Just when everyone in the Senju clan was worried, Senju Tobirama said: “The direction they are heading towards is over the valley. The goal of these people is most likely to compete for the tailed beasts. We must stop them! Definitely!” Don’t let Big Brother and the others be disturbed!”

“Lord Tobirama, with the power on our side, how can we stop them? “A tribesman asked。

“Even if you can’t stop it, you still have to delay it! Although the eldest brother is very strong, the tailed beasts cannot be underestimated. The eldest brother has just suppressed the Hyuga clan and is not at his peak. If the Oni Lan and the Kaguya clan are allowed to pass at this time, our action plan this time will probably fail! “Senju Tobirama analyzed.

He was not afraid that the ghost lamp and the Kaguya clan would bring danger to Senju Hashirama’s life, but he was worried that their arrival would disrupt the Senju clan’s plan to capture the tailed beast. If that

happens If the tailed beast is allowed to escape in the chaos, then the clan members sacrificed in this battle plan will have died in vain.。

“Tobirama-sama, what should we do? “The clan members looked solemn after hearing this, but there was no timid look on their faces. The

Senju clan is not afraid of any challenge!

Even this logistics force with less than a hundred people dares to face thousands of ninjas from other clans!

” I’m going to stop the Ghost Lantern Clan alone! The rest of you, go and stop the Kaguya clan! ” Qianshou Feijian said。

“What? ! Tobirama-sama, this is too dangerous! “Everyone was shocked.

Tsunade also had a look of shock on her face, and secretly said in her heart, as expected of the Second Grandpa, this courage is really invincible!

“That’s it! Tsunade-dono, you are a medical ninja. There is no need to follow us for the time being. Just stay behind and wait for news. “Senju Tobirama turned to Tsunade and said.

When Tsunade entered the Senju clan, she showed powerful medical ninjutsu. Although Senju Tobirama could detect the powerful chakra in her body, she did not He doesn’t think Tsunade can be very good in combat.

And medical masters like Tsunade are already rare in the entire Senju clan. Naturally, he doesn’t want medical personnel like Tsunade to take risks.

Tsunade Hearing this, he slowly shook his head and said: “No, let me lead my clan to stop the Kaguya clan! I am not a weak woman! ”

As soon as she finished speaking, a powerful aura emanated from her body.

This aura was definitely not just as powerful as chakra, it also contained a killing aura that was not weaker than the Thousand Hands Tobirama. .

This is an aura that can only be possessed by ninjas who have experienced hundreds of battles!

After all, Tsunade is one of the three ninjas. She has experienced two ninja wars, and the aura she has developed is definitely not weaker than anyone in the Warring States period.

Tsunade Shou’s words shocked everyone present, and after feeling the aura on her body, Senshou Tobijian couldn’t help but stare.。

“good! What a hero among women! “He couldn’t help but admire.

Being praised by the second grandfather himself, Tsunade couldn’t help but smile secretly in her heart. The

current Senju Tobirama has not grown to the height of the Second Hokage, and she herself is the Fifth Hokage. If she is fully powerful, she will not be weak. To the current Senju Tobirama.

After Tsunade showed her aura, Senju Tobirama stopped talking and immediately set off to stop the Onide

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] n clan. Tsunade also went to stop Kaguya with less than a hundred logistics ninjas. A clan.

If the strength of these late-stage ninjas were placed in that world, they would actually only be at the jounin level at most. Most of them were only chuunin or even genin.

Because in this era, wars broke out frequently and competition among ninja families was fierce. This has resulted in many members of the family having to go to the battlefield at a young age.

For example, half of the current logistics force are still just children.

In that world, they were still in ninja school. Age.

Tsunade led everyone all the way to the place where the auras of the Kaguya clan gathered. Halfway through, she suddenly stopped。

“What’s wrong? Tsunade-sama? “A Senju clan member asked.

Others also looked at her.

Although Tsunade had just come to the Senju clan, her superb medical ninjutsu and the powerful aura she had just shown had already become a member of the clan members present. The backbone of the family.

Tsunade smiled faintly and said to a middle-aged clan member: “You can take the children back to the clan. I will stop the Kaguya clan by myself!”

“What? ! “When the tribesmen heard this, they all looked surprised.。

“Lord Tobirama wants us to stop the Kaguya clan, how could we just leave like this? “The tribesmen shouted。

“You are all logistics personnel. If you use your strength to stop the powerful Kaguya clan, you will only die in vain! Are you willing to see these children die in vain on the battlefield? “Tsunade said sternly.

As the Fifth Hokage, she naturally has her own opinions, and her words carry an unquestionable aura.

Although it was the order given by Grandpa Tobirama, in her opinion, there is no need to sacrifice at all. These children.

She had not questioned Grandpa Second’s decision to his face before, she just didn’t want to have a dispute with Grandpa Second on this matter.

Now that she came here alone with her clan members, she naturally had to order everyone to go back.

Feeling that Gang The clan members were extremely surprised by the unquestionable aura on Hand’s body.

However, everyone still did not dare to disobey Senju Tobirama’s order and follow Tsunade’s order to go back.

Seeing that everyone was unwilling to leave, Tsunade’s fiery temper suddenly When she got up, veins popped up on her forehead, she raised her hand and turned it into a fist, and punched the ground suddenly!


In an instant, the mountain collapsed and the ground cracked, and the powerful force instantly destroyed the ground dozens of meters in radius. A series of cracks were made like spider webs.

Huge boulders jumped out of the soil. The Thousand Hands people standing on them suddenly became unsteady and fell to the ground.。

“Take them back to me quickly! ! ! “Tsunade said word by word to the stunned people.。

“Well, how terrible! “The tribesmen never expected that Tsunade would have such a powerful strange power!

They had only seen this kind of strange power in the clan leader Senju Hashirama!

Even Senju Tobirama did not have such a powerful strange power!

Some young children, looking at the angry Tsunade, were so frightened that they almost cried.

What a scary big sister!

Even those who had previously admired Tsunade couldn’t help but cry at this moment. Swallowed.

Unexpectedly, the gentle lady who treated the wounded before turned into a female tyrannosaurus that shattered mountains and cracked the ground in the blink of an eye!

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