When they came near the light pillar, they discovered that they were surrounded by ruins standing in the desert.。

“Tsunade-sama, this place should be the old Loulan ancient city! “A well-informed ninja said hurriedly。

“Well, I know, there should be no one here anymore. You stay here and don’t act rashly. I’ll go over and take a look. “Tsunade waved her hand, signaling her subordinates to stay where they were, while she quietly approached.

Although her subordinates were worried about her safety, they did not dare to disobey Tsunade’s orders and did not follow her.

Tsunade moved toward the beam of light. As I approached the position, I finally discovered that at the bottom of the light pillar, there was a human figure sitting cross-legged.。

“There is someone there! “Tsunade was immediately startled.

She couldn’t help but look closer, but she saw that the figure sitting in the beam of light was very familiar. She couldn’t help but go around to look in front of him.

A familiar face suddenly came into view.

Tsunade couldn’t help but He was stunned for a moment and exhaled softly: “It’s you! null! ”

The figure sitting cross-legged in the pillar of light is Uchiha Sora!

Not long ago, he made the decision to absorb the energy of the dragon vein, so he came directly to the Loulan ruins and began to sense the power of the dragon vein and absorb it. However

, He did not expect that the dragon vein energy was too huge. Although his immortal seal could absorb the natural energy of the seal, his body could not fully withstand this natural energy. If too much was absorbed, there would be a risk of the body exploding. At this time,

he The absorption of dragon vein energy has almost reached saturation and cannot be absorbed anymore.

However, the dragon vein energy in the ground has been attracted by him, and his entire body is now imprisoned by the light beam formed by the dragon vein energy. Gradually,

the dragon vein energy fo

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rmed The light beam became stronger and stronger, and even the surrounding space was distorted. Even if Uchiha wanted to use the Flying Thunder God to leave, he could no longer do it. Because the surrounding space and time had become

chaotic, involving his body, and he was using Immortal magic seal, powerful natural energy is continuously gathering into his body. Once he uses Flying Thunder God to perform a space jump, he is afraid that his body will be pulled to pieces by this huge natural energy in an instant. And the only way now

, We can only try our best to guide this energy into the void, open the space-time wormhole, and follow this energy into the space-time wormhole.。

“It seems that this time I will end up like Fugaku. Uchiha sighed in his heart.

The power of guiding the dragon vein opened the space-time wormhole.

In an instant, a huge suction force rolled up around him.

At this moment, he saw Tsunade approaching.。

“Tsunade-senpai, leave quickly! “Uchiha Sora secretly said something bad, and hurriedly asked Tsunade to leave.

But after hearing Uchiha Sora’s reminder, Tsunade realized that something bad was going to happen, and it was already too late to retreat.

Only a dark space-time insect was seen . The hole appeared in front of Uchiha Sora, and the huge suction force instantly sucked in all the materials within a few dozen meters of the surrounding area.

Tsunade’s body also flew into the space-time wormhole uncontrollably.

Just as her body was about to The moment she fell into the space-time wormhole, Uchiha Sora stretched out his hand and hugged her waist, and the two fell into the space-time wormhole together!

Uchiha Sora saw nothing but darkness in front of him, and he hugged Tsunade tightly. After spinning for a while, the person appeared in a lush forest.

PS: Let the protagonist go to the Warring States Period to play, just a few words, parents of food and clothing, please take care of me o(╥﹏╥)o

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