Apologize with death!

In the past, who would have dared to say such words in front of the Third Hokage?

But now, Sora Uchiha’s words silenced everyone present.

Because Uchiha Sora is now the leader of the Grass Ninja Village and a strong man who defeated the Earth Kingdom troops.。

“Forget it, Sora, in that case, let’s just pretend that we never talked about cooperation. “At this time, Tsunade said.

It is absolutely impossible for her to watch her teacher die.

Uchiha Sora waved his hand after hearing the words: “In that case, I have nothing to do here, I will leave first. . ”

After saying that, he disappeared in front of everyone in a flash.

Everyone watched Uchiha Sora leave and couldn’t help but look at each other.

After a long time, the Third Hokage couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

At this time, he already had regrets in his heart.

I regretted that I should not have indulged Danzo so much, and even more regretted that I allowed Danzo to attack Shisui.

Otherwise, Konoha would not have reached the point where it is today.

When Uchiha Sora appeared again, he had already arrived at the place where he was on his way home. Beside Xi Yan。

“Sora, how was your conversation with Hokage-sama? “Seeing Uchiha Sora appear, Xiyan couldn’t help but ask.

Uchiha Sora smiled and shook his head.

Xiyan gently held his hand and said softly: “Sora, no matter what decision you make, I will support you. ”

The two of them walked in the night and stopped all the way when they came to the downstairs of Xiyan’s house.

Xiyan looked at Sora Uchiha and said with a slight blush on his face: “My parents are not at home today, why don’t you stay at my house tonight? Bar? ”

Uchiha Sora was stunned, and couldn’t help but have a weird look on his face. He

seemed to have thought of something in his mind, and his look at Xiyan became strange.

Sensing Uchiha Sora’s gaze, Xiyan’s face turned redder, and he became a little angry. He stamped his feet, turned around and said, “Forget it, since you have the Flying Thunder God, it’s very convenient to go back, so I won’t keep you here! ”

After Xiyan finished speaking, she quickly entered the house, slammed the door, and threw Uchiha Sora outside. She leaned against the door, her heart beating violently, and her face turned red. Outside the

door , Uchiha Sora smiled, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared in an instant.

He naturally went back to Kusanagi Village to sleep.

The next day, Uchiha Sora returned to Konoha and found another jinchuriki in the ninja school. The Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki Fu.

Unlike Naruto, Fu moved to Konoha in recent days. Her identity is very secret. Except for the top management of Konoha, almost no one knows that she is the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki. So Fu is a ninja

. Studying and living in school was very comfortable, and she also had some friends.

After Sora Uchiha found her, he did not communicate with her much, but quietly left a Flying Thunder God mark on her body and left. In this way

, Both the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki have the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God. Once something goes wrong with them, he can quickly rush over to deal with it. This is the best way to prevent Uchiha Obito from attacking the Jinchuuriki.


that , he went to Sand Hidden Village again, and quietly left a mark of the Flying Thunder God on Gaara’s body.

So far, among the nine jinchūriki, except for the captured three-tailed four-tails, only the eight-tailed one has no coordinates.

The other Jinchuuriki are basically under the control of Uchiha Sora. It is

almost impossible for Uchiha Obito to collect all the tailed beasts.

In the following days, Uchiha Sora will stay in the original Takigakure Village for a long time. Under t

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] he towering giant tree, he practiced and understood the power of nature.

Uchiha Sora did not interfere too much in the war in the ninja world.

Although Cloud Hidden Village occasionally sent people to rescue Yukito, they all ended in failure.

In After many failed rescues, Kumogakure Village had to temporarily give up the idea of rescuing the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. After the

Earth Kingdom was crippled, it has been shrinking its front defense. After the Thunder Kingdom received a lot of benefits from the Earth Kingdom , and turned to target the Country of Fire.

The Country of Wind was also constantly sending elites to the Country of Fire to cause trouble.

The atmosphere in Konoha Village suddenly became a little tense.

At this time, Konoha Village held a succession ceremony for the fifth generation Hokage.

After the succession ceremony, the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade changed the third generation Hokage’s policy of being gentle towards the enemy, and immediately issued orders one after another to decisively launch a counterattack against the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Wind. Control.

The Fire Nation went from being passively beaten to taking the initiative.

Although the strength of Konoha Village has not yet recovered, Konoha’s determination made both the Fourth Raikage and the Fourth Kazekage feel a little afraid, and their actions also changed. He restrained himself a bit.

The four kingdoms were in a melee, and the ninja world was raging.

The Akatsuki organization took advantage of the war period to take on war missions, obtaining all kinds of intelligence while plotting against the Jinchūriki. In comparison,

Uchiha Sora was more like Like an outsider, he either comprehends natural energy every day or practices with Quan and Shiro.

His understanding of senjutsu is getting deeper and deeper, and his strength continues to increase.

On this day, Uchiha Sora was comprehending natural energy under a giant tree, and suddenly I felt enlightened and came up with the idea of creating my own ninjutsu.

In the process of constantly understanding the natural energy these days, I discovered that the nature of the natural energy and the chakra of the tailed beast are actually the same. It’s just that the tailed

beast is composed of yin and yang escape techniques. What is created is equivalent to natural energy with its own will and life.

This also means that he can seal natural energy into his body just like a tailed beast.

If you seal natural energy into your body, transform it and utilize it, you may be able to become a special ‘Jinchuuriki’.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but start to try.

He tried to attract natural energy into his body, not allowing it to combine with physical energy and spiritual energy into senjutsu chakra, but to leave it alone in the body.

At the same time, he tried to use the Yin sealing technique to seal this part of the natural energy.

However, after several attempts, Uchiha Sora ended up failing.

The point of failure is that ordinary Yin seals can hardly retain natural energy, and violent natural energy is not constrained by Yin seals at all.。

“It seems that the Yin Seal cannot store natural energy and can only find other methods. “After the attempt failed, Uchiha Sora frowned and fell into deep thought.

Suddenly, he thought of the curse seal studied by Orochimaru.

The curse seal is a technique developed based on Jugo’s physique. Jugo has the ability to integrate natural energy into the body. Under the influence of natural energy, you can directly transform into a sage.

Sage transformation is also a kind of sage mode, but you cannot absorb natural energy by your own will and cannot control it.

But for Uchiha Sora, this is something that can be further studied. thing.

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