Uchiha Sora’s muscles suddenly swelled up, and his black hair turned into gold.

A powerful aura rose from his body.

Uchiha Sora opened his eyes, his golden pupils shining brightly, and his disappearing brows made him look even more evil.

It’s super fairy mode!

The ground began to be shaken with cracks, and the surrounding trees were blown around by the strong wind.

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Sora’s current form with a shocked face, and opened her mouth slightly: “Sora, you are so powerful.。。。”

“not enough! “Uchiha Sora shook his head. He continued to release the natural energy in the senjutsu seal, and saw a golden chakra burst out from his body. A golden halo surrounded Sora. The huge pressure


towards The surroundings swept away.

Under this pressure, Tsunade actually felt her whole body tighten and her heart trembled.

It was too strong!

This power had definitely surpassed the tailed beast!

At this time, Uchiha Sora released his body The golden chakra surged out towards the void.

In the blink of an eye, a golden light pillar shot up into the sky, punching a big hole in the clouds in the sky!

I saw the space next to Uchiha Sora, under this energy It emitted ripples and became distorted.

The powerful energy spread out unbridled, and all the creatures in the forest lay uneasily on the ground and trembled.

After about half a minute, the golden light pillar gradually dissipated.

Uchi Namikong withdrew his power and withdrew from the super fairy mode. He sighed and looked at Tsunade who was already stunned: “No, my power is not enough to open the space-time wormhole and go back. The most I can do is distort time and space. This is still far from opening a stable space-time wormhole and returning to the original world! ”

After hearing Uchiha Sora’s words, Tsunade woke up with a start an

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] d looked at Uchiha Sora with complex eyes: “Song, I didn’t expect that you have such a huge power now. I really don’t know how you practice. If you In the original world, with your power just now, I’m afraid you could have pacified the ninja world just like my grandfather Senju Hashirama, right? ”

Uchiha Sora smiled noncommittally.

At this moment, some footsteps suddenly came from the forest, interrupting the communication between the two.

Uchiha Sora winked at Tsunade, indicating to hide and observe first. .

Tsunade understood and hid in a bush together with Sora Uchiha.

The two of them peeled back the leaves and looked, only to see a dozen people with long swords around their waists hurriedly appearing where they were standing just now.

These people are dressed in ancient clothes, and some are wearing samurai armor. They look like samurai, but they are not exactly samurai. Judging

from the breath, these people are not very powerful, and they also have chakra energy in their bodies.

Uchi After Namikong discovered this, he felt slightly relieved. This shows that this world is closely related to the previous world, because people in this world also have chakra. At this time, Tsunade said softly: “Sora,

you Look at the patterns on those people’s clothes. They should be family emblems. I have seen this family emblem on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind. They should be members of the Black Sand Clan of the Kingdom of Wind!”

“But this family should have disappeared after the Second Ninja War! However, there are actually people from the Black Sand Clan in this world, which shows that there is definitely a close relationship with our world! Come on, let’s go up and ask! Tsunade said in surprise, and immediately stood up and walked out of the bushes.

Sora Uchiha had no choice but to follow him.

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