“Eh???” Hashirama on the side exclaimed: “Tobirama, didn’t you say that the Flying Thunder God Technique was exclusively developed by you? Did you deliberately lie to me?”

“This is simply impossible! It was absolutely impossible for anyone to develop the flying thunder god technique before! Tobirama looked in disbelief and shook his head resolutely: “Moreover, even if someone develops a time and space ninjutsu with the same principle, it is impossible to give the ninjutsu the same name by such a coincidence!””

“But the name of his technique is the same as yours! “Hashirama complained.

Tobirama fell into silence and did not reply.。

“Okay, okay, forget about the flying thunder god technique, let’s go see that guy from the Kaguya clan first, then rectify the clan members and go back to the clan to rest! “Hashirama laughed.

The atmosphere relaxed.

Uchiha Sora’s mouth curled up slightly. He knew Tobirama was suspicious, but I’m afraid this guy couldn’t even think that he came from another world. .

After a small interlude, the four of them returned to the battlefield together.

In the battlefield, the huge bone demon warrior had disappeared, and the ground was covered with long bone spurs. Looking from a distance, it looked like A huge bone forest.

The four people came to the center of the bone forest and found the body of Kaguya Hyakki among a pile of gray bones.

He looked pale, bloodless, and withered.。

“Did he exhaust all his chakra and die? The blood inheritance limit of the Corpse Vein is indeed terrifying, but if you don’t have strong chakra and body, you will be counterattacked by this blood inheritance limit. “Tobirama took out a scroll, put away the body of Kaguya Hyakki, and said with emotion。

“Okay, let’s go back. “Hashirama said with a wave of his hand.。


The land of the Thousand Hands Clan.

Uchiha Sora returned here with the large army of Senju clan members.

Although the Senju Clan failed in this expedition and the tailed beast fell into the hands of the Sarutobi Clan, this does not mean that the Senju Clan was defeated. Sooner or later, the Sarutobi Clan will take back the tailed beast. of.

And Uchiha Sora did not forget his other purpose for coming to the Senju clan.

Let the Senju and Uchiha reconcile and cease fighting.

So after resting for a day at Senju Hashirama, Sora Uchiha went directly to visit and walked into the Senju mansion.。

“Sora, you’re here! “Senju Hashirama, who was dressed in plain clothes, warmly welcomed Sora Uchiha.

Tobirama, on the other hand, stood aside coolly and raised his hand to say hello.。

“Chief Hashirama, I came here this time to discuss something with you! “After the two parties sat down, Hashirama made Uchiha Sora a cup of tea, and Uchiha Sora took a sip and said。

“oh? What is it? tell me the story. “Hashirama looked confused.。

“This matter has something to do with the Uchiha clan. “Uchiha Sora said with a smile.。

“Uchiha! “Hashirama looked stern when he heard this, and Tobirama beside him couldn’t help but exude a murderous aura.

Hearing the name Uchiha, Tobirama immediately lost his composure.。

“Tobirama, pay attention to your emotions! “Hashirama reminded him, and then said to Uchiha Sora: “Please tell m

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“I hope the Senju clan and the Uchiha can stop fighting. “Uchiha Sora went straight to the point.。

“armistice? “Hashirama couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this.

Tobirama frowned and said: “Our Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have a long history of grudges. We don’t just stop the war if we want to. Even with the relationship between my eldest brother and Uchiha Madara, It cannot resolve the hatred between the two races. What you said is simply unrealistic. Uchiha Sora smiled slightly: ”

What if I say that the Uchiha clan has been convinced by me?” ”

The two Qianju brothers were shocked when they heard this.。

“What did you say? How could that guy Madara agree? “Tobirama had a look of disbelief.。

“Because they dare not disagree! Uchiha Sora smiled lightly.

Senju Tobiran’s eyes flashed: “You mean, you can act as a bridge between our two clans and create a deterrent?””

“That’s right. “Uchiha Sora said with a smile.

The two Senju brothers couldn’t help but remain silent after hearing this.

Without the previous battle with Kaguya Hyakki, they would never have believed what Uchiha Sora said.

But with that In this battle, the two Senju brothers had already seen Uchiha Sora’s power, the powerful wind escape ninjutsu and senjutsu, and the flying thunder god technique. The two powers he showed alone were enough to establish He is the pinnacle of the ninja world.

Such a strong man, no matter which side he falls to, will definitely be a disaster for the other side.。

“What is your purpose for doing this? “The two of them lowered their heads and pondered for a while. Qian Shu Feijian suddenly raised his head and asked。

“Purpose? It’s simple, because my last name is Uchiha! “Uchiha Sora opened his mouth and said an astonishing sentence.。

“What? ! “Tobirama suddenly stood up, with a look of shock on his face: “Are you from the Uchiha clan? Sora Uchiha! ?”

“No, it’s impossible, the Uchiha clan can’t have a strong person like you! “But immediately, Senju Tobirama shook his head again and said: “We also know the information about the Uchiha clan very well, and we never knew that there was a number one figure like you! ”

Senju Tobirama is extremely disbelieving.

If Uchiha Sora is the Uchiha clan, why should he mediate between the two clans? With his strength, he can definitely help the Uchiha clan defeat Senju!

“What’s more, with the physique of the Uchiha clan, it is impossible to learn senjutsu! And where is your Sharingan? With your strength, you should have opened the Sharingan long ago, right? But you have never used the power of Sharingan in previous battles! “Subsequently, Tobirama retorted.

Uchiha Sora said lightly: “For some reason, it is not convenient for me to reveal my Sharingan, but I am indeed an Uchiha.。”

“As for why I want to mediate the grudges between the two clans, it’s very simple, just because of one person!”



“is her? “The two Qianju brothers were puzzled.。

“Tsunade has the blood of Senju and is considered a member of your Senju clan. As an Uchiha, I naturally don’t want another war between the two clans. “Uchiha Sora explained。

“this。。。”The two Senju brothers looked at each other.

So it all happened because of a woman?

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