The six tailed beast jades flew forward with unparalleled momentum, hitting the space barriers one after another.

The next moment, the entire space sank, and dense runes appeared around the barrier.

The six tailed beast jade suddenly seemed to be trapped in a spider web, gradually disappearing into the space runes.

The pressure on the battlefield suddenly disappeared.

It is the art of guiding thunder from the Flying Thunder God!

“Well done!” Senju Hashirama couldn’t help but applaud when he saw this scene.


Immediately afterwards, six rays of light burst into the sky in various directions dozens of kilometers away.

The earth trembles! The wind is dancing wildly!

Viewed from above, it looks like six huge light bulbs are lighting up the earth!

Flowers, trees, mountains and rivers disappeared in the explosion, turning into six huge craters several kilometers in diameter.

The entire surface of the earth has been transformed!

Huge sounds and vibrations quickly reached here.

After transferring the six tailed beast jade, Uchiha Sora’s shadow clones also disappeared one after another.。

“what’s the situation? You actually moved all our tailed beast jade away? This guy! “The tailed beasts all yelled when they saw this.

Hashirama was a little worried at this time and said: “Sora, if the tailed beast jade explodes in those places, will it hurt innocent people? Uchiha

Sora knew what he was thinking. Hearing this, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, the locations I chose are all deserted places and will not cause many casualties.” ”

As for why there are Flying Thunder God coordinates in those places, this is the habit that Uchiha Sora has always maintained. After he came to this world, he had secretly buried Flying Thunder God Kunai everywhere as a space Reserve of coordinates.

There are at least dozens of such coordinates in the Kingdom of Fire.

That’s why we can move the tailed beast jade calmly this time.

Otherwise, we can only resist these tailed beast jade.

Hashirama nodded, Only then did he feel relieved, but he frowned and said, “But it’s still a bit inappropriate to fight these tailed beasts at home. I can’t let go at all, so I still have to find a way to lure them away.”。”

“I’ll just move them away too. Uchiha Sora said, throwing a flying thunder god kunai to Senju Hashirama: “Take it.” ”

After saying that, Uchiha Sora dodged and rushed towards the tailed beasts.

Along the way, the aura on his body suddenly changed, and a large amount of natural power instantly gathered. Orange eye shadow appeared on his face, and he activated the Mt. Myoboku Sage. Mode!

His speed increased several times in the blink of an eye, and his body turned into an afterimage, instantly arriving in front of the Five-Tails who was closest to him. The

Five-Tails raised his front hooves and shot towards Uchiha Sora, but was blocked by Uchiha Sora Easily dodged.

In sage mode, Uchiha Sora was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was above Five-Tails’ head.。

“Damn humans! Get down here! “The Five-Tails was furious.

But at this moment, Uchiha Sora lightly slapped the Five-Tails’ head with his palm, and instantly launched the Flying Thunder God Technique!


The next second, his figure disappeared from the battlefield together with the Five-Tails King Mu. .


Soon, Uchiha Sora returned to Hashirama’s side again.

Hashirama said in surprise: “Sora, where did you transfer the five tails?”

“It’s hundreds of kilomet

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ers away from here, in a valley. I’ve set the battlefield there. Next, I will move the other tailed beasts there one by one. You use Wood Release to cooperate with me and don’t let them move. ” Uchiha Sora replied。

“Um! “Hashirama nodded. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that Uchiha Sora’s aura in sage mode was actually stronger than the previous time when he fought with Kaguya Hyakki! He clapped his hands and pressed hard to the ground


“Wood Release·Jiu Bag Technique! ”

Pairs of big wooden hands came out from under the other four tailed beasts and grabbed their bodies by surprise.

Only the Nanao Shigeaki flying in mid-air could not reach it.

Seeing this, Uchiha Sora separated again. Four shadow clones appeared, dispersed and came to the two tails, four tails, six tails and eight tails. He raised his hands and pressed them on their bodies, launching the Flying Thunder God Technique! Swish, swish, swish! The field was instantly emptied


. .Only

the Nanao is still flying in the air。

“You human being! Where did you take them? ” Nanao’s voice was a little panicked.。

“Don’t worry, I’m just choosing a good venue for you. It will be your turn soon. “Uchiha Sora smiled slightly and dodged towards Nanao himself.

However, Nanao was flying in mid-air after all, with a strong body. It spread its wings and avoided Uchiha Sora’s flying attack. body of。

“Look at me! “At this time, Hashirama shouted.

A huge tree vine suddenly emerged from the ground, soared into the sky, and wrapped around Nanao. Nanao

quickly flapped its wings and retreated, but the speed of the tree vine was not at all Don’t be slow and follow it like a shadow.

Uchiha Sora saw this and knew that the opportunity was rare. He raised his hand and shot a flying thunder god kunai towards Nanao.

Facing the kunai’s sneak attack, Nanao ignored it and didn’t even want to hide.

Kunai Mu bumped into Nanao’s body with a clang.。

“That’s it? “Nanabi glanced at Uchiha Sora in confusion.

She didn’t understand what he was going to do.

But the next second, Uchiha Sora disappeared from Nanao’s sight.

A palm was already pressed on it.。

“not good! ” Nanao was shocked.

But it was too late.


Nanao was also transferred.

In less than a second, Uchiha Sora appeared next to Hashirama again.

He took a slight breath and sighed: “Transported in one breath Six tailed beasts, what a feat! ”

Fortunately, he has just obtained the human body of Hashirama Senshi. His physique has been greatly strengthened, his chakra recovery ability has been improved to a higher level, and his chakra amount has increased a lot, so he doesn’t have much burden.”。

“Thanks for your hard work! “Hashirama said gratefully.

If there had been no Uchiha Sora this time, he would have had to fight the tailed beasts here. Even if he won the battle, I’m afraid the clan land behind him would have been affected and disappeared. After all, and the tailed

beasts It’s not that easy for the beasts to fight。

“Come on, you can go pick them up now. “Uchiha Sora smiled faintly, grabbed Hashirama’s shoulders, and launched the Flying Thunder God Technique again. Whoops


When the two appeared again, they were already in a huge valley, with cliffs hundreds of meters high on both sides of the valley. , there is a large river flowing through the valley.

The six tailed beasts were all transferred to the beach by the river by Uchiha at this moment, and were besieging his four senjutsu shadow clones.

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