Those who attacked the Damingfu team were a group of ninjas of unknown origin, and there were quite a few of them.

And the strength of these ninjas is obviously much stronger than the people here in Daming Mansion.

During the battle, the ordinary samurai guards in the Daming Mansion team died one by one, leaving only a few ninjas still resisting.

They stood guard next to a carriage and gritted their teeth and persisted.

But after a while, they couldn’t resist it, and dangers arose everywhere.

Seeing this scene, one of the female ninjas quickly picked up a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl from the carriage and fled outside with her.。

“Don’t let them get away! Capture that girl alive! “There was a loud shout from the attackers.

The female ninja gritted her teeth and ran wildly, heading towards the position of Uchiha Sora and Tsunade.

The attackers caught up with them in the blink of an eye, and threw out a large number of hidden shurikens. Attacked towards the two female ninjas.

A large wave of attacks just happened to cover Uchiha Sora and Tsunade.

As a passerby, Uchiha Sora didn’t want to get involved in these things, but seeing this group of attackers, he didn’t care about the passerby at all. Putting his life in his eyes, he actually wanted to attack him as well, and he couldn’t help but frown slightly.

The next moment, he made a seal with one hand。

“Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall! ”

A thick earth wall rose from the ground and blocked the attackers, easily blocking a large wave of hidden weapon attacks. The

attackers couldn’t help but be shocked.

The female ninja who escaped with the girl couldn’t help but be startled and ran away. The pace stopped。

“Sir, thank you for your help! “The female ninja thanked her hurriedly, and then pushed the frightened girl in her arms towards him: “This is the princess of the Land of Fire. Since you have taken action, please he

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] lp her to the end and take her back to the Daming Mansion. The Daming must be saved. Thank you very much!”

“Princess of the Fire Nation? Uchiha Sora glanced at the panicked girl and shook his head: “Sorry, I’m just a passerby and have no intention of getting involved in this matter.”。”

“But you’re involved and they won’t let you go! “The female ninja said anxiously: “Next, I will cut off your queen, so you can run away with the princess!”

“Want to run? ! “At this time, the attackers crossed the wall and surrounded Uchiha Sora and others.

The leader showed a ruthless look on his face, stared at Uchiha Sora and said angrily: “Boy, how dare you interfere with our Shimura clan? Mission? Could it be that he doesn’t want to live anymore?”

“oh? It turns out you are members of the Shimura clan! Uchiha Sora said in surprise: “You attacked me first, so why did I interfere in your mission?””

“snort! Without further ado! If you know her, leave that girl to us! if not。。。”The leader was too lazy to talk to Uchiha Kong and directly issued a cold threat.

However, before he could finish his words, Uchiha Sora suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

He raised his hand and pinched the neck of the Shimura tribesman who was unable to react in time.

A cold voice sounded from Uchiha’s mouth: “Only you? You dare to threaten me?” The Shimura

tribe was horrified. When his neck was pinched, he felt that all the strength in his body was drained, and a strong sense of suffocation came over him. .

More importantly, he actually felt a power from Uchiha Sora that was no less powerful than their clan leader!

“You, who are you?” He made a difficult voice from his mouth.

Uchiha Sora was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he raised his hand and threw his body away like garbage.

At the same time, he formed a seal with one hand and directly summoned a thunderbolt, hitting the man’s body!

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