“Is Izuna’s kaleidoscope ability to control black flames? The left eye is Amaterasu, and the right eye is equipped with earth life? It’s almost exactly the same as Sasuke’s.” Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kong couldn’t help but secretly thought.

Facing a large rain of hidden weapons carrying black flames, Uchiha Sora was unable to block with the weapons in his hands.

Because once you touch these hidden weapons with black flames, your long sword will be instantly contaminated by black flames.

If the body is accidentally contaminated by black inflammation, it will be quite troublesome.

However, no matter how troublesome the black flames are, they are not a threat to Sora Uchiha.

I saw him biting his fingers to form a seal with one hand, and patting the ground lightly。

“Psychic Rashomon! ”


The ground suddenly cracked, and a huge iron gate with a ghostly face rose from the ground, blocking the rain of black flames and hidden weapons.

Dang Dang Dang。。。

Countless hidden weapons fell on Rashomon one after another, making crisp sounds, and black flames burned on Rashomon, covering and engulfing the entire Rashomon in an instant.

But Uchiha Sora is intact。

“This is the defensive technique of Senju Hashirama! “Uchiha Izuna let out a soft cry when he saw this.

Uchiha Madara, who was watching the battle, was shocked, and a light burst out from his eyes.


At this time, Rashomon turned into white smoke and disappeared.

Also disappearing were those The black flames stained on Rashomon.

When Izuna saw this, his eyes widened, and he wanted to launch Amaterasu’s black flames to attack Uchiha Sora again.

But Uchiha Sora no longer gave him a chance, and he moved quickly, And at the same time, he fired a series of kunai towards Quan Nai’s body.

Quan Nai stared at the figure of Uchiha Sora while dodging the kunai that was shot.

Suddenly, Uchiha Sora disappeared from Quan Nai’s sight. .The

next moment, he appeared behind him without warning!

It was the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Quan Nai was immediately shocked.

The surrounding tribesmen also exclaimed in surprise.。

“What? ! How did he move behind Master Senna?”

“My Sharingan didn’t see his movement clearly at all! This is impossible!”

“So does my Sharingan!”

“How can this be? No matter how fast you move, there is always a trajectory, right? There’s no way our Sharingan can’t catch it! ”

The tribesmen were extremely puzzled. Under the gaze of so many Sharingan eyes, no one could clearly see Uchiha Sora’s movements. Even

Uchiha Madara did not expect this scene.

But he soon understood. He came over, with a rare trace of solemnity on his face, and murmured: “Is it a time and space ninjutsu? ”

At this time, Uchiha Sora had already launched an att

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ack from behind Izuna.

He stretched out one hand, and a blue chakra ball instantly appeared in his palm.

It was the Rasengan!

“No! Can’t escape! “Quan Nai’s pupils suddenly shrank.

The strong sense of crisis made all the cells in his body tremble. In his eyes, the power of kaleidoscope was running wildly.

It seemed that a bottleneck was broken. The next moment, the power of kaleidoscope in Quan Nai’s eyes. After being integrated, a purple energy emerged around the body.


The next moment, the Rasengan hit the layer of purple energy hard.

The huge force directly knocked Uchiha Izuna’s body away.


Everyone I watched helplessly as Quan Nai’s body hit the ground.

The whole place was silent for a moment.。

“Master Quan Nai, was defeated?”

“Impossible, how could Master Senna be defeated?”

“Are you kidding me? A guy who appears out of nowhere can actually defeat Mr. Izuna? ”

Amidst the exclamations, Uchiha Madara, who was watching, showed a smile on his face and murmured: “Izuna, you have finally activated the power of God. ”

As soon as Uchiha Madara finished speaking, Izuna, who was lying on the ground, got up again.

His figure looked slightly embarrassed, but there were no obvious injuries on his body.

He only saw his eyes wide open, staring at Uchiha. In the sky, a layer of purple energy slowly overflowed from his body.

As he stood up, the purple energy formed a huge skeleton outside his body.

The skeleton was more than ten meters tall, with only the upper half of his body, and was exuding all over his body. It smelled of incomparable terror.

It was Susanoo!

Known as the power of God!

An ability that can only be awakened by developing the power of the kaleidoscope of the eyes to the extreme.

At this time, Izuna stared coldly at Uchiha Sorado : “Thanks to you, I have been able to break through my limits in battle and further stimulate the power of the kaleidoscope that I have not yet mastered, allowing me to gain the same power as my brother! Susanoo! ”

Immediately afterwards, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Quan Nai’s mouth, and he said lightly: “The two techniques you used just now are good. The one that teleported behind me should be a time and space ninjutsu, right? And that chakra ball is quite powerful too.。”

“It’s a pity that from now on, you will feel how terrible I am! “Izuna said coldly.

Facing the arrogant and forceful Izuna, Uchiha Sora just shook his head and said with a smile: “Susanoh’s power is indeed good, but you are too happy too early. Bar?”

“Now that you have used Susanoo’s power, I should be a little more serious. ”

After saying that, Uchiha Sora closed his eyes slightly and opened them again!

Orange-red fairy eye shadow instantly appeared on his face!

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