The strength Tsunade displayed left her clan members in awe.

Under her intimidation, the tribesmen had to leave reluctantly.

They knew that Tsunade was doing it for their own good, so even though they were forced to leave, they were extremely grateful in their hearts.

After Tsunade drove away the clan members, she headed towards the direction of the Kaguya clan’s large army alone.

On the other side, Senju Tobirama was already standing in front of a group of ninjas.

These ninjas are the Ghost Lantern clan from the Kingdom of Water.。

“Thousand Hands Tobirama? How dare you appear in front of us alone? “Among the Ghost Lantern clan, a middle-aged man who led the team slowly walked out and said calmly.。

“Ghost lamp without moon! It’s really you, what? Do you want to get your hands on Vulpix? ” Qianshou Feijian’s expression condensed and he said in a cold tone.。

“Tailed beasts are spirits raised by nature. This power does not belong to anyone. Naturally, I, the Ghost Lantern clan, also want to get the power of Vulpix! “Ki Deng Wuyue said.

There were five or six hundred clansmen behind him, all of whom were elite ninjas in the family.

Such a force was almost crushing.

There was no wrinkle between Qianju Tobijian, but he took a step Without retreating, he silently drew out his Ninja Sword and placed it in front of him, his aura erupting: “If you want to pass through this way, you must pass me first!”

“snort! Don’t overestimate your capabilities! “Kui Deng Wuyue said disdainfully.

He waved his hand, and immediately the clansmen behind him rushed forward and surrounded Senju Tobirama.

Although Senju Tobirama is still young now, his strength has already reached the shadow level. He has experienced it since childhood. He has fought hundreds of battles, but he is not afraid at all when faced with the siege of everyone.

He can only see his hands forming seals。

“Water escape·Waterspout! “In an instant, a raging water rose from around him and turned into a tornado-like water column, spreading out in all directions.。

“It is rumored that Senju Tobirama’s water escape is very powerful, and today it is indeed well-deserved! “Gui Deng Wuyue couldn’t help but admire when he saw this, and then changed his tone with a hint of disdain: “But it’s still too young to play with water in front of my Gui Deng clan!”

“Form a formation! ”

Gui Deng Wuyue ordered.

The next moment, the Gui Deng clan members surrounding Tobirama began to form seals one after another.。

“Water Escape·Ten Directions Water Pillars! ”

I saw dozens of people spurting out a stream of water from their mouths, and all fired towards the Thousand-Armed Tobirama in the middle.

These water jets collided with the waterspout in Tobirama, making a loud noise like waves crashing on the table. In a blink of an eye, the scene was full of people. Flooded by a large amount of water.

Ghost Deng Wuyue sneered, he also formed seals with his hands, and a more powerful water flow suddenly rose into the sky and surrounded Qianju Tojama. Seeing

this scene, Senju Tojama’s eyes condensed, He raised his hand and shot out kunai one

after another into the water. These kunai were impressively tied with detonating talismans.

The detonating talismans burned and submerged into the huge water flow.


Qianju Tobijian let out a soft drink.

Suddenly, the detonating talismans exploded one after another. The powerful force of the explosion blew the water into pieces.

Raindrops fell

from the sky. At the same time, Senju Tobirama had already rushed towards the crowd with his ninja sword.

A blue water stream condensed on his ninja sword, and he fiercely Slashing towards a Ghost Lantern tribesman.

Swordsmanship: Water Blade Slash!


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Water Blade Cut directly cut a Ghost Lantern tribesman in half.

Blood splattered。

“snort! As expected of Senju Tobirama! There are two brushes! “Watching this scene, Kiden Wuyue said coldly.

However, although Senju Tobirama is strong, Kiden Wuyue is sure of victory.

Just when Tobirama killed a clansman, a clansman appeared like a ghost. appeared behind him.

The art of water teleportation!

Immediately afterwards, the tribesman raised an index finger and pointed at Tobirama’s temple.


The art of water release and water iron cannon!

A drop of water like a bullet, with an extremely It shot out from between the fingers at a fast speed, and Tobirama’s head exploded in an instant!


However, it was only a shadow clone that exploded.

Tobirama’s true body appeared behind Ghost Light Muyue without knowing it.

Capture the thief first and capture the king . !

Swordsmanship·Water Blade Slash!

A slash shot out from Tobirama’s hand, instantly cutting the standing ghost Muzuki in half!

However, the imagined scene of blood splashing did not appear, only that The body of the clan leader Kiden Wuyue, who was cut in half, turned into water, and he directly ignored Tobirama’s slash!

After the slash, Kiden Wuyue transformed back into his body again.

Tobirama’s eyes focused again, and he blurted out: ” The art of hydration! ”

It has to be said that the secret technique of the Ghost Lantern clan, the art of hydration, is definitely a headache.

Because the tribesmen who have learned the art of hydration are immune to almost any physical attack. If you want to deal with those who have the art of hydration, Clan members must master the means to restrain their abilities.

The Oniden clan’s control over water escape is almost the best in the entire ninja world. Oniden Muyue is a clan leader-level figure, and his strength cannot be underestimated. Even the Senju

Fei There is no absolute certainty in defeating such a person.

However, what Senju Tobirama has to do now is not to defeat this person, but to delay.

As long as they delay their steps, things on the other side of the valley will not be disturbed. .

However, a disdainful smile appeared on Kiden Muyue’s face, and his condensed body suddenly raised his hand to grab Senju Tobirama’s Ninja Sword, and a stream of water climbed along the Ninja Sword towards Senju Tobirama’s Ninja Sword. Body.

In the blink of an eye, this water flow formed a huge cage, directly trapping Senju Tobirama in it.

Water Prison Technique!

“Damn it, you actually cast Water Prison through the body of the Water Transformation Technique?” Careless! ” Qianshou Feijian, who was trapped in the water prison, looked extremely ugly.。

“Haha, Senju Tobirama of the Senju clan is nothing more than that! After all, you are still too young! “Ki Deng Wuyue shook his head and said.

Tobirama, who was in the water prison, struggled hard to break free from the shackles of the water prison, but found that it was in vain. But

he did not panic, but suddenly closed his eyes, seeming to have fallen into some kind of meditation. among。

“how? Have you accepted your fate of death? “Gui Deng Wuyue couldn’t help but shook his head when he saw Fei Jian closing his eyes.

He walked to the water prison, looked at Qian Shu Fei Jian, and said calmly: “With your own strength, you are trying to stop my Gui Deng clan, you are really overestimating your capabilities! ”

As he said that, he took out a ninja sword and stabbed Tobirama in the water prison.

At this moment, Tobirama in the water prison suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold look flashed in his eyes.

Next For a moment, an inexplicable spatial fluctuation flashed past.

Tobirama suddenly disappeared into the water prison!

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