Uchiha sat in the courtyard of Daming Mansion, and the surrounding natural energy quickly gathered towards his body.

Orange fairy eye shadow appeared on both of his eyelids.

In the blink of an eye, he had entered Miaomushan Sage mode.

In sage mode, his perception increased sharply and he immediately sensed Tsunade’s aura.。

“Have you been to the Senju Clan? Well, with your strength, you should be second only to Hashirama and Tobirama among the Senju clan. “Uchiha Sora murmured.

After sensing that Tsunade went to the Senju Clan, he felt relieved. After Tsunade returned to the Senju Clan, her treatment would definitely not be bad based on her ability.。

“Should I also go and see the Uchiha clan? “After exiting the sage mode, Uchiha thought to himself.

In this era, Uchiha and Senju are old enemies. Now that Tsunade has returned to the Senju clan, it will probably be very difficult for her to fight with the Uchiha clan in the future.。

“It seems that I still have to go to the Uchiha clan. Anyway, the Senju and Uchiha will reconcile in the future, so I might as well speed up this process. “Uchiha Sora planned in his mind.

In order to avoid another conflict between the family and Tsunade, Uchiha Sora was also worried.

With the plan in mind, Uchiha Sora bid farewell to Princess Akatsuki。

“Master, are you leaving? But you haven’t stayed for a month yet! You haven’t taught me any more powerful ninjutsu yet! “When Princess Akatsuki heard that Uchiha Sora was leaving, she suddenly showed deep reluctance on her little face.

Uchiha Sora smiled apologetically, raised his hand and tapped her forehead gently: “I’m sorry, Akatsuki, I have important things to do. I can’t stay here any longer. I’ll teach you ninjutsu when I’m done.。”


Uchiha Sora closed his eyes, activated the power in the senjutsu seal, and condensed a

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] golden chakra crystal in his hand.

This golden chakra crystal contains his magic power, and also has the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God left on it.。

“Make this into a necklace and wear it. If you are in danger, input your chakra into it and I will appear in time. “Uchiha Sora handed the golden crystal to Akatsuki’s hand and said.

This golden chakra crystal is a means for him to condense the senjutsu chakra after learning the super sage mode. This crystal contains his With the power of the crystal, some simple settings can be made, such as leaving the coordinates of the Flying Thunder God spell that can be reversely sensed. In this way,

others only need to input chakra into the crystal, and they can sense it themselves.

Princess Xiaoyue Taking the golden chakra crystal, holding it in the palm of his hand, he raised his head and looked at Uchiha Sora in a daze.。

“Practice well. “Uchiha Sora waved to her and turned to leave.

Next, his destination was the Uchiha clan.

However, just as he walked out of the Daming Mansion,

a group of people blocked him

. These people wore waistbands with fire marks on them and were looking at him with unkind expressions.。

“The person who protects the Twelve Shinobi? Uchiha Sora recognized the identities of these people and couldn’t help frowning: “Is it the Daimyo?” What does he want from me?”

“No, no, no, the daimyo is not looking for you, but I am looking for you! “One of the leaders, tall and thin, crossed his arms on his chest: “Let me introduce myself, I am Uchiha Ten. I heard that the Daimyo once invited you to join the organization, right? But you actually refused, right? Boy, you’re pretending to be a member of the Uchiha clan, and you actually tricked yourself into coming to the Daming Mansion? I grew up in the Uchiha clan, and I have never seen a person like you! “

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