“Okay!” The two brothers temporarily accepted Uchiha Sora’s explanation.

But they are still very confused about Uchiha Sora’s identity as an Uchiha.

As for Uchiha Sora’s proposal to cease war with Uchiha, Senju Hashirama would naturally not object, because he originally wanted to end such a war, but he had been suffering from no chance.

Now the appearance of Sora Uchiha has become an opportunity for mediation between the two clans.。

“However, with Madara Uchiha’s character, he will not compromise so easily. If we want to truly cease the war, I must meet with him! “After thinking for a while, Senju Hashirama said again。

“Well, this is exactly what I want to say. Next, you can find a time to send an invitation to negotiate to the Uchiha clan. I will be present as a witness. If anyone is dissatisfied, I will naturally suppress it. “Uchiha Sora said.

When he said this, Uchiha Sora exuded a strong confidence. The

Senju Hashirama brothers were shocked, and they did not dare to ignore Uchiha Sora’s words.

They guessed that Uchiha Sora might The strength that Uchiha showed when he fought against Kaguya Hyakki was not all.

Half an hour later, Uchiha left the Senju Mansion.

In the next few days, until the two clans negotiate, he will temporarily stay at Senju Mansion. The Hand Clan is here to accompany Tsunade.

Hashirama arranged for him to live in a house adjacent to Tsunade’s residence.

While Uchiha Sora was temporarily settling in the Senju Clan, on the other side, the Sarutobi Clan In the ground.

Sarutobi Sasuke, the clan leader, got the Six-Tails. He was very excited after returning home with a full load. A

family meeting was held immediately.

At the family meeting, he asked the tribesmen for their opinions on how to arrange the Six-Tails.

An old elder He stood up and said: “Clan leader, the power of the tailed beast is obvious to all, but although we have obtained the tailed beast, we are still unable to control the power of the tailed beast. We must find a way to transform the power of the tailed beast into a controllable force. Maybe you can visit the Uzumaki clan. They are good at various sealing techniques and should be able to use sealing techniques to control the power of tailed beasts.。”

“The whirlpool clan? Okay, I will go to the Uzumaki Clan myself right now! “Sarutobi Sasuke decided immediately.

After the meeting, he immediately took his people and set off for the Uzumaki clan.

The next day, Sarutobi Sasuke came to the place where the Uzumaki clan was and met the leader of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Ashina.

Uzumaki Ashina is a gray-haired old man. As the leader of the Uzumaki clan, his strength is unfathomable and he is proficient in all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan. He is also famous in the entire ninja world


“Ashina-senpai, I am here this time to ask you about sealing techniques. “Sarutobi Sasuke said straight to the point.。

“Sir Sarutobi, the sealing technique is the secret of my Uzumaki clan and will not be spread to outsiders. I have nothing to tell you, and I am afraid I will disappoint you. “Uzumaki Ashina refused.

Sarutobi Sasuke smiled and said: “Senior, don’t refuse in a hurry, listen to what I have to say first.。”

“Please say。”

“I, the Sarutobi clan, do not intend to learn your secret techniques, but for the sake of the tailed beasts!”

“Tailed beast! ? Uzumaki Ashina was stunned and looked serious: “Do you want to seal the tailed beast?”

Sarutobi Sasuke nodded and said, “That’s right! ” Our Sarutobi clan got a tailed beast, but the power of the tailed beast is too strong to truly control it, so I hope the Uzumaki clan can help find a way. ”

After a pause, he continued: “If the Uzumaki clan can help us find a way, I, the Sarutobi clan, will definitely provide you with a satisfactory reward, and will unconditionally support your Uzumaki clan in the future, and open our Sarutobi clan to you. Ninjutsu arsenal, and sign a hundred-year covenant

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Uzumaki Ashina couldn’t help but fell into deep thought after hearing this.

The Sarutobi clan is indeed very strong, almost second only to the Senju and Uchiha.

Moreover, the people of the Sarutobi clan are extremely good at various ninjutsu, and there are many ninjutsu in the clan. .

In comparison, although the Uzumaki clan is also very powerful, almost all of the Uzumaki clan specializes in sealing techniques, but lacks foundation in ninjutsu. Sora has a powerful chakra, but the family lacks some powerful ninjutsu

. The conditions put forward by Tobi Sasuke really made Uzumaki Ashina a little excited.

After thinking about it, he said: “This matter is something I can consider, and I can’t think of how to solve the request you made for a while. With the strength of our Uzumaki clan, Sealing technique, it is not difficult to directly seal the tailed beast, but it is not that simple to control the power of the tailed beast.。”

“It’s okay, I believe senior will find a way. Sarutobi Sasuke smiled.。


Among the Senju clan, Uchiha Sora has completely settled down and became neighbors with Tsunade.

Although he and Tsunade had already had a relationship, Tsunade did not react violently after the two reunited, but he did not live directly in Tsunade’s house.

After all, the two of them are still in an awkward period, so Uchiha Sora will naturally not push too hard.

However, that day, when Uchiha Sora was sitting in the house practicing magic, Tsunade suddenly came to the door.。

“null! Come out! “Tsunade knocked on Uchiha Sora’s door angrily.

Uchiha Sora opened the door and saw Tsunade’s pair of majestic weapons.。

“What’s wrong?”

“null! Something big happened! “Tsunade saw him opening the door and said with a panicked expression.。

“What’s up? “Uchiha Sora’s face condensed slightly.。

“I am pregnant! Tsunade said in a low voice.。

“What? “Uchiha was stunned.。

“I said I was pregnant! Tsunade gritted her teeth and said, “You bastard, what should you do now?” ”

At this time, Tsunade felt helpless. She didn’t expect that after that night, her body would have some abnormalities. As a medical ninja, she knew what this meant. After checking it carefully, she was shocked. She found out that she had been tricked!

This made her feel very at a loss. She had no time to carefully consider the relationship between the two. This sudden accident almost made her forget about anything and found it directly. Uchiha Sora explained the situation to him.

In her opinion, although she had a relationship with Uchiha Sora, the age difference between the two was too large. This relationship might be used as a special memory in this war era. Seal it, and when they return to that world, the two of them can continue to live as if nothing happened.

But she didn’t expect to be attacked this time, which made her, the Hokage and the Sannin, suddenly panic. He was at a loss.

At this time, Uchiha Sora finally came to his senses, and without thinking, he said with joy on his face: “That’s great! I have a baby! I’m going to be a dad!”

“you! Tsunade was speechless for a moment, a blush flashed across her face, and she said angrily: “You are still a child yourself!” What nonsense are you talking about! I figured I could get rid of it while it was still early!”

“no! “Uchiha Sora became anxious upon hearing this and shook his head hastily.。

“You guy, do you really want to be a father at such a young age? “When Tsunade heard this, she couldn’t understand the feeling in her heart. She was embarrassed and annoyed, but more importantly, she felt a touch of sweetness.。

“What’s wrong with this? Uchiha Sora asked back.。

“Aren’t you afraid that others will look at you differently? Moreover, how should we explain to others when we return to that world? “Tsunade asked。

“I never care about other people’s opinions. If you care, the worst thing you can do is give birth here and then go back. Uchiha thought for a moment.

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