“What? Where is the person!?” Qianshou Feijian suddenly disappeared in the water prison, and Gui Deng Wuyue was stunned for a moment.。

“over there! “At this time, a tribesman shouted.

Ghost Deng Wuyue looked closely and saw Qianju Tobirama half-kneeling on the branch of a big tree, with a special kunai inserted there. It

was Fei Thunder God’s Technique!

“Instant Technique?” “Gui Deng Wuyue frowned.

This kind of teleportation technique has never been seen before. Is it original? He thought to himself.

Qian Shu Feijian slowly stood up and looked at the groups of Gui Deng tribe members under his feet with a solemn expression.

The flying thunder god technique just now is actually a secret technique of time and space that he has only recently researched, and it is still in the experimental stage and cannot be used skillfully. If he had not just been

trapped in a water prison and the situation was critical, he would not have dared to use it easily. This is a secret technique of time and space that has not yet been fully mastered.

After all, the technique of time and space is extremely risky. If one fails, he will fall into the turbulence of time and space.

If it were not for dealing with the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, he would not Will study such a dangerous technique.

However, although this technique is dangerous, the effect is extremely powerful. You can escape instantly in a crisis. Even if it is a bit risky, it is worth it! At this time, Senju Tobirama stood on the branch

, Make a seal with your hands again。

“Art fire escape ho fireball! “This time, he directly used the Uchiha clan’s signature fire escape ninjutsu! The

raging flames rushed towards the people of the Ghost Lantern clan below. The power was no less than what the Uchiha clan people used.

As the opponent of Uchiha, the Senju clan’s talent in ninjutsu is no worse than theirs, and is even stronger! Senju

Tobirama not only masters the powerful water release, but also uses fire release with great proficiency.

The people of the Oniden clan They are good at water escape. Facing the powerful fire escape attack, they all formed seals and used the water formation wall technique.

Several water walls climbed up and blocked the fireball.

Boom boom boom!

The flames and water walls collided violently. The high temperature instantly vaporized a large amount of water.

The scene was immediately filled with fog.。

“Illusion~The art of darkness! “At this time, Senju Tobirama once again cast a secret technique.

It was a visual illusion!

In an instant, all the people of the Oniden clan on the scene fell into darkness.

This illusion was also used by Senju Tobirama to target Uchiha’s Sharingan. It was developed for the eyes.

It plunges the opponent into darkness and blocks vision. No matter how strong the dynamic vision is, it will lose its effectiveness.

However, this is just an illusion after all, and it can be cracked if it is an illusion. Although

the sight of the people of the Ghost Lantern tribe is blocked, the Ghost Lantern Wuyue is after all A leader-level figure with great strength, he immediately asked his clansmen to form a defensive formation. At the same time, he sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, looking for a way to break the illusion. Senju Tobirama’s figure flashed, and under the cover of darkness, in his

hand Ninja swords were slashed out one after another, attacking those people of the Ghost Lantern tribe who had neglected their defense. For

a time, hundreds of Ghost Lantern tribesmen could only passively defend themselves under the illusion of Senju Tobirama.

Time was delayed in this way.

And in On the other side, Tsunade has also arrived in front of a group of ninjas.

This group of ninjas are all dr

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] essed in white, with two dots of cinnabar between their eyebrows.

It is the Kaguya clan!

The leader is none other than the leader of the Kaguya clan, Kaguya Bai. ghost。

“who? ! “They saw Tsunade blocking the front at a glance.

Tsunade’s eyes were focused and she spoke in a clear voice: “This road is blocked!”

“Yo! Turns out to be a woman? Dare you stop us? Are you seeking death? “Kaguya Hyakki sneered.。

“If you are looking for death, you will know if you try it! “Tsunade exuded a powerful chakra aura, and a power belonging to the Hokage was revealed, which made the people of the Kaguya tribe stare at each other.。

“Looks interesting! “Kaguya Hyakki: “Tell me your name!”

“Thousand hands。。。Tsunade! “Tsunade said calmly.

Although she does not have a complete Senju bloodline, in this world, there is no problem in calling herself Senju.。

“I don’t remember that there is a strong woman like you in the Thousand Hands Clan! “Kaguya Hyakki frowned.。

“Without further ado! If you want to fight, fight! “Tsunade shouted。

“good! “Kaguya Hyakki waved his hand, and immediately the Kaguya clan people behind him rushed towards Tsunade. The Kaguya clan

has the ability to control their own bones.

Their bones are naturally very hard, which is the most suitable A clan that practices taijutsu.

A large number of Kaguya clan members, some with bare hands, some with kunai, ninja tools, and samurai swords.

They all swarmed up, their roars shaking the sky.

And the object of their attack turned out to be a woman.

What if Being seen by others, she would definitely be shocked.

Looking at the scene of the Kaguya clan swarming up, Tsunade’s expression remained unchanged, the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and she raised her fist like white jade.

A powerful chakra gathered on the fist, Immediately afterwards, he punched the ground hard!


In an instant, the sky collapsed!

I saw countless gaps in the ground in front of Tsunade. Under the shock of the powerful force, the group of impacting The Kaguya clan members who came were all blown away.。

“Oh my God! What power is this? ! The people of the Kaguya clan were shocked.

They couldn’t imagine that a flawless and beautiful woman could burst out with such terrifying power!

The Kaguya clan leader couldn’t help but froze, and murmured: “What a powerful taijutsu! Senju Tsunade? Why have I never heard of this name before?” At

this time, Tsunade shook a large piece of Kaguya away with one punch. After the clansman stepped down, the ground cracked open again, and his body quickly rushed into the crowd, fists and kicks coming out!


She punched a Kaguya tribesman in the chest, causing his sternum to dent, and his body flew backwards, knocking down several tribesmen.

With a sweeping kick, three or five people could not resist, and they were all swept away by her.

The huge strange power is vividly displayed at this moment, it is like entering a no-man’s land, and no one in the Kaguya tribe can stop it!

“Hmph! Don’t be too proud! Smelly woman!” Kaguya Hyakki’s eyes narrowed before he took action, and he let out an angry roar.。

“Have a taste of what our Kaguya clan can do! “He raised his hands, opened his index fingers, and pointed them at Tsunade’s body.。

“Ten fingers piercing bullets! “The next second, I saw the fingertips of Kaguya Hyakki’s ten fingers suddenly shooting out finger bones! The

finger bones were like hidden weapon bullets, shooting towards Tsunade!

It is the limit of blood succession! Corpse bone veins!

This kind of blood Even among the Kaguya clan, only a few people can master the Jijinkai!

Tsunade, who was fighting fiercely in the crowd, immediately sensed the danger.

She hurriedly dodged to the side and avoided the strafing bullets. .

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