This is just an expression of strength.

In terms of speed, Uchiha Sora pressed his feet hard, and his figure appeared a hundred meters away as if teleporting, leaving only an afterimage when he reached the spot!

This kind of speed cannot be captured even by the Mangekyō Sharingan!

In fact, Uchiha Sora felt that as long as he was faster, he could step on the air and ascend to the sky!

Next, Uchiha Sora stretched out his palm, and instantly a golden Rasengan gathered in his palm.

The Rasengan also turned golden!

I saw that the golden Rasengan was about the same size as the ordinary Rasengan. Although the scale of the technique did not change much, it exuded a terrifying power during its rotation.

In Super Sage Mode, Sora Uchiha’s Senjutsu Chakra is much more powerful than the Senjutsu Chakra in ordinary Sage Mode, and even changes the color of the chakra.

From the original blue, it turned into gold.

This golden chakra is more condensed and pure than ordinary chakra.

Uchiha Sora threw the golden Rasengan directly and hit it on a boulder.


The golden spiral pill exploded.

The next moment, a ten-meter-high boulder was instantly turned into powder under the palm-sized golden spiral pill!

Even the ground under the boulder was affected, and a large pit of more than ten meters appeared!

This power is more than ten times more powerful than the power of ordinary Rasengan!

Then, he tried his defensive ability again and scratched his hand with his long sword. It only left a red mark that could not even penetrate the skin.

I am afraid that only slashes with chakra attributes can���Inflict harm on yourself.

Ordinary weapon attacks are probably ineffective。

“Now I finally have the strength to compete with the six-level powerhouse! “After some experiments, Uchiha Kong secretly said.

This super immortal mode made his chakra more condensed, dense, and

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] pure, and the improvement it brought to him was undoubtedly huge. However, after some consumption,

Uchiha Bo Kong soon discovered that when the natural energy in the immortal seal was consumed, he automatically exited the super immortal mode.

And if he wanted to enter the super immortal mode again, he had to absorb the natural energy from the outside world again. Energy.

The process of reabsorbing and sealing the natural energy from the outside world takes time.

Unlike the Miaomu Mountain Immortal mode, which can be entered directly in seconds, the natural energy of the Immortal Technique seal requires a process of absorbing and sealing. It is similar to cultivating

immortals . It is like refining the vitality of heaven and earth, which is equivalent to a process of absorption and refining.

Before, he had Hero Water, which could quickly absorb a large amount of natural energy in Hero Water.

Without Hero Water, a treasure that contains a large amount of natural energy Under the premise, Uchiha Sora can only slowly absorb the natural energy in the surrounding air.

If the natural energy contained in a bottle of hero water is absorbed through the outside air, it will take at least half a day.

It seems that this super fairy mode It can only be used as a trump card, and it must accumulate enough natural energy in the body. However

, when thinking of natural energy, Uchiha Sora naturally thought of the dragon vein energy underground in the ruins of Loulan Ancient City in the desert area of the Kingdom of Wind. .

Dragon vein energy is a kind of natural energy, and it is extremely huge, even so huge that it can distort time and space.

Uchiha Sora has always wanted to go there to understand natural energy. Now he has mastered the perfect Mikiyama Senjutsu and developed It seems it’s time to absorb and refine the immortal magic seal and dragon vein energy.

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