“I’ve been discovered.” Facing the hostile gazes of countless tribesmen around him, Uchiha Sora looked calm, with a smile on his lips.

Seeing his behavior, the young man continued to snort: “I have to say you are very brave! How dare you break into the territory of my Uchiha clan! Now you are exposed in front of everyone, and you can still laugh!”

“Master Izuna! Oh no! “Just at this moment, two tribesmen ran over. One of them was the former gatekeeper ninja. He shouted from a distance towards the young man who looked like Sasuke: “A guy who calls himself Uchiha Sora attacked with a genjutsu. I! Now his whereabouts are unknown。。。”

“are you talking about me? “However, before the gatekeeper ninja could finish speaking, Sora Uchiha spoke.。

“you! How dare you show up here so arrogantly! “The gatekeeper ninja came closer and was stunned when he saw Uchiha Sora.

Then he quickly reminded Uchiha Izuna: “Master Izuna, be careful of this guy’s illusion! ”

At this time, the young man who had just stopped Uchiha Sora, Uchiha Izuna, looked at Uchiha Sora with interest and said: “So your name is Uchiha Sora, but why don’t I remember that there is someone like you in the family? character? Tell me, where are you from? ”

At this time, more and more clan members had gathered around.

Without waiting for Uchiha Sora’s reply, the gatekeeper ninja who had been hit by Uchiha Sora’s illusion rushed to answer: “Sir Izuna, this guy claims to be the heir of our family. The bloodline of Luo Wai, but when I asked him if he had opened his eyes, he said that he had not opened his eyes.。”

“I see! “Uchiha Izuna laughed after hearing this. The

surrounding tribesmen also laughed, with ridicule in their laughter.。

“Judging from his age, he

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] is no longer a child. He hasn’t even opened his Sharingan yet. I think he is a liar pretending to be an Uchiha!”

“Yes, yes, even if he is not a liar, he is still a burden at best without opening his eyes at this age!”

“This kind of ungrateful guy should be kicked out as soon as possible. Don’t waste everyone’s time! ”

The cynicism came one after another.

Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but shake his head. He thought that the Uchiha clan in that world was already arrogant, but compared with the Uchiha clan here, they really pale into insignificance. But this is not the case

. Strange, after all, in this world, the Uchiha clan is one of the two top families in the ninja world. Both their strength and reputation are enough to make them arrogant. But today, Sora Uchiha wants to break their arrogance! He


smiled He stood up, looked at the Uchiha people around him, shook his head and said: “They are really a group of people who sit in a well and look at the sky, and don’t know how high the sky is. Who told you that people who don’t open their eyes are a burden? ”

As soon as Sora Uchiha finished speaking, the surrounding tribesmen were like a fire being lit in a pile of straw, and their anger started to surge up.。

“Damn it! How dare you say that we, the Uchiha clan, sit in a well and look at the sky, not knowing how high the sky is! Who are you? Why do you say this?”

“Damn it, I want you to taste the power of the Sharingan!”

“You are so bold! How dare you speak nonsense in our territory! It’s simply courting death! ”

Some people even shouted: “Master Quan Nai! Let me teach this guy a lesson!”

“Yes, yes, Master Izuna, I want to fight too!”

“Me too!”

“Me too! Me too! ”

Cries arose from all over the place.

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