“Uchiha Sora? Are you from the Uchiha clan?” Upon hearing this, Kyuubi’s tone suddenly dropped.

As if recalling some bad memories, Kyuubi’s eyes suddenly became bloodshot.

It glared at Uchiha Sora and shouted: “Evil Uchiha!! Get out of here!” The

powerful aura rushed towards it, making Naruto tremble in fear.

Uchiha Sora remained calm and said slowly: “Kyuubi, I just want to tell you that if you don’t want to be controlled by others again, then assist Naruto properly and stop doing things that interfere with Naruto’s investigation. Carat’s stupid thing, it won’t do you any good at all.。”

“Uchiha Sora, what do you mean by this? “Kyuubi’s eyes narrowed.。

“It’s nothing, I’m just here to kindly remind you that there are people in this world who are trying to collect tailed beasts. If you don’t want to die, it’s best to be obedient. That’s it, think about it yourself. “Uchiha Sora finally said。

“Naruto, let’s go. “Uchiha Sora pulled up Naruto beside him and took him out of the sealed space.

Back to reality, Naruto has not recovered for a long time.

The scene he just saw has left an indelible mark on his mind. Memories.

After a long time, he finally said: “Brother, where was that place just now? What on earth is that big fox? Uchiha

Sora smiled and explained: “That is actually the monster that everyone in Konoha Village is afraid of, the nine-tailed demon fox, which is also the tailed beast.” And it is sealed within your body!”

“Nine-tailed demon fox! It is actually sealed in my body? So, am I really a monster? “Naruto couldn’t help but be stunned.

He couldn’t help but think of the time when the village was attacked by the nine-tailed demon fox and suffered heavy casualties. Even the Fourth Hokage died in that disaster.

So is all this really related to him?

Uchiha Kong touched his head and said: “The nine-tailed demon fox is just sealed in your body, and you are not a monster. Those guys who say you are a monster are just ignorant people.。”

“Am I not a monster? Big brother, don’t you think of me as a monster? “Naruto was very moved when he heard this. He found that for the first time, someone would comfort him like this, and he couldn’t stop crying.。

“You are not a monster, and there are people like you in this world who have tailed beasts sealed in their bodies. You are called jinchuriki, and you are one of the most powerful ninjas in every village. Every jinchuriki is extremely powerful. Powerful, even comparable to Naruto. “Uchiha Sora continued。

“Really? “Naruto seemed to be listening to a book from heaven. Hearing Uchiha Sora say that the jinchūriki could be as powerful as Hokage, his face was full of longing.。

“Of course!”

“But if you want to become as powerful as Hokage, you must go through hard training, and���, you should also try to communicate well with the tailed beast in your body, and influence the tailed beast, you can perfectly use the power of the tailed beast, and it is not impossible to surpass Naruto in the future. “Uchiha Sora continued.

Naruto was stunned for

a while. Uchiha Sora knew that it would be difficult for Naruto to digest so much information for a while, so after saying this, he stopped talking. Instead, he continued to guide him in practicing the shadow clone technique.

This time, Naruto quickly mastered the use of shadow clones and successfully separated more than a dozen shadow clones.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but secretly I admire Naruto’s training talent. He is worthy of inheriting the genes of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.


[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] hough Naruto’s basic knowledge is very lacking, his physical training talent is excellent. With words and deeds, he can easily learn a skill. Ninjutsu.

However, this is also related to the fact that the Kyuubi in his body no longer interferes with Naruto’s practice.

It seems that this meeting with the Kyuubi is still effective.。

“yeah! I learned! I learned! “Naruto jumped up happily。

“Thank you, big brother, you are such a good person! ” He thanked him with a touched face.

Sora Uchiha raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, leaving a mark of the Flying Thunder God on him, and said: “Let’s go, I will take you back, remember, don’t tell others about you Have seen my things。”

“Uh-huh! “Naruto nodded hurriedly.


In a flash, Uchiha Sora took Naruto back to the swing in the school playground.

It was already evening, and most people in the ninja school had already left.

Uchiha Sora He took back the kunai on the ground, patted Naruto on the head and said: “Go back, let’s say goodbye here, I will come to you if anything happens in the future. ”

After the sudden separation, Naruto’s face was full of reluctance.

Although the two of them met and got together for less than half a day, in this half day, Uchiha Kong not only taught him the powerful shadow clone technique, but also let him know about himself The identity of the monster in his body made him no longer confused and lonely.

Naruto left reluctantly. Uchiha

Sora closed his eyes and stood on the playground, his perception spread, sensing everything around him.

Next Seconds later, he opened his eyes and looked forward. A young man wearing glasses walked toward him from a short distance away.

The young man walked up to Sora Uchiha and looked at him steadily, flashing A glow of excitement and complexity。

“It’s really you! null! Why did you show up in Konoha? “Hirai Kouki looked at Uchiha Sora, excited but with a hint of awe at the meeting of his friends.。

“how? Am I not welcome to come and see you? Uchiha Sora said with a smile.

Hirai Kouki was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, and the trace of awe in his heart disappeared at any time.。

“Welcome, of course you are welcome, but your reputation is too great now. Aren’t you afraid that our Hokage-sama will immediately lead the ANBU to surround you if he finds out that you are here? Hirai Kouki also laughed, raised his hand and punched Uchiha Sora in the chest: “You have to be careful!” ”

The relationship between the two people seemed to have returned to the time when they were on a mission together.

Ten minutes later, the two people were sitting in a tavern, drinking and chatting.

Hirai Mitsuaki recounted how he became the He asked some interesting things about life after becoming a chuunin teacher.

As for Uchiha Sora’s deeds, he was very knowledgeable and did not ask any more questions.

The two of them were chatting, and Hirai Mitsuki suddenly asked: “By the way, Sora, what’s your news about returning to Konoha?” , does Xiyan know? ”

When Sora Uchiha heard this, he couldn’t help but think of that graceful figure with long purple hair.

When he and she parted ways at the gate of the Grass Ninja Village, the shallow kiss he gave her still left a deep impression on him to this day.。

“I just came back and haven’t gone to see her yet. “Uchiha Sora shook his head。

“Well, I thought you had met her. Hirai Kouki glanced at Sora Uchiha and said, “But Yugao has resigned from ANBU not long ago and is currently on vacation. I heard that she is ready to give up her career as a ninja.” “

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