Mt. Miaomu Sage Mode is on!

Powerful magic chakra fills the body.

Uchiha Sora’s momentum changed dramatically in an instant and became unfathomable.

The surrounding Uchiha people were marveling at the power of Izuna’s Susanoo, but the next moment they all felt an unfathomable power from Uchiha Sora.

Everyone was shocked again。

“what happened? That guy’s momentum seems to have changed dramatically!”

“Those eyes, that eyeshadow, he seemed to have entered a certain state, and the chakra in his body became stronger!”

“What is that power? Why does it make me feel a little flustered?。。。”

The powerful Sage Mode made some Uchiha people with keen senses look extremely solemn.

Of course, Izuna, who was the first to bear the brunt, also noticed the changes in Uchiha Sora, but he was very excited when he just turned on Susanoo and shouted: “I didn’t expect you to still hide such power! Come on! Let me see, you How strong is it!”

As he said that, Izuna drove the Susanoo towards Sora Uchiha.。

“Quan Na, be careful! That guy is not simple! “At this time, Uchiha Madara suddenly reminded loudly。

“I know, brother! “Izuna responded.

The purple Susanoo raised his giant skeleton hand and slapped Uchiha Sora hard!


The ground shook!

Uchiha Sora’s body was immediately submerged in the smoke.

But The next moment, I saw his body leaping high from the smoke, stepping on Susanoo’s arm at an extremely fast speed, and rushing towards Izuna. In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Sora dodged

. Arriving in front of Izuna.

Through the layer of purple energy, Uchiha Sora raised his hand to condense a rasengan and smashed it at it again.

Izuna looked at Uchiha Sora’s actions with cold eyes, with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.。

“The same ninjutsu has no effect on me! He said calmly: “Susanohu has absolute defensive power!””

“Yeah? “Uchiha Sora smiled slightly. The next moment, the Rasengan in his palm suddenly expanded dozens of times! In the blink of an eye

, it turned from the size of a fist to a huge chakra ball with a diameter of several meters!

Immortal Technique: Super Jade Rasengan!

“What? ! “Izuna was shocked.

The next second, the super-large jade rasengan hit Izuna’s Susanoo hard.

A huge force came instantly, and Izuna felt a stinging pain in his eyes. It was filled with blood instantly.

The purple energy turned into ribs, blocking the Rasengan.

Across Susanoo, Izuna was frightened. Suddenly

, he heard a crisp sound.

Seeing that there was a crack on his Susanoo.


The Susanoo was about to be broken!

Izuna, who had just turned on the Susanoo and experienced this powerful power, couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This scene!

Susanoo, who is known as the absolute defense, can be shattered?

At this moment, Izuna was a little confused。

“Izuna! Use your strength to move back! “At this time, Uchiha Madara’s voice came.

Izuna was shocked, and he woke up after being stunned.

Under his brother’s reminder, he no longer resisted the power of the super-large Jade Rasengan with all his strength, but directly moved backwards. Retreat.

Let the power of the super-large Jade Rasengan knock him back.


The huge Susanoo was violently pushed back hundreds of meters before he stopped.

At this time, Su

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] sanoo Most of the skeleton in front of Susanoo’s body has been broken and has become crumbling.

But fortunately, these are all energy bodies. After listening to Madara’s advice, Izuna did not resist the Super Jade Rasengan. Although Susanoo was mostly broken, But when he retreated, he also shed most of his power, and he who was hiding inside did not suffer much damage.

Fortunately, his brother reminded him!

Izuna was secretly grateful.

Susanoo gathered again.

The attack was neutralized, and Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but look at it. He glanced at Madara.

As expected of Madara Uchiha, if he hadn’t warned me, Izuna, who had just activated Susanoo’s first form, would have been seriously injured by him.

He smiled at Uchiha Izuna and said, “You have a good brother. ah。”

“snort! Don’t be too proud of me! Izuna said angrily: “Don’t think that because you almost broke my Susanoo, you can underestimate the power of our Uchiha!””

“Quan Nai, feel the power in your eyes with your heart. “At this time, Uchiha Madara reminded again.

Izuna nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

I have to say that Izuna is very talented and deserves to be Madara’s younger brother.

The moment he closed his eyes, he The Susanoo not only did not dissipate, but became more condensed.

An even greater and terrifying aura emanated from him.

Suddenly, Izuna opened his eyes.

The Mangekyō Sharingan slowly turned.

Only the skeleton was seen. The Susanoo quickly filled with flesh and blood, became plump, and a layer of coat covered the body.

In Susanoo’s hands, a long bow made of purple energy quickly condensed!

This is Susanoo’s first Second form!

“Is the weapon a longbow? Not only is his kaleidoscope ability the same as Sasuke’s, but Susanoo’s is almost the same. “Seeing this scene, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but secretly said.

PS: When I woke up, the score dropped. Regarding the update issue, let me talk about it here. During this period, there are two updates a day, one update of a thousand words, although it is short, the author I think I have never added meaningless content to the plot. I have been working hard to conceive the plot. I didn’t expect that because it was short, my rating would be dropped, which would affect my income. I felt very sad. From then on, I will update it once a day, and I will update it with two thousand words. Right. The author only writes books to make money. Making money by writing for free depends on the number of readers. The rating will affect the number of readers, so the rating is very important. I hope you will not threaten the author with negative reviews. After all, it is easy for the rating to fall and it is difficult to increase it. , some readers may not understand, and think it is fun to threaten the author with one star. Here, the author will explain that it is difficult to increase the rating. It takes dozens of five stars to bring back one one star. The author’s income and rating are closely related. Once it falls, it will be very difficult. It is difficult to get the income back. If there is no income, the author will not be able to continue writing, so I hope everyone will not maliciously leave negative comments. They say that free things will not be cherished, and the author has experienced it.

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