At night, inside the Konoha Village training ground.

A graceful figure is practicing sword practice.

Her purple hair is dancing in the wind, and her movements are flowing.

It is the sunset of Mao Yue.

Wearing a black robe, she looked like an ancient swordswoman, elegant and beautiful.

Uchiha Sora came here and quietly watched the other party practice.

As if sensing something, the purple-haired figure suddenly stopped, raised his sword and attacked Sora Uchiha.

Uchiha Sora smiled slightly, he made a mistake in his steps, his figure flashed, he drew the sword from his waist and faced him.


The two swords intertwined, creating violent sparks.

A smile broke out on Uzuki Xiyan’s face, and she withdrew her long sword: “Sora, why did you come to Konoha?”

Sora Uchiha also put back his long sword and said with a smile: “I haven’t been back for a long time, so naturally I came here to see my old friends. of。”

“So, you came here especially to see me? “Xiyan said in surprise.

Seeing the surprised smile on Xiyan’s face, Uchiha Sora naturally wouldn’t say that he was here to find the Jinchuuriki, but nodded with a smile.

Xiyan was very happy when he saw this, and threw down his sword. He took Sora Uchiha and sat on the grass beside him and started chatting.

It was already night, and the two of them looked at the starry sky and chatted about many interesting things.

As they chatted, Xi Yan blushed slightly and slowly leaned closer. Uchiha Sora gently closed his eyes on his shoulders.

The air seemed to become extremely quiet at this moment, and a strange smell rose. A wisp of fragrance penetrated

into Uchiha Sora’s nose, which was the smell of Xi Yan’s body。

“Xiyan, I heard that you resigned from ANBU? “In order to relieve this strange emotion, Uchiha said out loud.

Hearing this, Xiyan was slightly stunned, nodded and said: “Yes, I am tired of the ANBU career and don’t want to continue to be an ANBU.。”

“Why? Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but ask.

Xi Yan glanced at him and sighed: “Thanks to you, the ninja world has changed too fast recently. The Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Thunder, and the Kingdom of Earth have gone to war with each other. The Country of Fire cannot be alone. Moreover, Master Tsunade has recently returned to the village, and Master Jiraiya often appears in the village. There are rumors in the village that Konoha will also join this ninja war. When the time comes, I, as a Konoha ninja, if you stand on the side of the Grass Country, we may be at war with each other. I don’t want to be in trouble when the time comes, so it’s better to retreat. ”

Hearing Xiyan’s words, Uchiha could not help but feel a warm current in his heart. He nodded and said, “That’s fine. The ANBU career is too dangerous. It would be good to leave the ANBU. So what are your plans next?”

“What’s next? Let’s take some time off first. When I have enough rest, I will go to the Country of Grass to find you. Xi Yan smiled and said。

“Okay, if you come to Grass Ninja Village, of course I will welcome you with both hands!”

“Um. “Xi Yan had a bright smile on her face. She leaned on Uchiha Sora’s shoulder and said softly: “The night here is so beautiful. Let’s sit here until dawn tonight, right? ”

Sit until dawn?

Sora Uchiha turned his head and looked at Xiyan’s beautiful profile, and nodded.

However, soon someone came to disturb the scenery.

Behind the two of them, they saw a sudden swishing sound. Three ANBU appeared。

“Uchiha Sora, our Hokage-sama invites you! “An Anbu said in an extremely wary tone.

Xi Yan had no choice but to leave Uchiha Sora’s shoulder, looked at him helplessly and said: ”

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] It seems that Lord Hokage has discovered you. Uchiha

Sora had no choice but to stand up, looked at the three Anbu, and said coldly: “Don’t you see that I have something to do now?” Since the Third Hokage wants to find me, let him come by himself! ”

The three Anbu looked at each other after hearing this.

Because Uchiha Sora’s tone was so arrogant, he didn’t even give face to their respected Hokage. But

they were also very afraid of Uchiha Sora’s power, so they could only freeze in place and didn’t know what to do. respond。

“Uchiha Sora, you are now our number one concern in Konoha. When you come to Konoha, I, the Hokage, will have trouble sleeping and eating! “At this time, an old voice sounded.

I saw the Third Hokage walking over from behind the three Anbu.

Along with the Third Hokage, there were two consultants and another blonde beauty with an explosive figure.

The blonde beauty was Tsuna hand。

“Sora, come and be safe! “Tsunade waved and said hello.。

“It turned out to be Tsunade-senpai. “Uchiha Sora also raised his hand to greet her.

Although the hypocrisy of the Third Hokage is disgusting, Tsunade still has to give her face.。

“Sora Uchiha, could you come to the conference room with me? “The Third Hokage spoke again.

A flash of light flashed in Uchiha’s empty eyes.

Tsunade said from the side: “It is about some situations of this ninja war. As the leader of the Grass Ninja Village, we need to have a good talk with you. talk。”

“Fine. “Uchiha Sora nodded.

He asked Xi Yan to go back first, and he followed the Third Hokage and Tsunade to the conference room.

Although he was in Konoha’s territory, Uchiha Sora was not worried at all that the Third Hokage would give him After setting an ambush and entering the conference room, the two parties sat down.

Uchiha Sora said: “Just tell me if you have anything. ”

The Third Hokage and the two advisors looked at each other, and the Third Hokage said: “Uchiha Sora, the development of this war is unexpected. Just two days ago, a team of elites from Sunagakure Village in the Country of Wind entered our Country of Fire. , there was a battle with our ninjas, and the intention of Sunagakure Village to provoke war against Konoha has been very obvious, so I hope Konoha can reach cooperation with Kusanagi Village。”

“cooperate? Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but frown when he heard this: “Do you think I will agree to cooperate with you?” The

Third Hokage shook his head: “I know of course you won’t promise me, but I hope you can promise Tsunade.” Uchiha

Sora looked at Tsunade with confusion on his face: “Tsunade-senpai, do you want to be a lobbyist?” Tsunade

shook her head.

At this time, the Third Hokage said: “I have decided to retire from the position of Hokage and pass Tsunade the fifth Hokage!” From now on, everything in Konoha Village will be decided by Tsunade! ”

So that’s it!

The Third Hokage actually abdicated and handed over the position of the Fifth Hokage to Tsunade.

And because of his relationship with Tsunade, it may be possible to achieve cooperation between Konoha and the Grass Ninja Village. .

It has to be said that the actions of the Third Hokage were indeed very cunning.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated Uchiha Sora’s hatred for him.

Uchiha Sora looked at Tsunade, shook his head and said: “I’m sorry, although you and I have teachers. In fact, Xiang Phosphorus has always been taken care of by you, but some things cannot be offset by this kind of favor.。”

“I tell you very clearly that I will not cooperate with the Leaf Village. Uchiha Sora looked at the Third Hokage and said calmly: “Unless you can die to apologize.” “

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