At this time, the Thousand Hands clan was five kilometers away.

Uchiha Sora and Senju Hashirama rushed here in a hurry.

This is a lush forest.

In front of the woods, six figures with huge auras were running towards them.。

“The two-tailed Youlu, the four-tailed Sun Wukong, the five-tailed King Mu, the six-tailed Rhinoceros, the seven-tailed Chongming, and the eight-tailed Ox Ghost.。。。”Seeing the six tailed beasts gathering together, Uchiha Sora couldn’t help but murmured.

This kind of scene can probably only be seen during this period.

Because the tailed beasts in this period are still free.。

“What a powerful chakra! Hashirama looked at them with a solemn expression and whispered: “What do these guys want to do?””

“Just go up and ask and you will know! Uchiha Sora said.

The two figures flashed and quickly stopped in front of the six tailed beasts.

As humans, they were as big as ants in front of the tailed beasts that were tens of meters tall.

But the six tailed beasts The tailed beast still stopped.

The tailed beast is the eight-tailed beast.。

“Where did these reckless humans dare to block our way? “It shouted angrily.

A powerful chakra breath burst out from it, setting off a howling wind all around, shaking the entire forest.

Sora Uchiha and Hashirama Senju stood in a tree At the top of the big tree, they were looking directly at the auras of the tailed beasts.

Both of them had expressions on their faces.

Hashirama said: “Behind us is our Senju clan! What do you want to do?”

“It’s him! It was this guy who injured me and blocked me! “After Hashirama spoke, the six-tailed rhinoceros barked, his tone full of hatred.。

“So that’s it, are you here for revenge? “Senju Hashirama frowned. It turned out to be the root of the disaster he had planted when he captured the Six-Tails!

He secretly screamed that something was wrong. If he had known better, he would not have provoked the tailed beast.

Thinking of this, he had to say: “The Six-Tails , it was my fault for attacking you before, I apologize to you here! But please don’t hurt my people! Please retreat quickly! ”

However, Senju Hashirama’s sincere apology was not forgiven by the tailed beasts.

Vulpix sneered: “You hurt me, and you’re done with admitting your mistake? I know your name is Senju Hashirama, remember it for me! We tailed beasts are definitely not beings that you humans can mess with! Since you dare to provoke us, you must pay the price!”

“Why are you talking so much nonsense to them? Just destroy them! “Four-tailed Sun Wukong shouted grumpily.。

“Yes, yes, humans have gone too far in recent years! If we don’t teach them a lesson, they will really think that our tailed beasts are easy to bully! “Wu Taimu King also said。

“Sorry, really sorry! “Seeing the tailed beasts making all kinds of noises, Hashirama apologized hurriedly and almost knelt down.

Because it was indeed his fault. He shouldn’t have fought with the Hyuga clan for the tailed beasts at that time.

Although the fight for the tailed beasts was behind the scenes. It means the name of the country, but Senju Hashirama still blames himself very much at this time.

He thinks that he caused the riot of the tailed beasts.。

“snort! It’s too late~” When the tailed beasts saw Hashirama’s low profile, they became even more arrogant.

Although Senju Hashirama had previously sho

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] wn a powerful wood escape, injuring or even sealing the Six-Tails, the Six-Tails The strength is not very strong, but there are six tailed beasts present, but they are not weak at all, just like

Senju Hashirama. If the old man of Six Paths hadn’t said at that time that they were not allowed to unite to bully humans, the nine tailed beasts would have gathered together Enough to destroy the entire human race.

But this time is different. This time humans bullied them first, so they can naturally form gangs to take revenge.。

“Fortunately, the Nine Lamas are not here, otherwise there would be so much nonsense? “Two-tailed Mataru said in a low voice.

The Nine Lama’s temper is even hotter than that of the fourth-tailed Monkey King!

Seeing the noisy behavior of the tailed beasts, Uchiha Sora beside him not only felt a little novel, but also a little amused. .They

may not know what kind of existence is standing in front of them.。

“Hello! You’d better stop in moderation! “He couldn’t help but say.

Although the revenge of the tailed beasts was reasonable, Uchiha Sora’s current position was on Senju Hashirama’s side, so naturally he would not just sit idly by, so he reminded the tailed beasts.。

“Tiny humans! You die! “However, the tailed beasts did not buy it at all. With an angry roar, the eight tails directly threw out a giant octopus tail and shot it towards Uchiha Sora. They only regarded Senju Hashirama as their opponent. As for Uchiha Sora, among

them It seemed like he was just playing a role.

The huge octopus tentacles brought a huge strong wind and shot towards Uchiha Sora. Uchiha Sora’s head

was immediately covered by a shadow.

A cold light flashed in Uchiha Sora’s eyes. .

He raised his finger and swiped towards the octopus tentacles above his head.

A bolt of thunder and lightning turned into a laser and shot away!

Thunder Release Light Tooth Sword!

I saw the lightning condensed into a sword blade and disappeared in a flash. , instantly cut the attacking octopus’s tentacles in half!

Ouch, ouch,

eight tails suddenly screamed in pain, and hurriedly retracted the only half of the tentacles.。

“what’s the situation? Lao Ba, are you injured? ! “The other tailed beasts were shocked when they saw this.。

“Damn, that guy is not simple! “The Eight-Tails glared at Uchiha Sora and said in a solemn tone.。

“snort! So what if it’s not simple? Look at me! “The two tailed beasts opened their mouths and spit out a huge fireball.

Tailed Beast: Fireball Technique!

Although it is the same as the fire escape used by ordinary ninjas, the power displayed by the tailed beast is not comparable to that of humans.

A one that has reached a hundred meters. A huge fireball fell from the sky, covering the sky and the earth, covering all the places where Uchiha Sora and Senju Hashirama were.

Before it hit the ground, the scorching heat caused the big trees underneath to burn.。

“Sora, let’s escape with water together! “Hashirama saw this and hurriedly made seals.。

“Water Release·Explosive Water Wave! ”

He opened his mouth and spurted out a huge water stream, which rose into the sky and blocked the fireball.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sora immediately formed the seal:

Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique!

He also opened his mouth and sprayed out a huge water ball, towards the fireball. He hit the fireball in mid-air.

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