Uchiha fell to the ground with a look of despair on his face.

Uchiha Sora looked at him and said: “You are too weak.。”

“who are you? ! “Uchiha Tian said with difficulty.。

“If there is a chance, we will meet again in the Uchiha clan in the future. “Uchiha Sora said lightly.

Next, he is going to visit the Uchiha clan. If nothing else, he will definitely interfere with the affairs of the Uchiha clan. By then, Uchiha Sora will naturally know his identity. After that, Uchiha

Sora Namikura left here.

In the evening, he came to the Uchiha clan’s tribe.

This time he came to the clan, hoping to mediate the conflict between the Uchiha and the Senju, so he had to gain a certain degree. The right to speak.

To obtain the right to speak, it is naturally impossible to keep a low profile. The best way is to talk to Uchiha Madara in person.

Therefore, when Uchiha Kuichi arrived at the gate of the Uchiha clan tribe, he met the family gatekeeper ninja During the cross-examination, he made up a fictional identity and said with a smile: “My dear Uchiha Sora, I am a descendant of the bloodline that my family left behind many years ago. I am here to visit the Uchiha clan and meet your clan leader Uchiha Madara!”

“Sora Uchiha? The bloodline left behind by the family? “The gatekeeper ninja was stunned when he heard this.。

“How do you prove that you are an Uchiha? Is your Sharingan open? “The gatekeeper ninja asked suspiciously.

These days, there are still a lot of people pretending to be the Uchiha clan, and he has to guard against them.

Uchiha Kong shook his head and said: “No. ”

His Sharingan is in seclusion to attack the eternal realm. Naturally, he cannot open it for others to see.。

“No? “The gatekeeper ninja’s face became strange, and he suddenly snorted coldly: “Then ple

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ase come back, Your Excellency! The Uchiha clan has important matters to deal with and has no time to entertain you for the time being! Uchiha

Sora frowned. He visited with nice words, but he didn’t expect to receive a blank look from the other party.

In this case, he was no longer polite. He

said calmly: “No one can stop me from the person I want to see.” ! In this case, I will go see Uchiha Madara in person!”

“Be bold! You can see our clan leader whenever you want! It’s so shameless! Stop! “The gatekeeper ninja hurriedly stopped in front of Uchiha Sora, drew his weapon and pointed it at him, looking at him coldly.

Uchiha Sora raised his hand and made a one-hand seal, and instantly released an illusion.

Although he did not open it now The Sharingan cannot release genjutsu directly through the Sharingan, but with his genjutsu skills, the power of ordinary genjutsu released through the seals is not small. The gatekeeper ninja was hit by the genjutsu on the spot, and he stayed in

place, unable to move

. It was too late to warn anyone.

Uchiha ignored him and walked slowly into the tribe.

He saw people coming and going in the tribe, and many ninjas were gathering in one direction. It seemed that the family did have something to do. Arrangement.

So that no one noticed Uchiha Sora’s intrusion.

Until he followed the crowd to a training ground, there was a young man who looked very similar to the grown-up Sasuke at the entrance of the training ground. Suddenly stopped him。

“who are you? How did you join the family? “The young man shouted.

The young man’s voice immediately attracted the attention of other tribesmen. Suddenly,

many tribesmen gathered around and looked over.

Many people saw the unfamiliar face of Sora Uchiha. The faces also showed hostile looks.

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