As the hero’s water rolled, it turned into a powerful natural energy and was sucked into Uchiha Sora’s palm.

These natural energies eventually converge along the meridians on the arms to the Dantian in the abdomen.

Finally, a sealing technique with a yin and yang pattern appeared on Uchiha Sora’s abdomen.

This is the magic seal!

The principle is to use the power of yin and yang attributes to seal natural energy in the body.

Let the natural energy gradually become gentle in the changes of yin and yang.

When the senjutsu seal was formed, Uchiha Sora clearly felt that there was an extremely powerful force in his body.

This is the natural energy that has just been absorbed.

In the immortal seal, he could sense that this natural energy was being tamed as quickly as possible.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Sora discovered that he could draw the natural energy in the seal at will.

With a thought, gentle natural energy leaked out of the seal and gradually enriched his internal organs.

At the same time, Uchiha Sora’s appearance also changed.

I saw that his originally well-proportioned body suddenly swelled, and the muscles up and down his body became prominent.

The face has also undergone great changes. The pupils have turned into a pale gold color, a pair of golden horns have appeared on the forehead, the eyebrows have disappeared, and the black hair has also turned into gold.

This is Uchiha Sora’s sage transformation!

And this is the controllable immortal transformation obtained after improving the curse seal through the system!

It’s many times more powerful than the Curse Seal!

An unprecedented powerful feeling filled his heart。

“Is this a state of complete integration with natural energy? ! “Uchiha Kong was extremely shocked, shocked by his current

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] state and strength.

He came to the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror.

Golden horns, blond hair, golden eyes, and no eyebrows.

If the hair is longer, the golden Remove the horns and change the color of the eyes to blue. Does it look a bit like the Super 3 state in a certain anime?

“Well, but this is definitely not the real Super 3 state, and I am not a Saiyan.”。。。”Uchiha Sora murmured: “This mode is based on natural energy. It is an upgraded version of the Sage Mode. Let’s call it Super Sage Mode!” In short, Super Sage Mode


He found that in the super immortal mode, his reaction and insight were improved many times more than in the ordinary immortal mode.

And my physical fitness is much stronger than before.。

“Try this power first! “Uchiha Sora muttered to himself, activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and came to an uninhabited forest somewhere in the Land of Fire.

Standing in the lush forest, Uchiha Sora clenched his fist and punched forward with all his strength!

Boom ! !!!

Suddenly, there was an explosion-like sound in the air, and an air cannon visible to the naked eye was fired from Uchiha Sora’s fist and flew hundreds of meters ahead! All the weeds and tree trunks along the way were blasted by the air

. The cannon was crushed into pieces!!!


Sora looked at his fist in shock, and his heart was extremely shocked.

Although he could already feel that his power increase was exaggerated, he was still shocked when he saw this scene with his own eyes. Jump.

He actually hit the air cannon with a punch with all his strength?

Doesn’t this mean that now he actually has the power of Akai’s seven-door day tiger in the original work?

It’s even close to the level of eight-door Xixiang!

If Akai Here, your jaw will definitely drop!

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