But at the next moment, Kaguya Hyakki suddenly appeared in front of Tsunade.

He raised his palm, and a sharp bone spur protruded from his palm, stabbing directly into Tsunade’s heart.

What a speed!

Tsunade’s eyes darkened, the opponent’s physical skills were even faster than hers!

Seeing the bone spur coming, Tsunade raised her hand to hold the bone spur, and punched Kaguya Hyakki in the chest with her backhand.

However, rows of bone spurs suddenly appeared on Kaguya Hyakki’s chest, leaving her unable to do anything.

Taking advantage of the pause in Tsunade’s attack, Kaguya Hyakki swung Tsunade into the air with a powerful swing.

Immediately afterwards, he held the bone spur and his figure turned into a black line, stabbing towards Tsunade who was falling in mid-air.

His speed was as fast as a ghost, and Tsunade was almost unable to dodge in mid-air.

Just as her body was about to be penetrated by bone spurs, Tsunade suddenly formed a seal with her hands.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Another Tsunade appeared beside him, and the shadow clone Tsunade grabbed the main body and threw it away.

Bone spurs penetrated the shadow clone.

With a muffled bang, the shadow clone turned into white smoke and disappeared, and Tsunade had returned to the ground.。

“Nice move! But there will always be times when you can’t escape! “Kaguya Hyakki sneered.

At this time, other Kaguya tribe members swarmed up and attacked Tsunade again.

Tsunade snorted coldly, not afraid at all, and faced her head on.

The punches were to the flesh, and everyone in the Kaguya tribe fell on their backs.。

“interesting! Let’s see how long you can hold on! ” Kaguya Hyakki murmured。


While Tsunade and Tobirama were fighting on the front line of the battlefield, in another valley, a giant slug with six tails was frantically attacking the purple barrier.

It’s the six-tailed rhinoceros!

“Lord Hashirama, the barrier can no longer hold up!” shouted a Senju clan member who was supporting the barrier.

On the outside of the barrier, a man with long black hair was sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and regulating his breath.

It was Senju Hashirama.


It didn’t take long.

Under the powerful collision of Vulpix, the barrier shattered!

The powerful power of the Vulpix spread out, and the surrounding Senju people were forced to retreat.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama finally opened his eyes。

“Finally unlocked all the acupuncture points! Everyone, stay back! “I saw him standing up, forming seals with his hands, and powerful chakra breath surged out.。

“Wood Escape·Tree Realm is coming! “The earth cracked, and huge tree roots rose up from the ground, rushing towards Vulpix’s body like a tsunami.。

“Very good! Lord Hashirama has recovered! “The surrounding Senju clan people said excitedly.

In the previous battle with the Hyuga clan, Senju Hashirama was accidentally hit by the soft fist of the Hyuga clan leader, and the acupuncture points on his body were sealed a lot. After repelling the Hyuga clan, , Senju Hashirama, whose acupoints were closed, could only recover where he was, and let the clansmen temporarily trap Vulpix with a barrier. Fortunately,

when the barrier was broken, he finally opened all the acupoints and recovered his strength.

At this moment, Chakra The restored Senju Hashirama showed extremely powerful wood escape power.

A large number of tree roots were like a giant net, entangled from all directions of the Vulpix.

In the blink of an eye, the Vulpix’s body was entangled by a large number of tree vines. solid。

“Did you make it? “The surrounding tribesmen were excited when they saw Senju Hashirama restraining the tailed beast with one move. However

, before everyone was happy, they saw a strong corrosive liquid suddenly secreted from the Vulpix

. Under the influence of these highly corrosive liquids, all the vines wrapped around Vulpix’s body withered.

Vulpix jumped out and broke free from the shackles of the Wood Release。

“As expected of a tailed beast, he is really skilled! “Hashirama couldn’t help but admire.

The seal in his hand chang

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ed, and a large number of towering trees rose up from the ground, squeezing towards the Vulpix.

At this time, the Vulpix suddenly spurted out from his mouth. Large tracts of white gas, these white gases are highly corrosive and quickly spread into all the towering trees.

Chi Chi Chi。。。

Strongly acidic gases are extremely corrosive. Under the corrosion of these gases, the giant trees withered again.。

“Patriarch! We are here to help you! Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough! ”

At this time, seeing Senju Hashirama and Vulpix in a stalemate, the surrounding tribesmen used wind release ninjutsu one after another. The

strong wind roared, and the white gas was blown away in an instant!

Without the threat of strong acidic gas, the trees once again It swelled up wildly and entangled towards the Vulpix again.

Seeing that the Vulpix was about to be entangled in the vines again, it suddenly raised its head and condensed a black chakra sphere.

An extremely powerful and heavy force, Instantly everyone’s expressions changed。

“not good! That’s the tailed beast jade! “Hashirama yelled at the clansmen: “Everyone hide behind me! ”

At this time, the dark and heavy tailed beast jade came towards everyone with unparalleled power. The

trees and vines along the way could not stop the power of the tailed beast jade, and they were crushed into pieces.

Senju Pillar Seeing this, Jian hurriedly bit off the seal on his finger and slapped it on the ground.。

“Psychic! Fivefold Rashomon! ”

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

The ground shook, and five ghost-faced iron gates rose from the ground, blocking the tailed beast.


The tailed beast passed through the first Rashomon gate, and its speed did not slow down at all!


Tight ! Then go through the second gate, slowing down by half!


The third gate is broken, and most of the energy of the Tailed Beast Jade is consumed!


The fourth Rashomon Gate makes a loud noise and explodes into pieces!

At this time, the Tailed Beast Jade The energy was almost exhausted, leaving only the size of a basketball, and it hit the fifth Rashomon hard.

The fifth Rashomon shook hard and twisted and deformed.

But the energy of the tailed beast jade was also exhausted. .

Senju Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.


Bang! Rashomon turned into white smoke and disappeared. Senju Hashirama stared at Vulpix and said: “Vulpix, your power is too powerful, I can’t let it go. You are messing around outside! Let’s capture him without mercy! ”

After saying that, chakra surged out from Senju Hashirama’s body, and the powerful chakra shook the world.

He put his hands together and shouted:

“Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique!”

“Wood Release·Jiu Bag Technique! ”

I saw a large number of vines pouring out of the ground, turning into a towering dragon with a body length of 100 meters!

The dragon roared wildly and pounced on Vulpix with unparalleled power.

At the same time, the ground beneath Vulpix suddenly emerged. Each big wooden hand grabbed Vulpix’s body directly.

Under the double attack, Vulpix couldn’t escape with its wings! Vulpix

had no choice but to condense a tailed beast jade again.

But the tailed beast jade condensed in a hurry The body was too small, and as soon as it was released, it was bitten by the wooden dragon.

The tailed beast jade vibrated in the wooden dragon’s mouth, but it could not explode at all.

The wooden dragon shook its head and threw the tailed beast jade out.

Boom. Long!

The tailed beast was on the stone wall of the valley. An explosion sounded, and half of the valley disappeared in the light of fire. At

this time, several big hands had grabbed the six tails of the six-tailed beast and controlled it firmly on the ground.

Wooden Dragon It circled down and then wrapped around the Vulpix’s body.

Senju Hashirama jumped up on top of the Vulpix’s head, opened his hand and pressed it on its head!


Powerful sealing power , instantly suppressed the tailed beast power of Vulpix to the extreme.

Vulpix’s body quickly shrunk, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small slug the size of a palm.

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