Seeing that the Uchiha clan members around him were all filled with indignation, Uchiha Sora didn’t have any expression of panic or fear on his face, he still had a slight smile on his face.

Uchiha Izuna looked at Uchiha Sora in surprise: “Seeing that everyone is trying to teach you a lesson, you don’t seem to be afraid at all? It seems that you are really brave!”

Uchiha Sora smiled noncommittally and looked at He walked around the crowd and said calmly: “Not long ago, I met a guy named Uchiha Tian. That guy also kept shouting in front of me like you, but then I asked him to be honest. I don’t know that you guys How capable is he?”

“Uchiha Ten? “When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but be stunned.。

“Didn’t that guy go to Daming Mansion? This guy has seen him before?”

“What he said sounded like it was serious, not fake.。”

“So, this guy really met Uchiha Ten? And he seemed to have defeated Ten Uchiha?”

“impossible? Uchiha Tian is not weak, does this fake really have that kind of strength? ”

The people who were clamoring before now looked at each other one by one, as if they were frightened.。

“Boy, even if you really defeated Uchiha Ten, can you still underestimate all the Uchihas here? “At this time, someone finally shouted.

This is the Uchiha clan. Maybe the guy in front of me does have some strength and can defeat the powerful Uchiha Ten, but so what? There are many

masters in the family, including Uchiha Izuna Sitting with a master like Uchiha Madara.

Everyone was full of confidence.

Uchiha Izuna smiled coldly, grinned and said: “Let’s call you Uchiha Sora. No matter where you come from, today is the time wh

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] en our Uchiha clan goes out to fight the Senju. The days of a clan do not allow you to run wild here!”

“Going out to conquer the Thousand Hands Clan? Uchiha Kong frowned slightly and said in surprise: “It seems that I came at the right time.”。”

“how? do you have any opinion? Uchiha Izuna asked.

Uchiha Sora nodded: “I’m sorry, I do have some opinions.”

Uchiha Izuna was stunned: “Dare you joke in front of me? “”

“I’m not kidding. Uchiha Sora looked at him and said calmly: “Since you are going out to fight the Senju today, I really have a little suggestion to make.。”

“explain! “Uchiha Izuna’s eyes turned cold.。

“I hope the Uchiha clan will stop the war with the Senju clan. “Uchiha Sora said word by word.

After hearing Uchiha Sora’s words, everyone around him was stunned and looked at each other.。

“Ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

“What did he just say? I didn’t hear it clearly!”

“He seems to have said that he wants us, the Uchiha clan, and the Senju clan to cease the war!”

“Did I hear that correctly? Who is he? How dare you say such a thing?”

“You heard it right, you heard it right, I didn’t expect to encounter such a strange thing in my lifetime! When our Uchiha clan goes out to war, saying such words would really make someone laugh to death! ”

The crowd burst into laughter.

Everyone looked at Uchiha Sora as if they were an idiot.

At this moment, everyone even thought that there was something wrong with Uchiha Sora’s mind.

A guy jumped out of nowhere, He actually ran to the territory of the Uchiha clan, facing hundreds of tribesmen and many masters, and said such nonsense. I’m afraid no one would believe this kind of


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