I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a moment or a long time.

When everyone’s eyes regained clarity.

I saw a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters on the originally flat ground!

It was as if someone had suddenly dug out a piece of the ground with a spoon, and it suddenly became empty.

On the edge of the pit, there were two figures standing opposite each other.

It was Sora Uchiha and Izuna Uchiha.

The two stood facing each other.

Suddenly, Quan Nai covered her eyes and half-knelt on the ground with a thud.

He gasped loudly.

Uchiha Sora stood on the spot intact, the fairy eyeshadow on his face slowly disappeared.

He said: “Quenna, you have lost.”

These few simple words hit Quan Nai’s heart like a sledgehammer, making him look extremely unwilling.

He roared unwillingly: “No, why are you so strong!”

But the stinging sensation in his eyes and the emptiness in his body told him that he had no power to fight anymore.

The collision just now had exhausted all the power in his body.

The power of the Mangekyo Sharingan is also severely depleted, almost to the point of being overdrawn.

After saying this, Quan Nai finally couldn’t hold on anymore and fainted.


A figure appeared next to Quan Nai and helped him up.

It’s Uchiha Madara。

“Izuna lost, your power is indeed very good. “Madara said silently.


Madara’s words were like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing thousands of waves among the Uchiha tribe.。

“Oh my god, Master Izuna actually lost! He actually fainted! Why, why is this guy so powerful!”

“Yes, who is he, a spy of the Thousand Hands Clan? When did a spy become so powerful?”

“No, he shouldn’t be a spy of the Thousand Hands Clan. If the Thousand Hands Clan has such a master, how can we be evenly matched with them?”

“Yes, Izuna-sama and Madara-sama have always been evenly matched with Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. The appearance of this guy on either side is enough to affect the entire battle! ”

The clan members were talking and worried.

At this time, Uchiha Sora looked at Uchiha Madara and said, “It’s your turn next. Do you want to avenge your brother? ”

The plain voice made everyone around him stunned.。

“This guy, does he still have the energy to fight Master Madara again? impossible? This guy is definitely bluffing!”

“Madara-sama is much stronger than Izuna-sama! This guy is really looking for death, and he dares to provoke Madara-sama!”

“Madara-sama, kill him quickly! His chakra must be severely depleted, now is a good opportunity to kill him! ”

The tribesmen issued a reminder.

But Uchiha Madara shook his head and said calmly: “Forget it, I will take action now, and I won’t win without force! Cancel this combat operation against the Senju clan!”


“Madara-sama! ”

Everyone exclaimed in unison, extremely puzzled.。

“Shut up! ” Uchiha Madara shouted.

A wave of momentum swept out, and everyone around him immediately shut up obediently.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Sora smiled and said: “Smart decision. Uchiha

Madara looked gloomy and stared at Uchiha Sora: “I have agreed to your request. Tell me what your purpose is next!” Uchiha

smiled and shook his head: “Don’t worry, I am not a spy of the Senju clan,

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] and I have no ill intentions towards you. I just don’t want Uchiha and Senju to continue fighting.”。”

“Did Hashirama ask you to come?”

“No one can order me around!”

“Is it for peace?”

“For peace? If you insist on saying so, that’s fine. ”

After hearing Uchiha Sora’s answer, Uchiha Madara was silent for a long time and said: “There is no peace in this ninja world! As long as hatred exists, people will never understand each other. ”

After a pause, Uchiha Madara continued: “You want to resolve the grievances between our Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, but do you know that in the continuous wars, too many of our own clans died at the hands of the other side? , how can these hatreds be easily resolved with just a few words from you? ”

Madara’s words resonated with the clan members. They thought of those brothers and sisters who died at the hands of the Senju clan, and they all had looks of hatred on their faces.。

“see it? How can you resolve the hatred on everyone’s faces? “Madara pointed at each clan member and said to Uchiha Sora.

Uchiha Sora suddenly shook his head and smiled: “You misunderstood. I am not trying to resolve the grudges between you. Since the hatred already exists, it will not disappear. He

continued: “What I said about stopping the war between you is not a word of advice, but a warning!””

“warn? Uchiha Madara’s eyes narrowed.

Uchiha Sora said calmly: “Yes, I have no intention of resolving your grievances and preventing this war. It is just my personal warning to your clan!””

“You can refuse, but think about the consequences of angering me! ”

Uchiha Sora’s voice floated leisurely in everyone’s ears.

His tone was light, but at this moment everyone felt a strong sense of unparalleled domineering.

With the power of one person, he could do this to the powerful Uchiha clan. A word of warning!

Even if Senju Hashirama is here, I’m afraid he wouldn’t dare to make such bold statements, right?

All the Uchiha clan members looked at Uchiha Sora’s figure. At this moment, Uchiha Sora’s figure is destined to become a part of their lives. unforgettable existence。

“You guy! Uchiha Madara frowned: “Are you challenging my patience?””

“Are you going to take action against me? ” Uchiha Sora asked calmly.

Uchiha Madara’s heart was filled with rage.

A powerful aura burst out from him.

In an instant, Uchiha Sora sensed a chakra aura more powerful than Uchiha Izuna! He

is indeed an Uchiha. Madara!

This momentum alone makes people feel as if they are facing a tailed beast.

However, just when Uchiha Sora thought that Madara would attack him, he saw that he suddenly put away his momentum again, faintly Said: “You are not in your prime now. I said I will never break my promise if I won’t take action!”

“As expected of Uchiha Madara! “Uchiha Sora praised。

“However, please remember the bold words you made today. This time we gave up fighting against the Thousand Hands Clan, but we will definitely not do it next time! At that time, I will personally experience your power! Uchiha Madara said coldly: “Don’t let me down then!” ”

After speaking, Uchiha Madara waved his hand and asked everyone to retreat.。

“see a visitor out!

Uchiha Sora smiled faintly: “Then see you next time~ “

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