The ninja war continues.

There are constant wars and frictions between the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Thunder, the Kingdom of Fire, and the Kingdom of Earth.

Some small forces have also participated.

After the Earth Kingdom was crippled, it has been adopting a strategy of passive defense and recuperation.

The Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Wind are eyeing Konoha, the Kingdom of Fire.

Recently, their actions against Konoha have become more and more frequent, causing Tsunade, who has just succeeded the fifth generation Hokage, a lot of pain.

The Grass Ninja Village where Uchiha Sora was located seemed relatively peaceful.

With Uchiha Sora in charge, this force that was originally just a small shinobi village has now become a safe haven for many people.

More and more wandering ninjas are joining the Grass Ninja Village to seek shelter.

The strength of Kusanagi Village is increasing day by day, and its status in the ninja world is also getting higher and higher.

Uchiha Sora was not surprised by this, he was still immersed in the process of studying the curse seal.

Although he was not very talented at the beginning, as he became more and more powerful and exposed to more and more secrets of Ninjutsu, the study of Ninjutsu naturally became easier and easier.。

��Seal is indeed a profound secret technique, but it is not difficult for the current Sora Uchiha to understand.

In the process of studying the curse seal, he discovered the two major components of the curse seal.

One is from Chongwu’s genetic talent.

The second is Orochimaru’s method of sealing his own will into it.

What Uchiha Sora is studying is this method of sealing one’s own will into a curse seal.

For Sora Uchiha, who has average talent, it is too difficult to improve a secret technique.

However, just half a month later.

Uchiha Kong, who was studying in seclusion, suddenly heard a systematic voice in his mind.。

“Ding dong~ With your unremitting study, y

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] our curse seal has been successfully improved and automatically evolved into a fairy seal! ”

In an instant, a large amount of information poured into his mind, and Uchiha Sora immediately understood the principle and usage of the senjutsu seal.

This senjutsu seal is a secret technique generated by system improvement. In essence, it is no longer a curse seal technique, but a sealing technique. .

And the senjutsu seal just meets Uchiha Sora’s requirement to seal natural energy.

After casting the senjutsu seal, it can absorb all the surrounding natural energy, without entering the sage mode, but directly sealing it in the body, making it It becomes gentle and easy to fuse.

When you want to use it, you can directly release the natural energy in the seal, and it can be directly integrated with the body to complete the immortal transformation.

This is definitely different from the immortal mode.

The immortal mode is to transform yourself The fusion of chakra and natural energy is more reflected in the fusion of chakra, while the immortal transformation is more reflected in the fusion of the body.。

“Let’s try the power of the fairy seal first! “Uchiha Sora couldn’t wait to experiment and find out the Hero’s Water that he had obtained before. The

Hero’s Water is the product of the towering tree in Takigakure Village, and its essence is natural energy. It

had been sealed by Uchiha Sora before, but now he can just Use this to cast the senjutsu seal.

Putting the Hero’s Water in front of him, Uchiha Sora sat cross-legged on the ground and formed a series of complicated hand seals with his hands.

This is exactly how to form the senjutsu seal.

After completing the seal, a ray of light Appeared in the palm of Uchiha Sora’s right hand.

At the same time, a huge suction force came from the palm. In an

instant, the surrounding natural energy and the hero water in the bottle began to roll, crazy towards his right hand. Palms gathered together。。。

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