At this time, there was just a click, the wooden dragon shattered, and the Bone Demon Warrior broke free!

The three of them looked at each other.。

“Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique! ”

Immediately afterwards, Qianju Tobijian took the lead and rushed forward. He formed seals with his hands and released a water dragon that was tens of meters long. He roared and rushed towards the Bone Demon Warrior. The

water dragon crashed into the Bone Demon Warrior, but only hit the opponent. His body stagnated slightly.

But during this slight stasis, Senju Hashirama had already released a wooden release.

Wooden Release: Jibutei no Jutsu!

I saw four sudden emergences from the ground around the Bone Demon Warrior. Two big wooden hands grabbed the Bone Demon Warrior’s legs, and two hands grabbed it, making it unable to move. The two

brothers cooperated seamlessly and had a tacit understanding.

Naturally, Sora Uchiha would not hold back, he raised his hand Condensing a huge wind release spiral shuriken.

Immortal method, wind release, big jade spiral shuriken!

The spiral shuriken that was half the size of a man was thrown out by him, and crashed on the body of the bone demon warrior!

“What a powerful wind release ninjutsu! “When the two brothers saw this scene, they couldn’t help but look at each other, and Tobirama couldn’t help but said in shock. The

Immortal Wind Release burst out with powerful force, and the Bone Demon Warrior was overwhelmed, and the armor on his body made a cracking and shattering sound again. It was

huge . The strong wind caused by the energy caused pain to the cheeks of Hashirama and Tobirama.

When the energy subsided, the armor on the Bone Demon Warrior had disappeared, leaving only a skeleton body.

And Kaguya was between his chest and abdomen. Baigui’s eyes were red. He concentrated his chakra again, trying to restore the armor on the Bone Demon Warrior, but the next moment he coughed up a mouthful of blood.。

“Has it reached its limit? I am so unwilling! ! ! “He roared in anger. He

decided to unleash the final blow!

He drained all his strength at the cost of his life force. The Bone Demon Warrior suddenly squatted down and hugged his body into a ball. The next

moment, the Bone Demon Warrior began to move in place. It started to spin crazily.

As it continued to spin, extremely sharp bone spurs shot out from it, turning into a rain of bone spurs all over the sky, flying towards the surroundings indiscriminately. Each of

these bone spurs was as big as an arm. Thick and thin, several meters long, and the number is tens of thousands!

“Not good!” Wood escape·Wooden spindle wall! “Senju Hashirama immediately jumped to Tobirama’s side and used the defensive technique of Wood Release to protect himself and his younger brother.

And Uchiha Sora formed seals with both hands and slammed them on the ground, also displaying a defense The art of。

“Psychic·Triple Rashomon! ”


Three huge ghost gates rose from the ground, blocking the front of Uchiha Sora. Countless bone spurs fell on the ghost gates, making a clanging sound. Bang! Soon, the


ghost gate was blocked. Break through.

The second ghost gate is also crumbling.

Because there are too many bone spurs and they are so powerful that ordinary defenses cannot stop them.���。

Even the wooden ingot wall between the Thousand-Hand Pillar was a little overwhelmed at this time, making a creaking sound and almost breaking.

The final blow of Kaguya Hyakki is infinitely powerful!

“Damn, there are so many bone spurs!” Tobirama looked ugly and

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] thought to himself: “I haven’t fully mastered the Flying Thunder God yet, so I can’t take anyone with me to fly away. I can leave by myself, but I can’t leave my brother alone.”

Hashirama seemed to see his brother’s thoughts and smiled: “Tobirama, you go, don’t worry about me, I won’t die under such an attack.”。”

“Brother! Seeing his brother’s smile, Tobirama trembled and said hurriedly: “Your chakra has been depleted after repeated battles. If I leave, you will definitely not be able to stop me!” ”

He knew that although his brother had huge chakra, he had fought against the Hyuga clan, the Six-Tails, and the Oniden clan before. Now the remaining chakra could no longer use the more powerful Wood Release. Facing these dense bone spurs, he might not be able to resist anymore. Got it。

“Have you forgotten that I am immortal in battle? Feel free to withdraw! “Hashirama said.

After a pause, Hashirama looked at Sora Uchiha who was hiding behind Rashomon in the distance with some regret and said:

“What a pity for that young man, he can actually use the ninjutsu of Rashomon. Maybe he has some connection with our Senju clan, I hope he can survive. ”

Tobirama also looked at Uchiha Sora. Suddenly, he saw Uchiha Sora throwing a kunai towards him. The

kunai passed through countless bone spurs and flew to their feet.。

“what are you up to? “Tobirama couldn’t help but be stunned.

But the next second, he found that a figure flashed in front of him, and Uchiha Sora appeared in front of them instantly.。

“What? This technique! “Tobirama was shocked.

Hashirama couldn’t help but be stunned.

Uchiha pulled out the kunai on the ground and said to the two brothers: “Put your hands on my shoulders! ”

The two brothers just reacted. They didn’t have time to think anymore and did as they were told.。

“Get ready to fly! “Uchiha Sora said with a slight smile.

The next second, the surrounding environment suddenly changed. There was no longer the noise of bone spikes piercing Sora, replaced by the sound of clear running water. The

three of them had appeared by a small river!

Tsuna ! Shou was sitting by the river looking into the distance in a daze. When he saw the three people appearing, he hurriedly got up and greeted them.。

“null! How about it? Is the battle over? Uchiha

Sora shook his head: “Not yet, that guy has unleashed a big move. I’ll take them here to avoid it temporarily.”。”

“I see! “Tsunade understood。

“It seems that your poison has been cured! “Uchiha Sora looked at the location of the wound on her arm. It had recovered as before and couldn’t help but smile.。

“Um. Tsunade nodded, looked at Senju Hashirama and Tobirama, and said, “You should be okay, right?””

“It’s okay, thanks to your friend’s help, otherwise we would have been in trouble this time! Senju Hashirama said sincerely: “By the way, I don’t know your surname yet!””

“Just call me Sora. Uchiha Sora replied: “As for the last name, I will tell you later.”。”

“able to reason���, then I’ll call you empty! “Hashirama patted Uchiha Sora’s shoulder and laughed.。

“Sora, what you just used was a space-time ninjutsu, right? At this time, Tobirama suddenly asked him: “Why do I feel that it is very similar to the technique I am developing?” Uchiha

Sora couldn’t help but smile when he heard this: “You are right, what I just used was indeed a time and space ninjutsu, called the Flying Thunder God’s Jutsu!””

“The art of flying thunder god! ? “Hearing this name, Tobirama couldn’t help but be stunned.

How come it is exactly the same as the name of the technique he is developing???

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