure, Uchiha Sora passed through the gate of the ninja school silently.

As he walked on the playground, he could occasionally see the Chuunin teacher teaching in the classroom.

Jingle Bell。。。

At this time, the get out of class bell suddenly rang.

The students rushed out of the classroom happily and went to the playground to play.

When a ninja teacher saw Uchiha Sora, a stranger, he couldn’t help but stepped forward and asked: “Who are you? Are you here to find someone?”

Because Uchiha Sora was only wearing white clothes at this time and did not belong to the Uchiha family. Clan emblem, so the Chunin teacher didn’t recognize him.

Uchiha Sora smiled slightly: “I’m looking for Hirai Kouki。”

“Hirai Hikaru���? Oh, you are talking about Teacher Guanghui! He is in office 301 on the second floor! “The chuunin teacher heard that Uchiha Sora knew Hirai Mitsuki, and he breathed a sigh of relief and replied with a smile.。

“Thanks. “Uchiha thanked Sora.

Hirai Kouki was a team member who was assigned to Uzuki Yugao when he was in the early graduation group. Before leaving Konoha, the relationship between the two had always been very good. This time when he returned to Konoha, except

for In addition to meeting the Jinchuuriki, Uchiha Sora also wanted to get together with his old friends.

After learning about Hirai Kouki’s office, Uchiha Sora went all the way to find it.

Along the way, he saw almost all the children there. Playing on the playground, there was only one figure of a blond child sitting alone on the swing.

That was Uzumaki Naruto!

Seeing this, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but walked towards him. Uzumaki Naruto

noticed someone approaching and couldn’t help but raise his head. Looking at Uchiha Sora,

he found that Uchiha Sora had been looking at him, with a look of confusion on his face: “Brother, why do you keep looking at me?

Uchiha Sora smiled and said, “Why don’t you play with others? ” ”

When Uzumaki Naruto heard this, his face suddenly became sad and he whispered: “They won’t play with me.。”

“If they don’t play with you, how about I play with you? “Uchiha Sora said with a smile.。

“Eh? Will you play with me? Naruto was stunned and said warily: “You’re not a bad person, are you?”

Uchiha Kong shook his head and laughed: “Have you never been able to learn the clone technique? ” I can teach you. ”

As soon as he heard that Uchiha Sora was going to teach him ninjutsu, Naruto immediately became interested and his eyes couldn’t help but light up: “Really? Really? Big brother, do you want to teach me ninjutsu? Uchiha

Sora nodded with a smile.

He walked up to Naruto, inserted a kunai on the ground, and then reached out and put his hand on his shoulder: “It’s not convenient to teach you ninjutsu here. I’ll take you somewhere else first.”。”

“Eh? “Naruto was stunned.

But in the blink of an eye, he found that he had arrived under a huge towering tree.

There was a wooden house under the big tree, and the two of them were standing in an open space in front of the wooden house.。

“This, what is this place? “Naruto was st

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He couldn’t understand why he came to such a strange place in a blink of an eye.

However, the environment here is so beautiful!

At this time, Uchiha Sora said: “Naruto, now I will teach you a game. A ninjutsu that is more powerful than the ordinary clone jutsu!”

“ah! Big brother, how do you know my name? “Naruto said in surprise.

Uchiha smiled and said nothing, silently formed the shadow clone seal, and released three shadow clones.

Three identical shadow clones appeared next to them, which immediately attracted Naruto’s attention.

Naruto shouted: “Isn’t this just an ordinary clone technique? It doesn’t look like anything!”

“This is a shadow clone, and each clone is an entity! “Uchiha Sora asked the three shadow clones to release a Rasengan and hit the ground. Suddenly, several pits exploded on the ground.

Naruto was stunned for a while. After

being stunned for a long time, he came back to his senses and saw Uchiha Sora’s eyes were filled with little stars: “Wow! Bravo! What kind of ninjutsu was that blue ball that exploded on the ground just now? I want to learn that! Uchiha

Sora saw this and shook his head: “You can’t learn that ninjutsu at this stage. Let’s wait until you learn the shadow clone technique first.”。”

“good! Then I will learn the shadow clone first, and then you must teach me the ninjutsu just now! “Naruto suddenly became interested.。

“Well, no problem, you should learn the shadow clone first. “Uchiha Sora nodded.

Next, Uchiha Sora taught Naruto the shadow clone seal technique and asked Naruto to practice it on his own.

However, the Nine Tails in Naruto’s body kept disturbing his chakra. , making it difficult for him to learn a ninjutsu.

Uchiha Sora frowned slightly when he saw this, and released an illusion at Naruto.

Uchiha Sora’s illusion skills are so powerful, even if he can’t use the Sharingan, he can use it in normal state Genjutsu can also easily see into the hearts of others through illusions.

Through illusions, Uchiha Sora quickly found the Nine-Tails sealed space hidden deep in Naruto’s heart.

In front of the huge cage, Uchiha Sora and Naruto stood side by side. On the ground full of water.

Naruto came to this place for the first time and couldn’t help but look around, with a little hesitation on his face.。

“Big brother, where is this place? Why is it so dark here? Is it dark? “He thought it was Sora Uchiha who took him to another place again.。

“Naruto。。。”At this moment, a deep and deep voice came from the darkness ahead.。

“who? “Naruto was immediately startled by the sound and looked forward intently.

In the darkness ahead, a huge iron cage suddenly appeared.

Behind the iron cage was a pair of huge crimson beast pupils, full of evil. The breath.

Then, Naruto saw that the owner of these beast eyes turned out to be an extremely huge fox! The

fox exuded a cold and powerful aura, staring at Naruto and Uchiha Sora coldly.

Naruto He was so frightened that he sat on the ground, at a loss.

At this time, Uchiha Sora on the side finally spoke. He looked at Kyuubi and said slowly: “Kyuubi, how about you listen to me? ”

Kyuubi’s attention was immediately attracted to Sora Uchiha. A pair of beast eyes looked at him with a dangerous aura, and he said in a low voice: “Who are you? You can actually find this place, aren’t you afraid of being killed by me?”

“Let me introduce myself, I am Sora Uchiha. Uchiha Sora smiled lightly and said, “I’m sorry, your way of scaring people doesn’t work on me.” “

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