Sora Uchiha left.

But the Uchiha clan could not be calm.

When the clan members dispersed, Uchiha Izuna woke up leisurely.

Uchiha Madara immediately held a family meeting, bringing together all the family elites and elders to discuss the matter of Uchiha Sora.

Quan Nai dragged his injured body and also attended the meeting.

At the family meeting, the clan members were in a solemn mood, and all their eyes fell on Uchiha Madara, the clan leader.。

“Madara-sama, with your strength, why didn’t you kill that guy before? “At the meeting, an elder stood up and asked.

This was also the doubt of everyone present.

The shocking battle between Uchiha Sora and Izuna attracted the attention of almost all the Uchiha people. Everyone present witnessed Uchiha Sora with their own eyes. The power.

That’s why everyone in the family raised such questions to Madara.

After all, a powerful guy like Uchiha Sora would definitely be a huge hidden danger if he stayed in this world.

But Uchiha Madara actually went through a big battle with Izuna because of him. , not taking action when not in peak condition.

This really makes some people feel dissatisfied. Of course

, although everyone is dissatisfied, this is Uchiha Madara’s decision, and no one dares to question it face to face, but it is inevitable that there will be some doubts after the incident. Why has he always been domineering

? The unparalleled Uchiha Madara actually chose to settle the matter and end it hastily.

Facing the doubtful eyes of everyone, Uchiha Madara glanced at everyone indifferently, and finally looked at Izuna and said: “Izuna, you have personally experienced that person’s experience. Tell me, what does it feel like to have the power of? ”

Quan Nai’s face darkened.

His originally high-spirited face also showed a rare hint of fear when he recalled the battle not long ago.

He said in a solemn tone: “To be honest, that guy’s strength, I Can’t see through!”

“Can’t see through? “An elder said doubtfully: “Quannai, with your strength, even though you were defeated by that guy, you can’t see through it, right? Tell the truth, how big is the gap between you and that guy? Quan

Nai recalled carefully for a while, shook his head slowly, and sighed: “I really can’t see through that guy!” When facing him, I even felt like facing my brother and Senju Hashirama. As for the gap, I couldn’t estimate it until he showed his full strength.。”

“What? Is that guy that strong? Quan Nai, you can’t be beaten to the point of being depressed, so you can say such words to boost other people’s ambitions, right? “An elder shouted.

Quan Nai said helplessly: “Didn’t you find out? That guy was in a very relaxed state when he was fighting me. I believe he definitely has more power that he hasn’t used yet.。”

“this。。。”Everyone looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Although everyone witnessed the battle with their own eyes, they would never understand Uchiha Sora’s power without fighting him personally.

Only Izuna, who actually fought against Uchiha Sora, realized the gap between the two sides.

Although Izuna was extremely dissatisfied at the time, when I thought about it carefully afterwards, the more I thought about it, the more terrifying it became.

At this time, Madara Uchiha knocked on the table and said calmly: “That guy is indeed very strong. Even if I take action, I have to use all my strength to suppress him!”

“What? Even Madara-sama has to do his be

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] st to suppress it? Is that guy really that strong?”

“In fact, it’s normal to think about it. Izuna-sama’s power is second only to Madara-sama. That guy can easily defeat Izuna-sama. He has indeed reached the level of Madara-sama!”

“Hey, but that guy is too arrogant! How dare you threaten and warn our Uchiha clan not to fight with the Senju clan? This tone is really hard to swallow! ”

The elites and elders present were all extremely unwilling.。

“By the way, is that guy really not a spy of the Senju clan? Someone suddenly asked: “Didn’t you notice the ninjutsu that person used?” The Shadow Clone Technique, Rashomon, are techniques mastered by the brothers of the Senju Clan! ”

Everyone was silent.

Uchiha Madara said slowly: “With that person’s strength, there is really no need to be a spy for the Senju clan. As for his origin, I will personally ask Senju Hashirama about this. Two brothers! ”

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

After all, who here doesn’t know the relationship between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashira?

Although the two clans are in opposition, this does not affect the two people’s mutual sympathy, love and killing.

Seeing everyone nodding, Uchiha Madara added: “Actually, I didn’t take action at that time, and I also considered another situation. After all, if I wanted to suppress him, it would take a lot of strength. If the enemy knew about it at a critical moment, it would be extremely detrimental to our clan!”

“I see! Madara-sama is so thoughtful! ”

Everyone suddenly realized.

It was not that Madara was acting on his own initiative, but that he had considered the safety of the entire family.

Because based on the situation at that time, if Uchiha Madara took action, it seemed that he could surely win Uchiha Sora, but it would also consume Uchiha. Madara’s power.

And Izuna has already lost his fighting power. If Madara consumes a lot more, once the enemy attacks the family at this time, it is likely to be plotted, causing the entire family to fall into a dangerous situation. For example, the brothers of the Senju

clan If the two attacked at that time, they could definitely kill the Uchiha Madara brothers in one fell swoop while they were not in a state.

Therefore, considering the safety of the family, Uchiha Madara forcibly resisted the desire to fight Uchiha Sora. He promised to fight next time.

It can be said that at this time, Uchiha Madara is the well-deserved leader of the clan.

Just when the Uchiha clan opened a meeting to discuss Uchiha Sora, Uchiha Sora had already arrived at Qian The clan of the Hand Clan.

After warning the Uchiha Clan, it is natural to come to the Senju Clan. The

purpose is of course to persuade the Senju Clan to stop the war with the Uchiha.

This can only happen if both sides stop the war. It was considered safe.

Of course, he also came here to see Tsunade’s situation.

However, when he came to the Senju Clan, he got the news that two brothers from the Senju Clan were out fighting.

And the Senju Clan this The next opponent was another family in the Land of Fire, second only to Senju and Uchiha, the Hyuga clan!

After receiving the news, Sora Uchiha had to temporarily retreat, and then entered the Myoboku Sage mode, opening a giant net of perception. Soon I found a familiar breath。

“It seems that Tsunade has also joined the battle. In that case, I will go over and join in the fun. “After sensing Tsunade’s aura, Uchiha Sora said to himself.

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