In the middle of a dense forest, a group of ninjas are stationed here.

These ninjas wear clothes with the Senju clan emblem on them, and they are members of the Senju clan.

This time when they went out to fight, most of the elites went to the front line, and those who stayed here were all members of the logistics force.

At this moment, a steady stream of wounded people were being sent to a tent in this camp.

Within a moment, the wounded were sent out of the tent one by one, and all their injuries had been treated.

Seeing this scene, a Senju clan member couldn’t help but sigh: “That girl’s medical ninjutsu is really admirable. Fortunately, she followed us when we came out this time, otherwise our casualties would have been huge.”。”

“Yes, Tsunade-sama’s medical ninjutsu really helped a lot! I didn’t expect that a weak woman like her could have such powerful medical ninjutsu! “Another person also said.

At this time, a young ninja held a bouquet of flowers picked from an unknown place in the forest and hesitantly came to the tent to wait.。

“Look, someone is going to confess to Tsunade-sama again. This is already the eighteenth time, right? “When the bystanders saw this scene, they commented:。

“Haha, if I weren’t old, I would be brave enough to pursue Tsunade-sama like that kid! “An old man said with a smile.。

“Hey, hey, hey, you guys, it’s time to go on a mission. Although you are resting in the camp, you must also take precautions and preparations! What are you talking about here! “At this time, a voice sounded coldly.

I saw a young man with silver hair and red eyes, wearing an iron forehead protector in the style of a face protector, with the emblem of the Thousand Hands clan tattooed in the middle of the forehead protector. He walked over and said to Everyone scolded。

“ah! It’s Tobirama-sama!”

“Lord Tobirama is back from the battle! How’s the situation outside? “The tribesmen all looked at the young man.

The person who came was none other than Senju Tobirama.

Facing the tribesmen’s questions, Senju Tobirama responded calmly: “The eldest brother has led his men to repel the ninjas of the Hyuga clan. Now, The valley has been occupied, and the monster is trapped in the valley. Now it is the possession of my Thousand Hands Clan! I came back to inform the logistics troops here to set off for the valley immediately to prepare to clean up the battlefield!”

“ah! As expected of Hashirama-sama! The Hyuga clan simply cannot compete with our Senju clan!”

“Yes, yes, if the Hashirama clan leader takes action, whether it is the Hyuga clan or that monster, it will not be a problem! ”

The tribesmen were pleasantly surprised.

At this time, all the wounded in the tent had been treated, and a figure walked out of the tent. With a

delicate face, white and tender skin, and a bold figure, the eyes of the Thousand Hands tribe were immediately attracted. This figure attracted people.

It was Tsunade.

The suitor who held the bouquet before saw Tsunade coming out, but he immediately became scared again and hurriedly retreated in shame. This

caused many tribesmen to laugh.

At this time, Senju Tobirama also looked over, with a touch of respect on his face, and walked forward and said: “Thank you for your hard work, Tsunade-dono!”

“This is what I should do. “Tsunade looked at the young Senju Tobirama and couldn’t help but smile.

She has officially settled in the Senju clan, and has used her powerful medical ninjutsu to establish a firm foothold in the family, and even gained rec

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ognition from the clan members. Respect.

But every time I see the Senju Hashirama brothers, I always have a weird feeling in my heart.

Because in that world, these two people were both my grandfathers.

But now, they have to treat them as peers Getting along with them.

This weird feeling made Tsunade very distressed.

However, Tsunade was one of the three ninjas after all, so she quickly adjusted her mentality and asked: “How is the situation over in the valley? ”

Senju Tobirama said: “The Hyuga clan has retreated, and we don’t have many wounded people. But when we face that monster next, everyone will probably suffer a lot of damage, so we still have to ask you to rush over and deal with it as soon as possible.。”

“okay, I get it. “Tsunade nodded.

Without further ado, she immediately prepared to set off for the valley after agreeing.

The reason why the Senju tribe went out this time was because of the monster still in the valley, the six-tailed rhinoceros!

Not long ago, the Senju tribe The clan and the Hyuga clan discovered the whereabouts of the six-tailed rhinoceros at the same time, and both wanted to subdue it, so a conflict broke out between the two clans. Today,

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama led their subordinates and the Hyuga clan A battle started, and the result was that the Hyuga clan was pushed back and left without a chance to get the Six-Tails.

Now, Senju Hashirama is leading people to block the Six-Tails in a valley, preparing to conquer it.

Tsunade went there, mainly It was to provide the fastest medical treatment to the clan members after they were injured in the confrontation with the tailed beasts.

However, just when Senju Tobirama and Tsunade were preparing to lead the logistics team to the valley,

Senju Tobirama suddenly frowned. , his face changed slightly and said: “No, there are many ninjas approaching!”

“what happened? “Tsunade was also surprised when she heard this.

Tobirama’s perception is second to none among the Senju clan. He said that there were many ninjas approaching, which was absolutely true.

Tobirama stretched out his finger and pointed on the ground, closing his eyes and sensing carefully.

After a moment, He opened his eyes suddenly, and a light burst out from his eyes: “They are from the Ghost Lantern Clan and the Kaguya Clan! The quantity is approximately。。。A thousand people!”

“What? ! A thousand people! ? “Hearing Qianju Tobirama’s words, other tribesmen around looked shocked.。

“How can it be? Haven’t the Oniden clan and the Kaguya clan lived on the island country of Water Country for a long time? Why did they come here suddenly! ? And there are so many of them! Could it be that they all moved together? Who appointed them?”

“This kind of situation can only be solved if the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water issues a reward. I am afraid that the two clans must be employed by the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water! Are they coming here now to compete for the tailed beast? ”

Someone analyzed.

For a long time, the main opponents of the Senju clan have been the ninja families in the Land of Fire, such as the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, etc. The Senju clan is

very aware of the trends of these families.

But this I never expected that the ninja family from the Land of Water would be involved, which caught the Senju clan a little off guard. Especially

at this critical moment, the Senju clan still needs to deal with the tailed beasts, and when the two clans join forces, I’m afraid it will be the same. The pressure is huge!

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