The bone spear was extremely sharp and was about to pierce Uchiha Sora’s body.

But in the next second, everyone saw the figure in front of them flash, and Uchiha Sora’s figure suddenly disappeared!

The bone spear pierced the air, and Kaguya Hyakki hurriedly looked around.

But saw Sora Uchiha appearing next to Tsunade。

“when? ! “Kaguya Hyakki looked at Uchiha Sora in surprise. He actually didn’t capture the opponent’s movement track at all.

This is naturally the Flying Thunder God’s Technique!

Uchiha Sora had already left a mark on Tsunade when she came to her before. The mark of the Flying Thunder God was placed.

At this time, Sora Uchiha once again formed the seal with one hand.。

“Shadow Clone Technique! ”

Bang bang bang!

More than a dozen shadow clones appeared on the side, each of them in the state of magic.。

“Go ahead and kill the others. “Uchiha Sora said calmly.

After a dozen clones received orders, their figures flashed and rushed directly towards the Kaguya clan members.

In sage mode, even Uchiha Sora’s shadow clones are very powerful. It is simply not comparable to those of the Kaguya clan.

After the shadow clones were dispersed, they were like wolves among sheep. Whether it was physical skills, ninjutsu or illusion, they completely crushed the Kaguya clan members present.。

“Fire Release·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!”

“Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness! !”

“Wind Escape·Practice blank bullets!”

“Earth Release·Earth Dragon Bullet!”

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet! ”

There are five shadow clones among them, and they directly perform ninjutsu with five attributes. These five attribute ninjutsu are combined in the middle, and the power suddenly increases! It

is the Five Release·Dalian Dan Jutsu!

And this is also The ninjutsu performed in the sage mode is even more powerful!

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant, the scene was like purgatory. The people of the Kaguya tribe could not resist at all, and they screamed under the bombardment of the powerful ninjutsu.

With just one move, hundreds of people were wiped out!

The remaining people had earth-colored faces and fearful hearts.。

“This guy is so powerful! Patriarch, think of a solution quickly!”

“He actually has five attributes and is simply the nemesis of our Kaguya clan!”

“Even his clone is so strong, how can he fight? ”

The people of the Kaguya clan shouted in horror.

But Uchiha Sora didn’t care about their life or death. After the shadow clones released their ninjutsu, they rushed into the crowd with kunai and started fighting at close range. Although the Kaguya clan was the

last He is good at taijutsu, but Uchiha Sora’s taijutsu is not bad at all. What’s more, his shadow clone is blessed with sage mode, and his punches and kicks are also quite powerful. The taijutsu of the Kaguya clan is not that of the shadow clones at all

. The opponents were getting more and more casualties.

When Kaguya Hyakki saw this scene, his eyes were almost splitting. He stared at Uchiha Sora’s body and said fiercely: “I want you to die! ”

After saying that, he suddenly pulled out a vertebra from his spine, turned it into a bone whip, and threw it at Uchiha Sora.

Facing the attack of the bone whip, Uchiha Sora didn’t pay attention at all, but hugged him. Tsunade said to her: “I will take you to a safer place first, and you can detoxify at ease. I will come to you after I deal with these people. ”

Tsunade was suddenly hugged and lay in Sora Uchiha’s arms. A blush flashed across her face. She nodded slightly and whispered: “Then be careful. ”

At this time, the bone whip was only half a meter away from Uchiha Sora’s face.

But he didn’t look back, stuck the long sword on the ground, and the figure disappeared

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Of course, the one in his arms also disappeared together. Tsunade.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

When he appeared again, Uchiha Sora had already brought Tsunade to a clear river. It was a good resting place that he passed by when he came. Here was the flying thunder he left behind. The Thunder God Kunai served as a mark.

Putting down Tsunade, Uchiha Sora said: “You can rest here first to detoxify, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” ”

After saying that, he activated the Flying Thunder God again and returned to the battlefield of the Kaguya clan. He

appeared next to the sword.

Seeing Sora Uchiha appearing again, Kaguya Hyakuki instinctively felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He held the bone whip, Attacked Uchiha in the air again.


Uchiha Sora pulled out the long sword stuck in the ground and blocked it with a horizontal sword!

When sparks were flying, Kaguya Hyakki seemed to see the disdainful smile on the corner of Uchiha Sora’s mouth.

This made The feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, and he launched a mad attack on Uchiha Sora. The

bone whip was swung repeatedly, but was blocked by the long sword.

The bullets pierced by ten fingers were all dodged one by one.

Bone sword, bone spear, He used various physical techniques to attack Sora Uchiha, but none of them caused him any effective damage.。

“Is it only to this extent? “The moment Kaguya Hyakki stopped, Uchiha Sora’s voice sounded behind him.。

“What! ? “Kaguya Hyakuki turned pale with fright, and hurriedly turned around, only to see a sharp sword light coming in front of him!

Flying Thunder God’s Technique!

Wind Release, Gale Wind Slash!


Blood splattered.

Kaguya Hyakuki retreated violently!

He lowered his head and looked at Iko’s chest, only to see a sword mark that was as deep as the bone.

If it weren’t for his hard bones and timely reaction, the sword would have hurt his internal organs! Despite this

, Kaguya Bai Gui still couldn’t help but feel an inexplicable fear in his heart.

This was something he, as the leader of the clan, had not felt for a long time. It

was too fast!

It was really too fast!

Such an elusive speed was impossible to guard against

! The important thing is that he has no idea how Uchiha Sora appeared behind him.

Seeing Kaguya Hyakki’s frightened expression, Uchiha Sora just smiled faintly.

He had already secretly left a mark on him in the previous fight. Having placed a Flying Thunder God mark, the life of Kaguya Hyakki is now in his hands. In

this era, the Flying Thunder God technique has not yet been known to the public, so even a clan leader like Kaguya Hyakki For a while, the characters couldn’t figure out the principle of the technique at all.

And just when Kaguya Hyakki was injured, Uchiha Sora’s senjutsu shadow clone had already killed the other Kaguya clan members.

There were also There were only five to six hundred people, and all of them were from the taijutsu clan with relatively single abilities. Under the bombardment of various ninjutsu by more than a dozen senjutsu shadow clones of Sora Uchiha, only a hundred people were left in a short period of time.

The remaining hundreds of people faced these dozen shadow clones, as if they were facing a dozen insurmountable mountains, and they were overwhelmed by their momentum.。

“Damn it, are we going to be destroyed here? No! I’m not willing to give in! ”

The remaining members of the Kaguya clan roared unwillingly.

Hearing the roars of the clansmen, Kaguya’s body shook slightly, and a look of determination flashed in his eyes.。

“Everyone, I’m sorry, things have come to this, I can only use that forbidden technique! “He murmured in his mouth.

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