boom! ! !

The ninjutsu of both sides collided in mid-air!

A large amount of mist suddenly erupted between the water and fire, covering a radius of a kilometer.

Another brigade’s fireball was blocked.

At the same time, the five-tailed King Mu took advantage of the surrounding fog to flash his figure and came to the two of them in an instant. He raised his tail and patted them.

Wu Tai’s ability is to control steam, and now this large amount of water vapor makes him like a fish in water. Its attacks are powerful but silent, and its tail hits the top of the two people in the blink of an eye.。

“not good! Get out of the way! “In the mist, the sight of Hashirama and Uchiha Sora was obstructed. Just when the tail was about to fall on their heads, the two of them sensed the crisis. Upon seeing this, Hashirama hurriedly reminded Uchiha Sora, and he hurriedly formed a seal. .Wooden

Release·Bangpai Jutsu!

In an instant, a Ghost Face Wooden Shield protected him in it.


A giant tail of the Five Tails slapped the Ghost Face Wooden Shield hard, making a loud noise.

But the Ghost Face Wooden Shield’s defensive power It is extremely powerful. Except for some slight damage on the outside, Hashirama, who was protected inside, was unscathed. On the

other side, the other giant tail of the Five-Tails also shot towards Uchiha Sora, and with a bang, the big tail he was on was shot. The tree exploded directly!

A big crater was created along with the ground!

Amidst the splash of gravel, Uchiha Sora had already disappeared.


His figure appeared above another big tree in the distance.。

“Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough! “Make a seal with one hand, open your mouth and blow out a strong wind, blowing away all the fog in front of you. Your

vision will be clear.。

“Enough is enough, tailed beasts! “Looking at the six tailed beasts in front of him, Uchiha Kong frowned and said。

“snort! Arrogant humans! That blow just now didn’t kill you, so you’re lucky! “Five-Tails shouted.

It opened its mouth and began to condense the Tailed Beast Jade, planning to enlarge its moves.。

“Wood Release·Jiu Bag Technique! “However, at this moment, Hashirama’s voice suddenly sounded.

Several big wooden hands suddenly emerged from the ground. One of the big hands slapped the five-tailed head, and it was condensing the tailed beast jade. The movement was interrupted.

Several other big hands took the opportunity to firmly grasp the five-tailed limbs and trap them in place.

At this time, Hashirama shouted to Uchiha Sora: “Sora, don’t let their attacks hit us. Behind you, there is the clan land! ”

This place is only five kilometers away from the tribe. If a battle with the tailed beasts starts here, it will inevitably affect the tribe. At

such a close distance, if a Tailed Beast Jade passes by, the tribe may be wiped out.

So the Senju Pillar They had to be cautious and reminded Uchiha.

If they wanted to fight freely, they had to lead the tailed beasts to other places, away from the clan.

Cat claws!

At this time, the second-tailed beast appeared in a flash. Beside Wuwei, sharp cat claws appeared on the limbs, and a few cold lights flashed, instantly cutting off the big wooden hands that trapped Wuwei!

Wuwei escaped from the trap。

“Damn humans! Somewhat capable! “It said, and quickly retreated to the other tailed beasts.。

“Activate the Tailed Beast Jade together! “At this time, the eight tailed beasts said.

The six tailed beasts immediately opened their mouths and began to condense the tailed beast jade.

Huge chakra gathered in their mouths, and in the blink of an eye, they each condensed a tailed beast jade as black as ink. The

six tailed beast jade brought The pressure felt like a real thing, and the ground beneath the t

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ailed beasts’ feet was crushed by one meter.

A strong wind whipped up, blowing in all directions.。

“No, these guys are going to activate the Tailed Beast Jade together! “Hashirama frowned when he saw this.

If there were only two tailed beast jade, he could use the wood dragon technique to block it, or he could channel the Rashomon to change the trajectory of the tailed beast jade, but there were so many tailed beast jade at once When the tailed beast jade appeared, he had no time to respond.

Uchiha Sora’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the direction in which the tailed beast jade of these tailed beasts were pointed at was clearly the direction of the Senju clan. It seemed that the

tailed beasts heard what they had just heard. Jian’s shouting instantly caught the weakness of the two of them.

In fact, even without Hashirama’s shouting just now, the Senju clan would still be the target of the tailed beasts.

At this time, all the tailed beast jade of the six tailed beasts were aimed at In the direction of the clan land, of course Uchiha Sora and Hashirama were also covered.

If they didn’t want the clan land to be destroyed, they had to take these six heavy tailed beast jade.。

“The six of us activate the Tailed Beast Jade together, let’s see how you can resist! “The tailed beasts were secretly proud.

After all, the tailed beast jade is their most powerful means. It can destroy an entire tribe with one shot. Its power is simply beyond what humans can resist. Human

ninjutsu is incomparable in front of the tailed beast jade. , all vulnerable!

Just when the tailed beasts activated the Tailed Beast Jade, the other family patriarchs who were coming from a distance also felt the pressure from the six Tailed Beast Jade.。

“What a powerful chakra! “Hyugaten, the leader of the Hyuga clan, who was more than ten kilometers away, observed this scene through his Byakugan, with a horrified look on his face. The density of chakra in the sphere was

terrifyingly high!

However, he quickly observed the beasts that were fighting the tailed beasts. Uchiha Sora’s Senju Hashirama。

“Those two people, one is Hashirama, who is the other? The chakra in his body is actually so huge, not much weaker than Hashirama! Tobirama? No, that’s definitely not Tobirama!”

“snort! No matter what, there is a conflict between the tailed beasts and the Senju Pillars, which is definitely good news! “Hyu Xiangtian couldn’t help laughing.

They were beaten away by the Senju clan during the fight for the tailed beasts, so they were naturally filled with resentment.

This scene now suits him exactly what he wants!

Likewise, other clans approaching here The clan leaders had also felt the aura of the fighting tailed beasts, and they all sped up on their way.

On the battlefield, the tailed beast jades of the six tailed beasts were condensed, and each one was as big as their heads

. His face was heavy, and the chakra on his body surged and condensed crazily. He clapped his hands, intending to use his trump card Wood Escape.。

“Leave it to me. “At this time, Uchiha Sora held down Hashirama who was about to enlarge his move, formed a seal with one hand, and created six shadow clones.。

“null? “Hashirama took a breath and looked confused.。

“Don’t waste chakra now, wait until I transfer them to an open place, and then show off your skills. Uchiha smiled.

When Hashirama heard this, his eyes couldn’t help but light up: “Is it the flying thunder god’s technique?” Can you transfer all these tailed beast jade together? ”

Uchiha Sora nodded.

I saw his six shadow clones ducking in front of the six tailed beast jade, opening their hands, each holding a Flying Thunder God Kunai. The next moment, invisible

streaks The space barrier spreads out in front。。。

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