Konoha Village, Hokage’s office.

Tsunade, who succeeded the Fifth Hokage, was handling the copywriting.

Assistant Shizune came in with a report and said with a worried look: “Tsunade-sama, intelligence came from the front line. When our ninja troops were tracking into the Kingdom of Wind, they were ambushed by the opponent’s trap. Now they have suffered heavy losses. There are A large number of injured people are waiting for treatment, and the medical ninjas on the front line are already overwhelmed!”

“What? what happened? “Tsunade looked startled, stood up and said, the waves in front of her were turbulent and shaking.。

“The Kingdom of Wind has placed a large number of toxins in the traps. Most of our ninjas have been poisoned and have now returned to the temporary base on the border. The medical ninjas over there can only stabilize the toxins from spreading, but they are still unable to unlock the wind. I’m afraid I can only rely on you to deal with the poison in this country! ” Shizune replied.

Tsunade heard the words without any hesitation, put on a green gown and said: “Shizune, you stay here, I will leave for the frontline base right now!”

“yes! “Shizune said immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Tsunade summoned several Anbu and hurriedly���Heading towards the western border.

Traveling at a lightning speed all the way, Tsunade and her men quickly arrived at the temporary base.

I saw a group of poisoned ninjas lying on the hospital beds in the base, all of them wailing in pain.

Tsunade did not dare to neglect and immediately began to analyze the toxin and began to prepare an antidote.

After a while, she prepared an antidote for everyone to take, and everyone recovered one after another.。

“As expected of the Fifth Hokage! All our poisons have been released! “The ninjas who were rescued were extremely happy, cheering and looking at Tsunade. All the male ninjas showed admirat

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Although Tsunade-sama is not young, she is still so dignified and beautiful, and even more powerful. Her strength and status are simply the goddess that everyone dreams of!

Seeing that the toxin was released, Tsunade asked about the detailed process of this war.

After some understanding, she discovered that there must be someone hidden in the Wind Kingdom troops. The powerful person, especially the ability to make poison, reminded her of an opponent she had encountered before.

Chiyo from Sunagakure Village!

Thinking of this, Tsunade decided to take people to confirm, and immediately selected some elites to form He formed an elite team of dozens of people and headed straight for the Kingdom of Wind.

After entering the Kingdom of Wind, they encountered a desert not long after walking.。

“Tsunade-sama, we should be almost at the location where the Wind Country troops are stationed. “A Konoha ninja said to Tsunade.

Tsunade nodded. She was an expert and brave, and ran straight ahead without stopping at all.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed.

It was sunny just now. The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and strong winds were rising all around, and the sky was filled with flying sand.。

“what’s the situation? “Tsunade and others were shocked。

“Look! what is that? ! “One person exclaimed and stretched out his finger not far away.

Everyone looked intently and saw a pillar of light rising into the sky in the desert not far away.

It seemed to contain a large amount of energy. , it is this energy that stirs the surroundings and sets off this great change in the world.。

“What a strong energy! Tsunade’s beautiful eyes trembled. She looked at the beam of light. After a slight hesitation, she decisively ordered: “Let’s go over and take a look!” ”

After saying that, the group of people turned around and headed towards the place where the light beams converged.

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