“Uchiha Tian?” Uchiha Sky’s expression changed: “You said I am pretending to be an Uchiha?”

“Is not it? Uchiha Tian proudly said: “The clan leader Uchiha Madara is my cousin!” I have followed my cousin in the wars in the north and south, and I know all the people in the clan without exception!”

“I see. “Uchiha Sora nodded and did not argue anymore.

Because strictly speaking, he is indeed not a member of the Uchiha clan in this world, but comes from that world.。

“How about it? Have nothing to say? Uchiha Tian said coldly: “In that case, just be obedient and let me teach you a lesson!” Let me show you the true power of Uchiha! ”

After saying that, Uchiha Ten opened his Sharingan. The

scarlet three magatama Sharingan opened suddenly.

Several other twelve guardian ninjas who followed Uchiha Ten all exclaimed.。

“This is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan! What a great experience!”

“I was lucky enough to see the power of Lord Uchiha Ten’s Sharingan, and it seemed that my trip was worthwhile!”

“Yes, let us see the power of the Uchiha clan! ”

Listening to the praises from his companions around him, Uchiha Tian’s face became even more proud.

He looked at Uchiha Sora coldly and said calmly: “Fake, today I will let you experience the power of Uchiha Sharingan. ! ”

Uchiha Sora sighed.

If he hadn’t been able to open the Sharingan now, he would have really wanted to show him what the Mangekyo looked like. The

Uchiha clan members in the Warring States Period were so proud. It seems that this is all because of Madara I’m used to it.

Of course, this also shows that the Uchiha clan was indeed at its peak during the Warring States Period.。

“Art fire escape ho fireball! ”

At this time, Uchiha Sky suddenly formed a seal with both hands and performed the Uchiha family’s signature fire escape.

A hot fireball spurted

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] towards Uchiha Sky. Uchiha Sky’s

eyes flashed when he saw this.

I saw that he was also forming a seal. , a fireball of the same size was ejected from his mouth.

It was also a fireball technique!

The next moment, the two fireballs collided with each other.

The fireballs collided, and the heat wave spread to the surroundings.

Suddenly, Uchiha Tian’s expression changed, and he only Seeing that his fireball was being suppressed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just the blink of an eye, Uchiha Sora’s fireball had already covered his fireball and shrouded Uchiha Sora.。

“not good! Uchiha Tian actually lost in the collision of fire escape! “The spectators on the side exclaimed.

Uchiha Tian also had a look of disbelief. He hurriedly stepped back in a hurry, and then managed to avoid the scope of the fireball.

Such a strong ninjutsu ability!

Uchiha Tian was shocked in his heart. He looked at Uchiha Sora in surprise: “Who are you? Uchiha

Sora smiled slightly and said lightly: “Use all your power and let me see Uchiha’s strength.”。”

“snort! Don’t underestimate Uchiha! “Uchiha Tian felt underestimated and roared immediately.

He no longer used ninjutsu, but quickly drew out his ninja sword and stabbed straight at Uchiha Sky. The

secret of Uchiha swordsmanship! Half-moon slash!

A sword light Attacked Uchiha Sora’s face.

Uchiha Sora also drew out the long sword from his waist, waved it upward with one hand, and wrote lightly: “Swordsmanship: Wind Slash! ”

A gust of wind was inspired from Uchiha Sora’s sword, like a B ninjutsu, whizzing towards Uchiha Ten. Before Uchiha Ten

‘s Half Moon Slash could reach Uchiha Sora, his body He was blown around by the strong wind, and in the end he was unable to move forward. He stopped half a meter in front of Sora Uchiha, unable to move even an inch forward!

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