When Uchiha Sora came to his senses.

He found that he and Tsunade were hugging each other tightly, and his face was buried in her extremely majestic peaks.

An unusually soft touch came, but suddenly Tsunade’s cold voice was heard: “Bad boy, how long will you continue to hug me?”

Sora Uchiha woke up in a hurry, withdrew from her arms, and let go of Tsunade.。

“Sorry, Tsunade-senpai, if I hadn’t held you just now, I’m afraid we would have been lost in time and space. “He quickly explained to resolve the embarrassment.

Tsunade’s expression softened slightly and she couldn’t help but ask: “What on earth were you doing just now? It actually aroused such huge energy? ”

Uchiha Sora did not answer immediately, but closed his eyes. After sensing carefully, he opened his eyes and said solemnly: “Things are a little troublesome. The huge energy just now opened a passage similar to a space-time wormhole. It sent us to an unknown world. I’m afraid this is no longer the ninja world we were in before.。”

“What? How can this be? Tsunade couldn’t help but whisper softly: “Are you not mistaken?””

“My perception will not be wrong. If we are still in the previous world, I have set up many Flying Thunder God coordinate marks around the world. No matter where I am, as long as I am still on that land, I can I could sense it, but now I can’t sense it. Uchiha Sora explained.

Tsunade’s heart dropped when

she heard this. She had just become Hokage not long ago, before she had time to do anything for Konoha, or even before she had time to resolve the current war in Konoha, she ended up living in exile. Arrived in another world.

Seeing Tsunade’s face full of worry, Uchiha Sora comforted: “But don’t worry too much. I have sensed the natural energy of this world just now. It is almost exactly the same as the previous world.

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] I I think this place should be similar to the previous world, or at least somewhat related.。”

“But how should we go back? “Tsunade couldn’t help but sigh.

Although she is the Hokage, one of the three ninjas, and powerful, she still understands very little about the mysteries of time and space. She has no way to go back. And now she can only look at

Uchi Uchiha was empty.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Uchiha Sora and said: “What on earth were you doing at the Loulan ruins before? Was that huge energy triggered by you? ”

Hearing her question, Uchiha Sora had no choice but to nod and reply: “Well, it’s me. That energy is the dragon vein energy hidden under the Loulan ruins. It is a very huge natural energy. I was doing research on new techniques at the time. , to absorb this natural energy, but the energy was too huge, and something unexpected happened during the absorption process.。。。But this is no longer important. Let me try first to see if I can reopen the space-time wormhole and go back. ”

After saying that, he sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Tsunade saw this and stopped asking questions. She stood aside and looked at him curiously.

Uchiha Kong closed his eyes and carefully sensed the magic in the senjutsu seal. A huge dragon vein energy. The

dragon vein energy is very huge. At this time, the energy in the immortal seal is almost completely saturated. When this energy is released, it is definitely no less than the chakra energy of an entire Nine Tails, and even much more than the Nine Tails. .

He came through the space-time wormhole triggered by the energy of the dragon vein before, so now can he try to use the huge natural energy in the seal to induce the space-time wormhole back? Thinking of this, Uchiha Kong immediately

released Natural energy in the seal。。。

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