Tsunade was anxious. She was weak and planned to use the power of the Yin Seal, but the special chakra attribute toxin could not only corrode her body, but also disrupt her chakra.

Is this the strong man from the Warring States Period?

How careless!

Tsunade secretly gritted her teeth.

At this time, Kaguya Hyakki waved his hand, and his tribesmen surrounded Tsunade.。

“Capture her alive. This woman is quite capable. Capture her and investigate her carefully. ”

Seeing everyone gathering around, Tsunade couldn’t help but feel despair in her heart.

She knew very well what fate she would face if she was captured alive.

Even in that world, female ninjas would suffer a lot of humiliation if they were captured. Not to mention in this Warring States era.

At this moment, she couldn’t help but think of Uchiha Sora。

“null。。。”She murmured Uchiha Sora’s name。

“Fire Release·Fengxian Fire Claw Red! ”

At this moment, a voice sounded in mid-air.

Several fireballs were seen falling from the sky, with shurikens wrapped in the fireballs.

The fireballs instantly fell on the Kaguya tribe members who were surrounding them.


Suddenly ! The attack immediately sent these people flying backwards and suffered heavy damage!

A familiar figure appeared in front of Tsunade.

Dressed in white and with a slender figure, it was Sora Uchiha!

“Sora! How did you come! ? ” Tsunade made a sound of surprise.。

“If I don’t come again, I’m afraid you will be in big trouble. Uchiha Sora turned to look at her and said.

Seeing Uchiha Sora’s concerned eyes, Tsunade’s face could not help but blush slightly, and then she hurriedly reminded: “Be careful, that guy’s bones are poisonous!””

“Don’t worry, leave this to me. “Uchiha Sora gave her a reassuring look.

After he sensed Tsunade’s aura through the sage mode before, he rushed here all the way. At this moment, he was still in the Myoboku sage mode, and his chakra was extremely powerful。

“Who are you? “Kaguya Hyakki looked at Uchiha Sora and sneered: “Are you trying to meddle in other people’s business?”

“have a finger in the pie? Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but laugh: “If you dare to hit my woman, you should just die!””

“Um? Your woman? “Kaguya Hyakki sneered again: “So you are a couple, this is just right, let’s take them away together! ”

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly flashed in front of Kaguya Hyakki, and a sword light swept over him.。

“What? ! “Kaguya Hyakki was shocked.

What a speed!

He hurriedly dodged and retreated, but the sword light passed across his neck, leaving a shallow blood mark on his neck.

A trace of blood slowly flowed out.

Kaguya Hyakki broke into a cold sweat。

“I almost had to move my head! You boy, what a sharp swordsmanship! “Kaguya Hyakki narrowed his eyes, and his expression became serious.

Uchiha Sora failed to succeed with his sword, so he changed his body shape and struck out with another sword.

Swordsmanship: Whirlwind!

The sword light with wind attributes flew forward.。

“Bone veins! ”

A bone shield suddenly appeared on Kaguya Hyakki’s arm, blocking the slash.


The bone shield shattered, and Kaguya Hyakki stepped back sharply.。

“What a powerful slash! “He was shocked.

When the Kaguya clan members around him saw that Uchiha Sora was so strong, they all stayed where they were, not knowing how to intervene.。

“Come together! ! “Kaguya Hyakki roared, which made everyone cheer up.。

“Sora, be careful! “There are a large number o

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] f Kaguya clan members, all of whom are elites. They are flocking to Uchiha Sora in front of them. Tsunade, who has already experienced their power, hurriedly reminded him. Uchiha Sora’s eyes did not change at all. At this moment, he was in a wonderful state

. In Kiyama Sage mode, he is extremely powerful. Although the people of the Kaguya clan are physically brave, they do not pose much of a threat to him. He holds the sword in his right hand and cuts out with one sword. Swordsmanship: Thunder Crack



thunderbolt The blade flew through the air and hit several Kaguya clan members.

Although these Kaguya clan members had hard bones, their bodies were still split into two by the thunder blade, and the powerful power of thunder and lightning turned them into charred corpses.。

“Bone veins! Ten fingers piercing bullets! “Kaguya Hyakki took the opportunity to shoot ten knuckle-bone hidden weapons at Uchiha Sora.

However, everyone saw that Uchiha Sora was not in a hurry and formed a seal with his left hand.

Earth Release: Earthflow Wall!

An earth wall blocked in front of him.

Ten fingers penetrated the bullet. Hitting the wall, leaving ten bullet holes on the wall, but unable to penetrate the thick earth wall.

At this time, dozens of Kaguya tribe members jumped up, holding weapons and falling from the sky, stabbing him in the face. .Uchiha

Sora’s left hand is continuously forming seals。

“Wind Escape·Vacuum Continuous Waves! ”

A breath like a sickle and weasel spewed out from Uchiha’s mouth, instantly tearing apart the Kaguya clan members in mid-air.

Blood fell like rain.

Kaguya Hyakuki frowned.

Other clan members even more I feel scared in my heart.

It’s so strong!

Not only is the swordsmanship super strong, but the physical skills are super strong, and the ninjutsu is also super strong!

Not to mention that he also masters the one-handed seal, and there are no flaws at all!

“Clan leader, is this guy a monster? Is this too strong? “Some tribesmen exclaimed。

“Shut up! Could it be that there are so many of us that we can’t compare to him alone? “Kaguya Hyakki didn’t believe it and said sternly.

At this time, Uchiha Sora formed another seal with one hand.

A dazzling thunder suddenly appeared in his palm.。

“Thunder Escape·Thunder Tiger Kills! ”

I saw the thunder light turning into a thunder tiger, flying around.

It was the long-range form of Rai Qie!

Not only that, with the blessing of fairy magic, this move has more changes.

I saw the flying thunder tiger Dozens of thunder rays were separated again and attacked the surrounding Kaguya tribe members.

Dozens of thunder tigers seemed to have eyes, falling on dozens of Kaguya tribe members.。

“Ahhhh! ”

In an instant, screams were heard everywhere.

The thunder tiger contained the power of Raikiri, and with the blessing of the immortal magic, its power became extremely powerful.

Even though the Kaguya clan members have extremely strong physical fitness, in this thunder tiger Under the attack, they all suffered heavy injuries, and they were all bitten by the thunder tiger with a bloody hole.

The power of thunder and lightning spread throughout the body through the wound, causing them to fall to the ground in an instant.。

“Bone veins! spear! “At this time, Kaguya Hyakki’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Uchiha Sora.

His arm was covered by a huge bone spear, and taking advantage of Uchiha Sora’s opportunity to release ninjutsu, it stabbed hard at his vest.

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