Uchiha Izuna, who has activated Susanoo’s second form, is more powerful than before, and his confidence has returned again.

He looked at Uchiha Sora coldly and said: “To be honest, you are very strong! You can actually push me to this level. Guys like you should not be unknown, why should you bear the name of our Uchiha clan?” No.?”

The strength shown by Uchiha Sora is enough to stand at the top of the ninja world. Such a strong person, even if he is not an Uchiha clan, will be respected by others.

Izuna doesn’t understand why Sora Uchiha still pretends to be an Uchiha clan member?

Uchiha Sora said calmly: “I said that just because the Sharingan is not turned on, it does not mean that he is not an Uchiha.。”

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to listen to your explanation, let’s fight again! Quan Nai snorted: “This time, I will keep an eye on all your moves!” Don’t even think about escaping anymore! ”

After saying that, Susanoo of Izuna raised the long bow in his hand and slowly pulled out the bow string.

An arrow made of purple energy was pulled out as the bow string was pulled out, and it was aimed at Uchiha Sora.

In an instant, Uchiha Sora felt that he was locked by a powerful energy.

He knew that the arrows shot by Susanoo were so fast that ordinary people could not avoid them. Being locked by such a terrifying arrow would almost lead to death. situation.

However, with the Flying Thunder God, he was not under any pressure.

Just when he was locked by the arrow, Uchiha Sora raised his hand and shot flying Thunder God Kunai in all directions. More than a dozen

Flying Thunder God Kunai were scattered around All around the field.

The next moment, Izuna’s arrows were launched.

The powerful energy arrows shot in front of Uchiha Sora with unparalleled speed and momentum.


In an instant, the ground where Uchiha Sora was was struck by arrows. The arrow penetrated through the hole, emitting a violent explosion.

Smoke and dust rolled, the soil collapsed, and gravel flew all over the sky.


A white shadow flashed.

Uchiha Sora appeared intact in another place dozens of meters away, with a weapon stuck under his feet. Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Izuna immediately noticed the direction of Uchiha Sora, turned around suddenly, and flew another arrow!


The arrow exploded on the ground, and Uchiha Sora dodged again.

Seeing him , The Uchiha clan members started talking about this scene.。

“That guy’s teleportation technique is so fast! I didn’t expect that I could even dodge such a fast attack from Mr. Izuna. If this continues, I’m afraid Mr. Izuna won’t be able to hold on for long!”

“Yes, Susanoo’s power must be very draining on his eyes and chakra. If he doesn’t find a way, I’m afraid Izuna-sama will be defeated! ”

Many people began to worry about Izuna.

But Uchiha Madara, who was watching on the sidelines, did not have any worries. He just watched all this calmly, full of trust in his brother.

Sure enough, after two attacks by Izuna to no avail, , he stopped attacking and looked at Uchiha Sora quietly. His eyes lingered on the kunai at Uchiha Sora’s feet for a while, and then he suddenly laughed: “My eyes have seen through your teleportation.” Technique, you marked those kunai in advance to use it for instant teleportation, right? It’s really an amazing technique. Without knowing it, it was really difficult for me to avoid this kind of instant sneak attack, but now, I have thought of a way to break it! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Susanoo raised his palm, and a black flame flew out of his palm.

The flame separated a doz

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] en small sparks, which fell on the flying thunder god kunai around the field.

Those flying thunder god kunai Nothing is stained by black flames, burned in the blink of an eye。

“Can you still hide now? “Izuna laughed.

Susanoo concentrated his arrows again and aimed them at Uchiha Sora.

This time, the arrows he condensed were stronger and more powerful than before!

“You are truly worthy of Izuna-sama, It turns out that he had seen through that guy’s trick a long time ago, and now he is sure to win!”

“Yes, yes, but that guy is also very strong. Unfortunately, he can’t escape this time. ”

The surrounding Uchiha people were extremely excited.

Looking at the confident Izuna, Uchiha Sora seemed to see the figure of Sasuke in the original work in him. He could

n’t help but shook his head and smiled: “Izuna, I regret to tell you that you It’s too early to be happy. ”

As he spoke, he raised his palm, and a blue chakra ball quickly condensed in his palm.


“Is it that technique again? Do you think you can block my Susanoo with this? “Izuna said disdainfully.

But the next moment, as the increasingly stronger chakra gathered,

a buzzing scream suddenly sounded in the air.

The Rasengan in Uchiha’s empty hand quickly turned white, and a streak of The shadow of the shuriken was spinning around.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Sora raised his hand and raised the Rasen Shuriken above his head.

The Rasen Shuriken expanded again, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded to a diameter of two or three meters!

Powerful energy danced wantonly, strong winds roared in the field, and a harsh buzzing sound echoed through the sky.。

“Immortal Technique·Wind Release·Super Large Jade Spiral Shuriken! ”

Dense energy gathered in Uchiha’s empty hands, and the huge momentum blew everyone around watching the battle back.。

“Oh my God! What kind of technique is this? !”

“Such huge, dense chakra! It’s unimaginable! How could he master this technique?”

“Even my Sharingan can’t see through this jutsu, it’s so dazzling!”

“It’s incredible! Is this a power that humans can master? ”

Those Uchiha people exclaimed one after another, their voices full of shock.。

“This technique is quite dangerous! “At this moment, Uchiha Madara, who was watching the battle, was finally moved, with a solemn look on his face.

Because of the strength of the chakra in Uchiha Sora’s hands, even he had never seen it before!

And seeing Uchiha Sora’s magical power, With the jade spiral shuriken, Izuna’s face became extremely ugly.

Facing such a powerful Uchiha Sora, he actually felt a trace of fear in his heart.

But soon, he shook his head violently and got rid of the thoughts in his mind. With unnecessary thoughts, the kaleidoscope stared at Uchiha Sora, the power of the pupils was running wildly, turning into purple energy and converging on the arrows. The

long bow was fully drawn! The arrow was on the string!

“Go to hell!” “Suddenly, Izuna yelled, and Susanoo fired the arrow with all his strength!

At the same time, Sora Uchiha threw the Senfa Wind Release Super Jade Spiral Shuriken forward!

“Oh my God. , such a huge and heavy technique can actually be thrown! ”

In everyone’s extremely horrified eyes,

the Immortal Technique, Wind Release, and Super Large Jade Spiral Shuriken collided with Susanoo’s arrow in mid-air! In an instant, the

two energies converged, and a shield covered the air. The sky covered the sun with a burst of light.

Everyone around them fell into temporary blindness.

The entire Uchiha clan truly trembled like an earthquake in the collision of energy.。。。

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