Warring States Period!

As a time traveler, Uchiha Sora is very familiar with the history of the entire Naruto world. Although there is very little information obtained from the people of the Black Sand clan, it is basically certain that this should be the Warring States period of the Naruto world.

That is to say, the era before Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama founded Konoha Village.

After getting this guess, Uchiha Kong was secretly relieved. Fortunately, this world is still the original ninja world, and it is finally related to the previous world.

If you come to a completely unfamiliar world or plane, you will be in big trouble.

Afterwards, Uchiha Sora and Tsunade continued to ask some questions to the people of the Black Sand Clan, and finally understood some of the current situation in the world.

After understanding it, the two released the Black Sand clan members back.

After the Black Sand Clan left, Uchiha Sora said to Tsunade: “Senior Tsunade, it seems that we reversed time and space through the energy of the dragon vein and came to the Warring States Period sixty or seventy years ago, but according to the grandfather paradox , here should be more���parallel world。”

“Grandfather paradox? “Tsunade couldn’t help being stunned.

Uchiha Sora explained with a smile: “The grandfather paradox is a set of theories used to travel through time and space. If there is a possibility of time and space travel, then the time and space traveled can only be the future, not the future. past。”

“The specific description is the content of the grandfather paradox: If I travel back in time and kill my grandfather, then I will not be born. Since I will not be born, I cannot exist, and I cannot go back in time and kill my grandfather. Death to my grandfather. This is the grandfather paradox。”


“This shouldn’t be difficult to understand, right? “Uchiha Sora couldn’t help shaking his head and laughin

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] g when he saw Tsunade rolling her eyes.。

“Is this genius? You know so much at such a young age! “Tsunade was actually a little dazed. She blushed when she heard this and had to give him a blank look.

Then she immediately changed the subject: “Then where should we go next?”

“Whatever, we can’t go back now anyway. “Uchiha Sora shrugged.。

“Then go and see the Senju Clan! Tsunade said.

Uchiha Sora was stunned: “You want to meet Senju Hashirama, right?””

“Well, you are here, of course you have to go and see it!”

“Okay, let’s go to the Senju clan, I also want to meet the legendary ninja god! ”

So, the two of them headed towards the Country of Fire.

After asking the people of the Black Sand Clan just now, they learned that there are still many countries in the world, and the ninja families govern their own affairs in the form of tribes. In this world, they are equivalent to individual Mercenary organizations must be employed by the country’s plutocrats and lords to survive.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, due to their strong strength and top reputation, are being employed by the plutocratic lords of the wealthy Fire Country. , the family tribes are also settled in the country of fire.

Therefore, the two tribes are in a direct competitive relationship. In order to compete for fame and fortune, they are almost at odds with each other. They will fight when they meet. After learning the

location of the Senju tribe, After that, they immediately set off.

However, shortly after they walked out of the forest, they ran into a team of hundreds of people.

This team was mainly composed of samurai, and in addition there were a dozen ninjas. .At

this time, this team was being attacked by another force and suffered heavy losses.。

“That’s the team from the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire! “Tsunade recognized the team under attack at a glance. They were people from the Daming Mansion of the Country of Fire!

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