After putting away the smaller Vulpix, Senju Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.

The surrounding tribesmen burst into cheers.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from above the crowd。

“As expected of Senju Hashirama, he caught a tailed beast so easily. ”

Senju Hashirama and his tribe heard the sound and went out, only to see a group of figures standing on the cliff of the valley. The

leader was a short man who looked very strong.

And the clothes on these people were clearly marked Has the emblem of the Sarutobi clan。

“The Sarutobi clan! Sarutobi Sasuke! “Senju Hashirama recognized the other party’s identity at a glance.

In the Land of Fire, Senju and Uchiha are the most prosperous families.

And under Senju and Uchiha, there are various ninja families, large and small. , if these ninja families are ranked, the Sarutobi family can be said to be the largest family under the Senju Uchiha.

Just as the prosperity of the Senju and Uchiha is due to the powerful strength of the Senju and Uchiha Madara brothers, the Sarutobi family The power of the Flying Clan is also due to a famous figure. This figure is Sasuke Sarutobi!

He is also the father of Hiruzen Sarutobi!

In the Land of Fire, apart from Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, he is the most famous ninja. Just Sasuke Sarutobi。

“I didn’t expect you guys to come too! Sarutobi Sasuke, is your goal also the Vulpix? “Senju Hashirama’s eyes narrowed and he spoke.。

“Yes, who doesn’t covet the power of tailed beasts? “Sarutobi Sasuke said calmly: “Although in the past, your two clans did not have much competition, this time the tailed beast, our Sarutobi clan is bound to win!”

“Sarutobi Sasuke, are you too whimsical? Vulpix has been conquered by me. It belongs to my Senju clan. Do you want to take it away from me? ” Senju Hashirama sneered.

Faced with Senju Hashirama’s question, Sarutobi Sasuke just chuckled: “We, the Sarutobi clan, have no intention of being your enemy, but I believe you will definitely hand over the Six-Tails to us, because We happened to meet your brother on the way here. He seemed to be in a hard fight with someone and his situation was critical!”

“What? Tobirama is in danger! ? “Senju Hashirama’s expression tightened when he heard this. His perception was not as good as his younger brother’s, but at this time he was unable to sense the situation on Senju Hashirama’s side.。

“There is no need to doubt the authenticity of this information. The other party is the Ghost Lantern clan from the Kingdom of Water. There are about five to six hundred people, and they are all elites! Sarutobi Sasuke said again。

“Five to six hundred people! “Senju Hashirama couldn’t help but be surprised when he heard this.

With the scale of five to six hundred elites, Tobirama alone is really too reluctant. Even if he had always had confidence in his younger brother, he was extremely anxious at this moment.。

“Sensing the ninja, sensing Tobirama’s position! “Senju Hashirama shouted.

A sentient ninja among the tribesmen behind him immediately responded: “Found it, the location is two hundred kilometers southeast!”

“good! Go and support! “Senju Hashirama hurriedly gave an order, preparing to lead his tribe to support Tobirama.

But at this moment, Sarutobi Sasuke led everyone to stop in front of Senju Hashirama and others, saying: “Senju Hashirama, If you want to support your brother, you can, but you have to keep the tailed beast!”

“Sarutobi Sasuke! You want to stop me? ! “Senju Hashirama was furious.

A powerful chakra burst out from him.

Sarutobi Sasuke

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] frowned, but bucked the trend and also burst out a powerful chakra without giving in at all: “Hand over the tailed beast and I’ll let you pass!”

“Despicable Sarutobi clan! ”

The people of the Senju clan cursed angrily.

The Sarutobi clan actually took advantage of the situation and hit the weak spot of Senju Hashirama.

Although with the strength of Senju Hashirama, he is not afraid of fighting again. field, but the situation in Senju Tobirama is critical at the moment. If the Sarutobi clan is delayed, the situation on Tobirama’s side may be very bad. And Sarutobi Sasuke saw

this clearly, and he dared to At this time, he came forward and asked Senju Hashirama to hand over the tailed beast.。

“good! Tailed beast for you! ” Senju Hashirama didn’t hesitate. He gritted his teeth and agreed.

Giving up a tailed beast for his younger brother is nothing!

“As expected of Senju Hashirama! “Sarutobi Sasuke smiled.

Senju Hashirama had a gloomy face and threw the six-tails he had just sealed to the other party.

Sarutobi Sasuke got the six-tails, with a look of satisfaction on his face: “Let me tell you another news, this The people who came with the Ghost Light Clan for the first time were also the elites of the Kaguya Clan, with the same number of five or six hundred people. It seemed that they were stopped by another person from the True You Clan, but the situation should not be good either! ”

After finishing speaking, Sarutobi Sasuke led his clan members away.。

“hateful! These despicable guys! “The Senju clan members were indignant.

Senju Hashirama sighed: “I didn’t think it through well. The tailed beasts are of great importance. I should have thought that the capture of the tailed beasts would not go so smoothly this time. We were just taking precautions. He killed the Hyuga clan, but he didn’t expect that there were other families who also coveted the tailed beasts. It’s better to go and support Tobirama!”


Just when Senju Hashirama lost his tailed beast, he led his tribe to support Tobirama, who was in a critical situation.

The situation on Tsunade’s side is also very bad.

Kaguya Hyakki’s taijutsu is very powerful. He possesses a powerful Corpse Vein Bloodline Limit, which makes it almost impossible for Tsunade to attack it.

Under the siege of everyone, wounds appeared on her body。

“Ten fingers piercing bullets! ”

Puff, puff, puff!

Ten bullet-like finger bones shot out. Tsunade dodged nine of them, but the tenth one hit her arm.

Suddenly, a blood hole appeared on one of her arms, and blood trickled out.。

“With my own strength, it is still too difficult to deal with so many Kaguya tribesmen. Unfortunately, I cannot summon slugs to fight here. It seems that I can only use the art of hundreds of heroes! “The injured Tsunade dragged her injured arm and prepared to unlock the Yin seal.

But suddenly she staggered and almost fell to the ground, and there was a dizziness in her head.。

“not good! Is this poisoning? “Tsunade was shocked, and immediately realized something. She looked at the wound that had just been pierced on her arm. She

saw that the wound was already black and blue, and a special toxin was spreading.。

“Is this poison? No, this is not an ordinary toxin, this is chakra with some special properties? Tsunade stared at the wound and analyzed it in her mind: “Is it that guy’s blood inheritance limit?” His bones actually have such additional properties?

Seeing this scene, Kaguya Hyakki couldn’t help laughing: “You’ve been hit by my secret technique, let’s see how long you can hold on! ” “

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