Boom! ! !

As the Bone Demon Warrior retreated violently, the silver-white armor on his body was cracked layer by layer, and the face of Kaguya Hyakki, who was between the chest and abdomen, looked extremely ugly.。

“impossible! How come this guy still has such powerful power! ? “He roared hysterically.

The Bone Demon Warrior finally fell with a crash in the ruins.

He suffered heavy injuries!

However, Kaguya Hyakki once again inspired his potential, controlled the Bone Demon Warrior and stood up again.

His eyes were red, and his mouth was red. Roared.

He was so angry that he was so angry!

“No!” I do not believe! I won’t lose! I am going to kill you! ”

The roar was loud.

The bone demon warrior was once again covered with silver armor. Not only that, a pair of bone bows and arrows appeared in his hands!

Pull the bow and shoot!

The target is directly at Uchiha Sora.



Bone arrows instantly It flew out and shot into the Uchiha sky like a strong wind.

The speed was extremely fast! There was no time for people to react!

Everything along the way was swept away by the bone arrows, sweeping past like a strong wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

Uchiha Sora’s body was submerged in the strong wind.


With a loud noise, the bone arrows crossed a long distance and landed hard on a hill, piercing the entire hill!

“Hahaha ! die! Die! “Kaguya Hyakki let out a breathtaking laugh.。

“It’s not that easy to want me to die! “However, Sora Uchiha’s voice suddenly appeared in front of him。

“What? You guy! ! ! “Kaguya Hyakki’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The arrow just now missed again!

But he didn’t know that Uchiha Sora’s Flying Thunder God Technique was almost inherently invincible! The

Bone Demon The strength of the warrior is indeed very strong, even more than that of the average Susanoo, but if he cannot hit Uchiha Sora, it is just in vain. However, Uchiha Sora also found that the defense of

this bone demon warrior is very strong, even if he just used Even the oversized Rasengan couldn’t crush his entire body.

And that move also consumed a lot of his chakra.

Although his chakra has reached the level of an ordinary tailed beast, after this battle After that, it was also consumed a lot.

Although it is still in the sage mode now, there is actually not much senjutsu chakra left.

After all, various large-scale sage spells consume a huge amount of chakra.

If you save the fight, you can only use delaying tactics to let Kaguya Hyakki’s forbidden technique dissipate on its own.

If you continue to attack regardless of the consequences, you should only have one or two more chances to attack.

If you still can’t defeat him by then , then you can only use the Super Sage mode.

Uchiha Sora analyzed secretly.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed a powerful chakra approaching in the distance, and his heart couldn’t help but move.

Then, a voice came from outside the field。

“Wood Escape·Tree Realm is coming! “I saw the surrounding big trees growing crazily, turning into a huge branch, surging towards the Bone Demon Warrior!

“What? Wood escape! ? “Kaguya Hyakki was immediately shocked.

He ignored the attack on Uchiha Sora and controlled the Bone Demon Warrior to face the entangled tree vines.

Sure enough, it was him!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha breathed a sigh of relief!

Support has arrived!


At the same time, a figure arrived at the scene.

Black hair fluttering in the wind, and a resolute face.

It was Senju Hashirama!

Along with him, there were Senju Tobirama and many Senju clan members.。

“Finally caught up! “As soon as Senju Hashi

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] rama arrived, he looked at Uchiha Sora, with a look of admiration on his face: “Friend, thank you for your hard work! Is Tsunade okay? Where is she? ”

Senju Hashirama came all the way to support Tobirama. After repelling the Oniden clan, he learned about the situation and rushed here non-stop. He was originally here to support Tsunade, but he found that he was fighting with the Kaguya clan. He was a young man, and he couldn’t help but be extremely surprised.

Hearing Senju Hashirama’s question, Uchiha Sora’s figure flashed, came to his side, and said with a smile: “Tsunade was sent to a safe place to recuperate by me. , it should be fine。”

“So that’s it, I heard Tobirama say that she led the logistics troops to intercept the Kaguya clan, but just now I met other members of the logistics troops on the road, and I learned from them that she actually wanted to intercept the Kaguya clan alone, So I rushed here right away. I didn’t expect that she would have a friend like you to support her. How lucky she is! “Senju Hashirama said with a sigh of relief.

At this time, Tobirama looked at Uchiha Sora and said: “Your Excellency actually masters the magic of Miaomu Mountain. Could it be that he is the descendant of the holy land Miaomu Mountain? ”

The senjutsu aura on Uchiha Sora’s body shocked Senju Tobirama, and he couldn’t help but ask.

Uchiha Sora smiled noncommittally.

Just as he was about to answer, he saw the Bone Demon Warrior roaring and slashing open with a knife. A large number of trees and vines are entangled, rushing towards this side with extremely powerful momentum.。

“not good! careful! “Senju Hashirama hurriedly reminded him when he saw this. He clapped his hands, and a wooden dragon appeared from the sky, roaring towards the bone demon warrior.

It is the technique of the wooden dragon that can fight against tailed beasts!

The power of the wooden dragon is extremely strong , before the bone demon warrior rushed in front of him, his arms were already wrapped around the wooden dragon, and then his entire body was restrained by the wooden dragon. The bone demon

warrior roared and struggled with powerful strength.

That can restrain the tailed beast The wooden dragon actually made an overwhelmed creaking sound during the struggle of the Bone Demon Warrior.。

“When did the corpse veins of the Kaguya clan become so strong? ! “Hashirama couldn’t help but be extremely surprised when he saw this scene.

You must know that his wooden dragon is extremely powerful, enough to suppress the tailed beast. Compared with his strength, even the tailed beast can only be restrained obediently. However, the power of this bone demon warrior, It’s even more than the average tailed beast!

Uchiha Sora on the side explained: “This is a forbidden technique performed by the leader of the Kaguya clan who sacrificed the elite of the clan. The power cannot be underestimated, but he should be at the end of his strength now.” . ”

After all, Uchiha Sora and the Bone Demon Warrior had a big battle before, which consumed a lot of Kaguya Hyakki’s power. Now Kaguya Hyakki’s aura is extremely unstable, like a candle in the wind. It may be extinguished at any time.

The more powerful the forbidden technique, the greater the risk. If Kaguya’s Hyakki Sacrifice clan performs the forbidden technique, it will not be without burden on himself.。

“If that’s the case, let’s work together to kill him! Then go back and drink! ” Senju Hashirama heard this and laughed at Sora Uchiha.。

“good! Add me one more! ” Qianshou Feijian also said.

The three of them looked at each other, filled with pride.

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